von BK-Herr Kemper | 15.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

Antenociti’s Workshop: Update

Nachdem Antenocit’s Workshop im neuen Workshop seine Zelte aufgeschlagen hat – und die Deko auch wieder stimmt – gibt es erste Neuerscheinungen.

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Antenociti’s Workshop – neuer Workshop

Slowly finishing off the work areas as we continue to finish off the move…
The resin casting area is now finished thanks to the overhead mounted pressure hose (keeps it off the floor as a trip hazard) All of the pots are now levelled, heated, and have two shelves installed.
„Photo“ area now ahs a second desk for building new tables (starting work on the modern/survival board).
A small spray booth set up near the entrance.
And Ben’s work area now has various bits of old artwork on the walls to pretty the place up a bit.
Antenociti's Workshop Fantasy Tisch Antenociti's Workshop Fantasy Tisch2 Antenociti's Workshop Fantasy Tisch4 Antenociti's Workshop Fantasy Tisch5

Antenociti’s Workshop – Fantasy Tisch

Round Table Set and Square Table Set, for fantasy wargaming now available on our site. Each set has highly detailed table tops featuring bottles, food and books etc, with benches or chairs to match
Perfect for adding detail to any fantasy or steampunk setting, and work well with D&D.
Antenociti's Workshop Cyberpunk Fahrzeuge Antenociti's Workshop Cyberpunk Fahrzeuge2 Antenociti's Workshop Cyberpunk Fahrzeuge4 Antenociti's Workshop Cyberpunk Fahrzeuge5 Antenociti's Workshop Cyberpunk Fahrzeuge6 Antenociti's Workshop Cyberpunk Fahrzeuge7 Antenociti's Workshop Cyberpunk Fahrzeuge8 Antenociti's Workshop Cyberpunk Fahrzeuge9

Antenociti’s Workshop – Cyberpunk Fahrzeuge

More releases today, this time a little bit of cyberpunk. Two new vehicles to add to our cyberpunk line, the Anime Van and the BWD Dragonfly.
The Anime Van is a cute little work van, taller than it is wide, with separate wheels, ideal for blocking line of sight and adding cover to roads.
The BWD Dragonfly is a hover style sports car, the ideal thing for the executive with too much money. A piece of clear acrylic is provided to simulate the car being able to hover.
Both vehicles are 28mm scale, and cast in resin. Available here: https://www.antenocitisworkshop.com/product-category/cyberpunk/
Quelle: Antenociti’s Workshop FB
BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ach guck, das war der Grund warum die Antwort solange dauerte. Hatten sie mir dann auch geschrieben. Warte leider auch noch auf ne Order aus dem Mai. Lag wohl an dem seltsamen Paketdienst.

    • Bin kein großer Anime-Fan und hab wenige Sachen, aber das gesuchte Poster ist von Appleseed (Corvus Belli hat sich aus beiden Filmen bei ein paar Designs bedient – immer lustig, die „Inspiration“ dann auf einmal zu sehn 😛).

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