von bkredaktion | 01.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

AntiMatter Games: Uncharted Realms Preview

AntiMatter Games zeigen weitere Previews für Uncharted Realms, mit neuen Bodenplänen, Rendern und Artworks.

AntiMatter Games Marsh Witch Scenario Preview 1 AntiMatter Games Marsh Witch Scenario Preview 2 AntiMatter Games Marsh Witch Scenario Preview 3

Here is another sneak peek from the development of the new 2-player campaign set for the Uncharted Realms. This is the map from one of the scenarios, centered around the Marsh Witch and her giant Troll. The map is designed so that there can be a roof „cap“ that can be placed on top of the map to cover the interior of the witch house. The 3D models sets for the house and scenery can also be placed upon a basic swamp map for those that want a more detailed level. The physical set will include the regular map and downloadable STL files for those that want to print the scenery.

AntiMatter Games Empire Of Atalán Preview

The Empire of Atalán in the Uncharted Realms is an alliance between the Ancients with their marine technology and the Axibalán Empire, with their armies of beastmen and powerful sorceresses. This new empire, led by Azcalta, has reactivated a long-forgotten network of ethereal energy generators on the surface world and commenced their invasion. As their kingdoms crumble under the attacks from multiple fronts, a small band of Fortune Hunters begin a mission to locate a power nexus deep underground to disable a section of the ethereal fields. They are pursued by a warband of the Empire of Atalán, led by the deadly Amatzl Temple Commander, Tayanna Chakal.

AntiMatter Games Laboratory Of Dr. Drachenstein

Here is another speak peek, this time the map for the laboratory of Dr. Drachenstein. This is the scene of the first battle of the upcoming campaign, where the Fortune Hunters and Empire of Atalan search for information to lead them to the Gates of Cerberus. We are producing the scenic bits and furniture for 3D printing and will also have a plain floorplan file for those that want to use that scenery.

Quelle: The Abyssal Realms Facebookgruppe


Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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