von BK-Bob | 18.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Patreon, Science-Fiction

Anvil Industry: November Patreon

Auch bei Anvil Digital Forge ist das Thema im November Cyberpunk.

Anvil Digital Forge November 1

Hello everyone,

November’s theme is CYBERPUNK and we have a fantastic set of modular, multipart infantry figures, characters, and scatter terrain elements.

Anvil Digital Forge November 2

Here are just some examples of possible models you can make using the modular infantry components (and more can be made by mixing with our other month’s downloads or our resin range).

Anvil Digital Forge November 3 Anvil Digital Forge November 4 Anvil Digital Forge November 5

Here are the separate components:

Anvil Digital Forge November 6 Anvil Digital Forge November 7

The „mantis blade“ arms are the same size as our female arms, but can be scaled to 120% to fit the male torsos.

Anvil Digital Forge November 8

Loads of heads make excellent bionic upgrades for other months/different miniatures.

Anvil Digital Forge November 9

Weapons are supplied both complete (shown above) and with connections to work with the rifle arms.

As well as modular infantry, we have a selection of more unique characters for the setting.

This Biker is first to arrive on the scene where there are profits to be made.

Anvil Digital Forge November 10

The smoke elements are separate/optional, and the body elements are separate, so it would be reasonably easy to create an alternative rider for the bike if desired.

Anvil Digital Forge November 11

If this Bouncer says the club is full, it’s probably best not to argue!

Anvil Digital Forge November 12

Also supplied with a fist option as well as the pistol hand.

Anvil Digital Forge November 13

This Reporter is on hand to let the entire city know when things kick off!  Her Camera drone could also be used as a generic security patrol.

Anvil Digital Forge November 14

Finally, the Mechanic has the muscles and equipment to fix, or break, anything it likes.

Based on our „Ephraim Bolivar“ Afterlife sculpt, but upscaled a little and given a work boilersuit for long shifts „upgrading“ customers!

Anvil Digital Forge November 15

The pistol and wrench are separate components, and additionally, the legs are separate, so any of our male regiments torsos will fit on the boilersuit legs.

To complete the street scene, we have some great scatter terrain for making near future buildings!

All the elements in the Server Room are separate so you can build any configuration.

Anvil Digital Forge November 16

Vending Machines keep your fighters, and innocent bystanders alike, well-fed and hydrated!  A Concrete-encased ATM Terminal is a great mission objective!

Anvil Digital Forge November 17

Finally, Street signs, including some detailed as well as plain, are a great way to upgrade and customise buildings.

Anvil Digital Forge November 18

We hope you enjoy printing and gaming with these figures as much as we enjoyed designing them!


Team Anvil

Quelle: Anvil Digital Forge


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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