von BK-Bob | 09.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Artel „W“ Miniatures: Brutes

Sechs Rohlinge haben den Shop von Artel „W“ Miniatures betreten.

Artel W Cyborg Brute 1.0 1 Artel W Cyborg Brute 1.0 2 Artel W Cyborg Brute 1.0 3 Artel W Cyborg Brute 1.0 4 Artel W Cyborg Brute 1.0 5 Artel W Cyborg Brute 1.0 6 Artel W Cyborg Brute 1.0 7 Artel W Cyborg Brute 1.0 8 Artel W Cyborg Brute 1.0 9 Artel W Cyborg Brute 1.0 10

Cyborg Brute 1.0 – 14,99$

Product Details

Brand: Artel „W“ Miniatures

Type: Miniature

Collection/Faction: Outlaws

Once a man – now the machine! If you need a calculated amount of violence and destruction in a precise location – he is your choice! He can do anything – kill one particular person in a crowd, burn settlement to the ground, cover your troops or smash trough enemy defense lines. Just get him a task – and all will be done.

Miniature for tabletop games and collecting.

Sculpted by Stepan Kotyarov.

Kit consists of 15 parts, including 5 optional weapons..

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 34mm from the feet to the eyes; 39mm total.

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 25mm base included.

Artel W Cyborg Brute 2.0 1 Artel W Cyborg Brute 2.0 2 Artel W Cyborg Brute 2.0 3 Artel W Cyborg Brute 2.0 4 Artel W Cyborg Brute 2.0 5 Artel W Cyborg Brute 2.0 6 Artel W Cyborg Brute 2.0 7 Artel W Cyborg Brute 2.0 8 Artel W Cyborg Brute 2.0 9 Artel W Cyborg Brute 2.0 10 Artel W Cyborg Brute 2.0 11

Cyborg Brute 2.0 – 19,99$

Product Details

Brand: Artel „W“ Miniatures

Type: Miniature

Collection/Faction: Outlaws

When the Cyborg 1.0 is not enough – comes model 2.0! Less humane – bigger destruction! Not only kill your enemies and destroy they settlements, but also make it with WRRRRRRR! So much fun for any overlord of the Underworld!

Miniature for tabletop games and collecting.

Sculpted by Stepan Kotyarov.

Kit consists of 16 parts, including 5 optional weapons..

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 34mm from the feet to the eyes; 41mm total.

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 25mm base included.

Artel W Mastermind Brute 1 Artel W Mastermind Brute 2 Artel W Mastermind Brute 3 Artel W Mastermind Brute 4 Artel W Mastermind Brute 5 Artel W Mastermind Brute 6 Artel W Mastermind Brute 7 Artel W Mastermind Brute 8 Artel W Mastermind Brute 9

Mastermind Brute – 14,99$

Product Details

Brand: Artel „W“ Miniatures

Type: Miniature

Collection/Faction: Outlaws

Living embodiment of psychic power, he`s capable of miracles. But, being merely a slave to corrupted overlords, controlled by dark technologies, he`s bringer of death and destruction.

Miniature for tabletop games and collecting.

Sculpted by Nikolai Sauthin

Kit consists of 7 parts, including optional backgear.

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 27,5mm from the feet to the eyes; 33mm total

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 32mm base included.

Artel W Tattered Brute 1 Artel W Tattered Brute 2 Artel W Tattered Brute 3 Artel W Tattered Brute 4 Artel W Tattered Brute 6 Artel W Tattered Brute 9 Artel W Tattered Brute 11 Artel W Tattered Brute 13 Artel W Tattered Brute 15 Artel W Tattered Brute 5 Artel W Tattered Brute 7 Artel W Tattered Brute 8 Artel W Tattered Brute 10 Artel W Tattered Brute 12 Artel W Tattered Brute 14 Artel W Tattered Brute 16 Artel W Tattered Brute 17 Artel W Tattered Brute 18

Tattered Brute – 19,99$

Product Details

Brand: Artel „W“ Miniatures

Type: Miniature

Collection/Faction: Outlaws

Who is brain and who is muscle in this bizarre simbiosis? Hulking silent beast, made from dead bodies parts, and screaming halfling, who`s face is forever hide… Who are they? It`s irrelevant, since they are loyal servants for their overlords, champions of cruelty and brutal violence.

Miniature for tabletop games and collecting.

Kit consists of 20 parts, including numerous options.

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 33mm from the feet to the eyes of Big Guy; 55mm total (to the top of Small Guy).

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 40mm base included.

Artel W Unstoppable Brute 1 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 2 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 3 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 4 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 7 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 11 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 12 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 13 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 16 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 5 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 9 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 10 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 15 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 17 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 6 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 8 Artel W Unstoppable Brute 14

Unstoppable Brute – 19,99$

Product Details

Brand: Artel „W“ Miniatures

Type: Miniature

Collection/Faction: Outlaws

No one and nothing can stop him! Better get our of his way, or you will be crushed, stomped, beated and, probably, chewed. Not the brightest guy in the Underworld… but who cares?! Point him in the right direction, step aside – and enjoy the destruction! Also, he can play ball!!!

Miniature for tabletop games and collecting.

Sculpted by Stepan Kotyarov.

Kit consists of 11 parts, including optional heads and weapons.

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 41mm from the feet to the eyes; 45,5mm total.

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 40mm base included.

Artel W Cripoid Brute 1 Artel W Cripoid Brute 2 Artel W Cripoid Brute 3 Artel W Cripoid Brute 4 Artel W Cripoid Brute 5 Artel W Cripoid Brute 6 Artel W Cripoid Brute 7 Artel W Cripoid Brute 8 Artel W Cripoid Brute 9 Artel W Cripoid Brute 10 Artel W Cripoid Brute 11 Artel W Cripoid Brute 12

Cripoid Brute – 17,99$

Product Details

Brand: Artel „W“ Miniatures

Type: Miniature

Collection/Faction: Outlaws

Born by wierdest science. Fed by human flesh. Hiding in shadows. Targeted to kill. He is darkest nightmare of Outlaw Underworld. He is Silent Hunter. You`re his prey.

Miniature for tabletop games and collecting.

Sculpted by Sergey Rynkov

Kit consists of 14 parts.

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 42mm from the feet to the eyes; 61mm total

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 40mm base included.

Quelle: Artel „W“ Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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