von bkredaktion | 21.10.2020 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

Aeronautica Imperialis: Bodenziele Preview

Bei Aeronautica Imperialis werden nicht nur Luftschächten zwischen den Fraktionen der fernen Zukunft ausgetragen, auch auf dem Boden können wertvolle Ziele und gefährliche Luftabwehr eine entscheidende Rolle spielen.

Flight Plan: You’re Grounded

We’ve got a treat for Aeronautica Imperialis fans this month! If you’ve read the Taros Air War book, you surely noticed a new set of Ground Assets for both the Astra Militarum and T’au Air Caste? Well, today we’re taking a closer look at them.

Games Workshop Flight Plan You’re Grounded 1

Astra Militarum Ground Assets

The Astra Militarum utilises rapid-deployment air support weapons platforms to defend important command posts, forward staging points, and supply dumps from enemy aircraft. Just like everything else in the largest military apparatus in the galaxy, they might be clunky but they’re deadly in numbers.

Hydra Flak Battery

Games Workshop Flight Plan You’re Grounded 2

These anti-aircraft guns come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, but they all fill the air with clouds of lethal shrapnel to shred hostile aircraft. This rough-and-ready Astra Militarum version looks just as brutal as you’d expect, with slab-sided armour and four massive guns.

Games Workshop Flight Plan You’re Grounded 3

Even a single one of these cannons can punch holes in enemy aircraft at long-range. When deployed en masse, they can create a killing field, allowing friendly aircraft to focus fire on the juiciest targets.

In addition to these weapon emplacements, you’ll find a sturdy refuelling station to represent objectives for your missions.

These models all fit right in with that rugged Astra Militarum aesthetic, and being the same scale as Adeptus Titanicus means they’d look great with Titans stomping around them as well!

T’au Air Caste Ground Assets

The T’au Empire utilises impressive technology on every front, and the Ground Defences they deploy in support of the Air Caste are no exception.

KV 127 Skyfire Platform

Games Workshop Flight Plan You’re Grounded 7

Skyfire Platforms use aerial markerlight drones to ‘paint’ enemy aircraft, sending precision bursts of fire to knock them out of the skies. The burst cannon array is also capable of saturating the air with a hail of destructive energy at mid-range.

Games Workshop Flight Plan You’re Grounded 8

That’s a lot of Firepower for not a lot of points, and your enemies will think twice about what they send into that deadly mid-range band.

KV 129 Stormfury Platform

Games Workshop Flight Plan You’re Grounded 9

If the Skyfire’s a shotgun, the Stormfury’s a sniper rifle. Two of them, actually – really big ones. They’re effective at long-range, and with a high Effective Altitude, no target is safe from your railgun array. At a mere 7 points each, they’ll help soften up your toughest targets or pick off stragglers to free up your Fighters to engage elsewhere.

Games Workshop Flight Plan You’re Grounded 10

Alongside the weapons, you’ll get a T’au Air Caste communications tower that can be used as a ground objective during your games.*

Games Workshop Flight Plan You’re Grounded 11

It’s pretty awesome to see all these distinctive T’au Empire designs in a new scale, and one or two of these Ground Assets placed on your Area of Engagement will really bring your games to life.

If you haven’t yet taken the plunge, grab the Aeronautica Imperialis: Skies of Fire box to get started on your Astra Militarum and Imperial Navy, and T’au Air Caste forces! The box includes everything you need to play, including a double-sided T’au Empire-themed Area of Engagement mat that will look great with these Ground Assets on it.

Quelle: Games Workshop



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  • Mal gucken wie lang es diesmal dauert, bis so ein essentielles Zubehör eines Systems wieder vergriffen ist. Die ersten Box mit diesem Bodenzielen war ja bereits nach 3-4 Monaten nach Einführung des Systems vergriffen. Man kann es halt auch einen neuen Spielsystem unnötig schwer machen. Ich hoffe diesmal machen sie es besser. Für mich als Orkspieler wäre trotzdem eine Neuauflage des ersten Sets schöner

    • Artikelnummer 500-02, falls du aktiv suchen willst. Kumpel hat vor 2 Monaten noch eins auf ebay zum anderthalbfachen Preis bekommen.

      Ich hasse deren Shotgun-Marketing.
      Und die Verlagerung vieler Kleinheiten nach Forgeworld noch mehr. Das System wird von GW aktiv gekillt, weil die lokalen Läden keinen Grund haben, es zu unterstützen, da sie bei FW keine Konditionen bekommen und der Kram auch für die Endkunden unattraktiv teuer ist.

  • thema bodenziele:

    es fehlt der resigniert in embryo-haltung liegende Eldar-Runenleser.

    vermutlich soll man froh sein, dass überhaupt irgendwas abseits des Imperiums im spiel ist, aber so langsam könnten die ruhig mal andere fraktionen als die bisherigen drei bedienen.

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