von bkredaktion | 17.09.2020 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

Aeronautica Imperialis: Mega Bommer Preview

Es gibt eine neue Vorschau für Aeronautica Imperialis, der mächtige Mega Bommer erhebt sich in die Lüfte der fernen Zukunft um Tod und Zerstörung auf die Feinde der Orks regnen zu lassen.

Flight Plan: Mega Air WAAAGH!

This month, we want to shed some light on a very exciting new aircraft for Ork Air Waaagh! players. A very BIG light, indeed. Behold…




Games Workshop Flight Plan Mega Air WAAAGH! 1

If you thought the Eavy Bommers were big enough, you don’t deserve to call yourself an Ork. Obsessed Mekboys constantly compete to create the biggest and shootiest aircraft around. The Mega Bommer is the extreme end of that line of thinking.

In addition to its sheer size, the Mega Bommer is a wonderfully unsubtle design – all wings and bombs and guns and jets. Not only is it exceptionally hard to take down, loaded to the rafters with dakka (including a full flak cannon battery every bit as deadly as the ground-based version), but it also carries the final word in indiscriminate destruction – the mega bomb itself.

Don’t believe us? Take a look at these stats…

Games Workshop Flight Plan Mega Air WAAAGH! 2

This flying fortress relies on loads of guns to cover every angle and the remarkable durability of 10(!) Structure Points instead of fancy flying – the highest number currently in the game. What could possibly be more Orky?

And get a load of that bomb… A full 10 Firepower, causing damage on a 2+, with extra damage on a 4 or better? If something can possibly withstand that assault, don’t worry – you can take up to four additional big bombs, AND two extra pairs of rokkits for good measure. This thing is a fleet unto itself.

Games Workshop Flight Plan Mega Air WAAAGH! 3

If you’re looking for a rewarding modelling experience, this resin kit is the largest released for Aeronautica Imperialis by far. It comes supplied in 61 pieces, including a choice of two nose designs and the optional underslung bombs and rokkits. It’s so big, in fact, that it includes a custom flying stem to allow it to sit higher than other planes.

While such an aircraft can certainly hold its own, it’s best when employed as the lynchpin of a massive Air Waaagh! While you wait for the Mega Bommer to taxi to the head of the runway, make sure to pick up some more Eavy Bommers, Dakkajets, and Fighta Bommerz. The Mega Bommer will soak up loads of enemy fire, letting your smaller planes engage targets at their leisure.

Check back for next month’s Flight Plan for another exciting glimpse into the future of Aeronautica Imperialis. Until then – watch your six!

Quelle: Games Workshop


Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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  • Schickes Teil. Aber da es von Forge World kommt, wird es wohl ziemlich teuer werden. Da passe ich lieber.

    Die einzigen Großmodelle, die ich mir für Aeronautice von Forge World hohlen würde wären einmal der Tau Manta – der wohl ziemlich sicher noch kommen wird – und ein Space Marine Thunderhowk, sofern wir das nicht noch später als Platikbausatz sehen werden, sofern die Luftwaffe der Marines noch ins Spiel kommen sollte.

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