von BK-Markus | 13.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: A Song of Ice and Fire

A Song of Ice and Fire: Neuheiten

Cool Mini or Not präsentieren weitere neuheiten für A Song of Ice and Fire.

A Song Of Ice And Fire Neuheiten 01

A Rose Knight By Any Other Name…

Beyond the various characters of the court, different military units also feel that one side or the other would be more suited to rule. In the case of the Rose Knights, they are fiercely devoted to Renly. Their loyalty is paid in the form of funding for the best armor around, elite training, and resplendent, green attire to match Renly’s own sensibilities. These Rose Knights will soon hit the field in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game. Let’s take a look at what they’ll do in the game.

For starters, the Rose Knights cost 7 points to field. Weighed down by their heavy armor, the unit only has a Speed of 4. However, that armor comes in handy with their 3+ Defense Save. On average, they’ll turn away 2/3 of the attacks thrown their direction. That should keep them in the fight longer. Another thing that will keep them in the fight is their Morale of 6+. It’s not easy to get a Rose Knight to simply run off the battlefield. Offensively, the unit rolls 8 Attack dice at full ranks and all that training has paid off, letting them hit on a 3+.

The Rose Knights have three special abilities that play off each-another. The first is Perseverance and Valor. Whenever the unit makes a melee attack, before Attack dice are rolled, the unit may Restore 1 Wound. That can potentially bring back another rank, giving them more Attack dice to roll for an attack. At the very least, any time a unit is able to Restore Wounds, that’s going to keep them fighting longer. But that’s not the only way that the Rose Knights can regain Wounds. Dauntless, their next special ability lets them restore 1 Wound whenever they pass a Morale Test. As mentioned above, their 6+ Morale value means they’ll pass more often than they fail, meaning what could have potentially lost them Wounds, such as a Panic Test, can actually bolster the unit’s ranks.

The Rose Knights go a step further and have turned their own gain into the opponent’s loss with their final ability. Deadly Bloom states that whenever the Rose Knights Restore Wounds, an opponent engaged with them suffers 1 Wound. So, in an average melee exchange the Rose Knights initiate, before the dice have even been rolled, the Rose Knights will gain 1 Wound from Perseverance and the enemy will suffer 1 Wound. Meanwhile, whenever the enemy attacks them, the Rose Knights, with a passed Panic Test, will restore 1 Wound, possibly negating any gains made by the opponent as well as once more dealing that foe an automatic Wound. Any sort of automatic damage like that, since Wounds ignore Defense Saves, is rare and puts the Rose Knights in a unique position where a commander can be certain of doing at least a little damage to an enemy with an attack, regardless of what the dice might roll.

The Rose Knights are a hearty unit that have plenty of defense and restorative powers that they can also turn into offensive might. House Baratheon players looking to support Renly for the Iron Throne will gain a powerful unit when these troops hit the battlefield on August 7th. Be sure to ask your LGS about getting some for you.

You can read more about the Rose Knights here.

A Song Of Ice And Fire Neuheiten 02

The Lord of Light’s Servants Go to War

The Lord of Light guides their actions and has told them that Stannis Baratheon should be the next on the Iron Throne. They’ve taken to the field as the R’hllor Faithful, brandishing their flaming swords to defeat their foes with devout fire. Soon, House Baratheon players will be able to add this pious unit to their armies in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game. Let’s take a look at what these devout fighters are capable of.

The R’hllor Faithful unit costs 7 points to field. They are loyal to Stannis Baratheon. Since House Baratheon is a House divided, certain characters and units will only fight for one brother or the other, and an army cannot contain mixed Loyalty figures. In this case, the Faithful can only be added to armies devoted to Stannis. The unit has a moderate Speed of 5, and they have a moderate Defense Save of 5+. However, their Morale value reflects their steadfast devotion to R’hllor, with an impressive 4+. That Morale value will also fuel their Heart of Fire special ability.

Heart of Fire stats that whenever the unit passes a Morale Test, they gain a Faith Token. The unit may then spend Faith tokens for one of two effects. The first is that after an enemy unit attacks them in melee, the R’hllor Faithful can force them to make a Panic Test with a -1 to their roll for each remaining rank in the Faithful unit. The second gives the House Baratheon player one last bonus before the unit is destroyed. If they spend a Faith Token just as the unit is removed, then another friendly R’hllor unit within Long Range may make one free Attack action as they’re spurred on by the show of devotion by the now-martyred soldiers.

