von BK-Nils | 13.07.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Fantasy

AntiMatter Games: Weitere Previews

AntiMatter Games geben auf Facebook eine weitere Vorschau auf ihren kommenden Kickstarter und zeigen Render für verschiedene Helden der lichtlosen Tiefen.

AntiMatter Games Corbram Barbarian Lord Of The Sunken Kingdom Preview 1 AntiMatter Games Corbram Barbarian Lord Of The Sunken Kingdom Preview 2 AntiMatter Games Corbram Barbarian Lord Of The Sunken Kingdom Preview 3 AntiMatter Games Corbram Barbarian Lord Of The Sunken Kingdom Preview 4

We’re almost ready for the next STL Kickstarter, focusing on Heroes and Monsters of Legend. Here is an ancient hero, Corbram – Barbarian Lord of the Sunken Kingdom. Corbram battled against the kingdom of the serpents in ages past, and was transported to the time of the Uncharted Realms, the late 1690’s, by their dark magic. He continues the battle in a strange world, his only goal to eradicate the serpents from existence and return to his time. Sculpted by David Arenas from concept art by Kennon James.

AntiMatter Games Belladonna Da Vinci Preview 1 AntiMatter Games Belladonna Da Vinci Preview 2 AntiMatter Games Belladonna Da Vinci Preview 3

Belladonna da Vinci is a direct descendant of Leonardo and carries on his tradition of invention. She has developed weapons that can affect beings in ethereal space and other devices utilizing ether technology.

AntiMatter Games Demon Huntress 1 AntiMatter Games Demon Huntress 2 AntiMatter Games Demon Huntress 3
The Demon Huntress is coming soon the Uncharted Realms. She will be part of the next STL Kickstarter. Sculpted by David Arenas.
Quelle: AntiMatter Games auf Facebook

Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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