von BK-Thorsten | 08.10.2020 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Aristeia: Multiplayer Erweiterung

Aristeia! kann nun auch mit bis zu 4 SPielern gezockt werden.

Prime Time Multiplayer Expansion 1 Prime Time Multiplayer Expansion 2 Prime Time Multiplayer Expansion 3 Prime Time Multiplayer Expansion 4

Prime Time Multiplayer Expansion – 34,99 €

“Good evening, dear spectators, and good evening, Final Boss. Are you ready for a new experience?”
“I sure am, Vince! Good evening, everyone. I’m bursting with excite-ment. Vissiorama has once again listened to the pleas of our respec-table fans – creating a new way to enjoy Aristeia! by utilizing teams. I believe we’re in for quick, frenetic fights, and a good dose of action and violence.”
“Ha, ha, ha. You’re right, Final Boss. Besides watching their favorite aristoi, our spectators will surely enjoy the new surprises hidden all over the HexaDome: booby traps with a wide range of effects – not always adverse, mind you. Then there are the Running Projectiles…”
“Those little explosive robots? We would use Crazy Koalas in my unit back in the day and let me tell you, if one of those grabbed your leg, oh boy, you’d better pray every prayer in the book.”
“Well, then let’s not make our spectators wait any longer! Welcome to this weekly edition. Welcome to Aristeia! Prime Time. And remember the golden rule: Blink and you’ll miss it!”

Prime Time is a new Aristeia! expansion that allows up to 4 players to play in the HexaDome. The fun is multiplied, while the rules and some game elements have been adapted to keep the same rhythm, feeling, and match duration of Aristeia!. The booklet includes 4 new scenarios that are exclusive to this multiplayer mode, some of which will eventually be adapted to the standard game mode.

Being an experienced player is not necessary at all. Prime Time’s booklet includes an introduction which will allow rookie players to easily learn the ropes of Aristeia!, step by step, with the appropriate modifications added for 3 or 4 players. Two specific short-duration scenarios are also added to help players learn the basic concepts and mechanics of Aristeia!. Veteran players will find a section with all of Prime Time’s new rules, so they will not need to go through the tutorial.

All In One Aristeia Core Prime Time Bundle 1 All In One Aristeia Core Prime Time Bundle 2 All In One Aristeia Core Prime Time Bundle 3

All-In-One Aristeia! Core + Prime Time Bundle – 84,99 €

The All-In-One box includes the Aristeia! Core Box and the Prime Time box, the expansion that adds all the rules and necessary materials to allow up to 4 players to join the fun, and new scenarios and Aristeia-compatible game elements, such as objective cards, running projectiles and more.

Box contains:

  • 1x Aristeia! Core Box
  • 1x Aristeia! Prime Time

Quelle: Offizielle Aristeia!-Homepage

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Community-Link: O-12.de


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Sehr cool, dass man nur zu zweit spielen kann war finde ich das größte Manko des Spiels (aus Brettspielsicht, für Tabletops ist das ja normal). Auf den Bildern sind keine Minis für die Erweiterung abgebildet. Ich kann dem Text dazu nichts entnehmen, weiß jemand ob man mit den 8 Minis aus der Grundbox auch mit 4 Spielern spielen kann oder ob man dann noch Erweiterungssets kaufen muss?

    • muss ich leider auch sagen (zuminest aus sicht meines Kontos leider), ein Arena Spiel fehlt mir noch und das Bundle wirkt sehr verlockend.

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