von BK-Nils | 29.12.2020 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

AoSRPG: Lumineth Realm-Lords Preview

Im kommenden Erweiterungsband, Champions of Order für das Rollenspiel Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulbound, werden die Lumineth Realm-Lords mit mehren Archetypen vertreten sein und Cubicle 7 zeigen diese in einer neuen Vorschau.

AoS: Champions of Order – Art Reveal!

Hi everyone, and welcome back to #MortalRealmsMonday. In early 2021 we’ll be releasing Champions of Order for Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulbound. Champions of Order gives players a wealth of new Talents, Archetypes, and spells to choose from. Champions of Order also introduces the Lumineth Realm-Lords to Soulbound. This week we’re going to share the final Archetype for Lumineth, and take a look at each Archetype shown so far.


Gleaming like the sun, you fight beside your allies with manoeuvres as deadly as they are beautiful.

The Vanari Warhosts defend the Great Nations of the Lumineth Realm-Lords. Some Vanari wield pikes and specialise in maintaining impenetrable phalanx formations. Others favour the bow, for the Lumineth in particular appreciate the clean geometric arc and swift death brought by the arrow. Most famous among the Vanari are the Dawnriders, cavaliers who have bonded stallions native to the Xintilian plains.

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The Vanari Warrior’s core Talent is called Shining Company. Whether a line of pikes or bows, years of training shoulder to shoulder with their companions allows the Vanari and their allies to fight together as a cohesive unit, making them a truly deadly opponent.


Spiritually attuned to the peaks of Hysh, you protect your elemental patron by putting a mountain’s weight behind every strike.

The Alarith Stoneguard was first revealed when we shared the cover for Champions of Order. They can be seen in the centre of the image, standing as implacable as the mountain that they are bonded to. Below you can see a new piece of art, showing the Stoneguard wielding their stone greathammer with explosive might.

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The Alarith Stoneguard can assume ‘mountain stance’ in combat. In this stance, the Stoneguard is almost impossible to move, making them perfectly suited for protecting their allies or defending vital locations.


You have endured the worst of the mountain’s punishment to prove your sincerity, and now you may channel its strength.

Like the Stoneguard, the Alarith Stonemage can be seen on the cover for Champions of Order. Below is a new piece of art, giving a closer look at this powerful mage.

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The Alarith Stonemage wields a powerful new Lore of magic — the Lore of the High Peaks. The magic of the High Peaks is taught by the aelementiri and is drawn from the spirit of the mountain. It allows the wielder to hurl rocks and boulders, and to bend gravity to confound and crush their adversaries.


You carry all your kin’s repressed emotions, which you use to suffocate the enemies of the light.

We showed off the Scinari Cathallar in our Dragonmeet update recently, along with the Shadowstalker of the Daughters of Khaine. You can see that update here.

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The Scinari Cathallar carry a heaven burden, drawing in the worst impulses and emotions of those around them so others need not suffer. The Scinari teeters over the abyss of negative emotion and has managed to weaponise this. In play, the Scinari can use tap into Doom to gain a bonus to spellcasting Tests, making them more powerful as the world falls to darkness.


Champions of Order gives players a wealth of new options for creating characters in Soulbound and features new Archetypes, new Talents, and devastating new spells. It’s packed with content and options to expand on your Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound game. The book includes

  1. Introduction: An introduction to using Champions of Order in your game.
  2. The Soulbound: An expanded look at the Soulbound and their history, details on the mysterious Binding ritual that links the heroes’ souls together, and tables filled with sample Short- and Long-term Goals for your hero.
  3. Archetypes and Factions: This chapter contains new Archetypes, as well as rules for playing sub-factions such as Stormcast Eternal Stormhosts, Sylvaneth Glades, Khainite Temples, and Fyreslayer Lodges.
  4. Talents and Miracles: This chapter contains almost 100 new Talents and 50 new Miracles to further customise and develop your hero!
  5. Spells: This chapter gives spellcasters 50 devastating new spells to unleash, including a brand new Lore — the Lore of the High Peaks!
  6. Equipment: New Archetypes mean new equipment!
  7. Between Adventures: One of the most popular elements of Soulbound has been the Endeavours system, which allows players to undertake various tasks in their downtime. This chapter adds over 30 new Endeavours to choose from. As well as that, this chapter includes over a dozen new contacts players can make, from Collegiate Scholars to Kharadron Endrineers.

Quelle: Cubicle 7


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Bin sehr gespannt auf das Buch. Cubicle7 hat bis jetzt mit Soulbound gute Arbeit gemacht.

    Ich habe ja die Hoffnung, dass das Buch auch etwas mehr Hintergrund für Hysh und die Lumineth liefert.

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