von BK-Christian | 12.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Antike, Crowdfunding

Agema Miniatures: Etrusker Kickstarter

Agema Miniatures finanzieren auf Kickstarter gerade Modelle für Etrusker.

AM Agema Etruscan Warriors 1

Und darum geht es:

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This project is designed to bring to life a vital, but often overlooked aspect of ancient Roman and Mediterranean history, the warrior culture of the Etruscans. Much of Etruscan culture and heritage was absorbed by, and essentially became, Roman but the Etruscans were a distinct culture of their own. This range will bring these fascinating and unique warriors to your Ancients tabletop gaming.

Like much of the ancient world, the Etruscans had a very strong class structure. Nobles and their families made up the Class I warriors. Their close retainers and bodyguards are regarded as Class II warriors. Trained fighters who were regularly used in armed forces are Class III. The rest of the ranks were filled out by civilians pressed into service and these are regarded as Class IV and V warriors.

This campaign will bring a great variety of new Etruscan miniatures for all Classes to the wargaming world. Stavros Zouliatis has sculpted the models in this range, so they match up perfectly alongside the Mortal Gods range he has sculpted for Footsore Miniatures & Games.

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Pledge Levels

These are the pledge levels you can choose from. This campaign is a little different from most as you can add as many additional packs as you like to your pledge. This is done by increasing your pledge total. See the graphic on this page to learn how to do this.

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Packs Available

These are the packs that we are funding with this campaign. After we pass our funding goal, we have other packs we would like to add as stretch goals. Once they are „unlocked“, we will add them to this list and they can be added to your pledge as normal.

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Stretch Goals

Once we have reached our funding goal, we would love to be able to put these other miniatures into production too!

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Shipping costs are not included in the prices in this campaign. They will be collected in the pledge manager after the campaign. They will be based on the actual shipping costs from the UK, and will vary by the weight and destination of the packages. We will endeavor to have a reasonably clear projection for you all before the end of this campaign. Production and fulfillment will be done by the team at Footsore Miniatures & Games, who have a proven track record for quality casting, shipping, and customer service.

Die Kampagne endet in 19 Tagen.

Quelle: Etruscan Warriors – 28mm miniatures from Agema Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Bin direkt eingestiegen, um damit eine weitere kleine Truppe für CLASH aufzustellen. Agema machen auch einfach ziemlich schicke Sachen.

    • Hum, da hat wohl das System meinen Komnentarversuch gefressen… 🙂
      Jedenfalls ein cooler neuer Skirmisher für Antike und Mittelalter. Der Fokus liegt erst mal auf dem westlichen Mittelmeerraum vom späten 4. bis zum 2. Jh. v. Chr., also Pyrrhos, Hannibal und Co.
      Flexible Einheitengrößen, komplett auf Scharmützel und kleinere Gefechte (und entsprechende Szenarien) ausgelegt und stärker simulationistisch als zB SAGA oder SPQR (mit ein paar cleveren Ideen und W6 für Tests). Durch Fatigue, Action Points und Command Points gibt’s etwas Mikromanagement, aber durch die überschaubaren Truppengrößen ist das kein Problem. Insgesamt mMn echt gut gelungen. Für alle, die sich für die Speer- und Schwertzeiten interessieren, auf jeden Fall einen Blick wert. 😀

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