Offensively, the R’hllor Faithful have trained hard with their flaming swords. They roll 8 attack dice when at full ranks and hit on a respectable 3+. Their attacks also have Vicious, which means defenders suffer -2 to their Panic Test. Nobody likes the idea of being stabbed, but being stabbed by a flaming sword by a religious zealot is even less appealing.

The R’hllor Faithful also comes with a unit attachment. It’s the Red Priestess and she costs 1 point to add to a unit. Like the R’hllor Faithful unit, she is loyal to Stannis Baratheon and can only be included in armies following him. If she’s in a unit when the unit activates, the player may have the unit make a Morale Test, rerolling all dice on a failed Test if they remove 1 Wound from the unit. If the unit passes the Morale Test, then the target of the unit’s attack becomes Panicked and Vulnerable. The Red Priestesses are able to bring out the devotion in those she leads and that show of faith can shake opponents to the core.

The R’hllor Faithful gives Stannis Baratheon players a solid melee-based unit that can be relied upon to keep on the field and not run away under poor conditions. The Red Priestess gives a real threat as Panicked and Vulnerable condition tokens can cause an enemy unit to suddenly lose any defensive sturdiness that they might’ve once had. One never knows what will happen when the dice are rerolled.

The R’hllor Faithful unit will be available August 7th. Be sure to check with your LGS to make sure they have a unit or two on order for you.


A Song of Ice and Fire ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Cool Mini or Not

Link: Cool Mini or Not


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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  • Die Rose Knights sind einfach nur hübsch, wenn auch langweilig zu spielen; Bei den Faithful ist es dann wieder genau andersherum, eher so „meh“ im aussehen aber spannende Mechanik…
    da werd ich wohl zuschlagen, auch wenn ich (noch) nicht Baratheon spiele 😀

  • Wie sieht’s denn mit dem System aus?
    Taugt das was?

    Wie ist das bisher bei der Community angekommen?

  • Das System ist gut. Noch. Diese Zweifel erwähne ich, weil ich skeptisch bin was die Balance von angekündigten Modellen wie Mammuts und Drachen und deren Auswirkung auf das Spiel in.
    Aktuell gibt es ein paar Kritikpunkte bei mir.
    – der Hersteller oder Distributor schafft es nicht, ausreichend schnell für Nachschub/Verfügbarkeit von Neuheiten in Europa zu sorgen. Die Warterei nervt (und die beiden Boxen stehen exemplarisch. Seit einer Woche verfügbar?Wo?)
    – Nach einer Starterbox für eine Fraktion dauert es sehr lange bis man neue Einheiten und Varianz einbringen kann.
    Baratheons sind z.B. seit fast einem Jahr draußen, haben aber kaum Einheiten zur Verfügung.
    – Meiner Erfahrung nach sind teure Einheiten/Attachments ihre Punkte kaum wert. Masse und Aktivierungen sind wichtiger.
    – Das Balancing funktioniert noch nicht ganz. Einige Einheiten müssten überarbeitet werden, andere wurden unverständlicherweise hin und her geändert (Flyed Men, Greataxes). Aber wenigstens gibt es nachträgliche Änderungen.

    Aber die generelle Spielmechanik weiß zu gefallen. Der Kampf um das Taktikboard und die Karten sind eine spaßige, interessante Komponente.
    Und ich muss mich bändigen, um nicht mit jeder neuen Fraktion anzufangen.
    Aber die Lizenz ist mMn. sekundär. Das Prinzip ist beliebig übertragbar und funktioniert auch ohne Lizenz.

    • – „der Hersteller oder Distributor schafft es nicht, ausreichend schnell für Nachschub/Verfügbarkeit von Neuheiten in Europa zu sorgen. Die Warterei nervt (und die beiden Boxen stehen exemplarisch. Seit einer Woche verfügbar?Wo?)“

      Jopp, Asmodee ist ne Pest, die haben mal ganz entspannt nur knapp die hälfte der nötigen boxen in den Umlauf gebracht, verteilen die nach gut dünken quer über die welt (uk/polen haben seit 6 monaten Unsullied, deutschland wartet immer noch) und shops dürfen jetzt ihren kunden klar machen das deren vorbestellung nicht bedient wird. Aber wenn man weiß wo und wann man ordert gehts eigendlich. Rose Knights waren seid gestern abend in nem UK shop verfügbar, sind inzwischen aber ausverkauft, wer die kohle hat sollte in Singapor ordern, da kommt zwar zoll drauf aber der Singapor Dollar ist schwach und die haben fast immer alles.

      – „Nach einer Starterbox für eine Fraktion dauert es sehr lange bis man neue Einheiten und Varianz einbringen kann.“

      Das Problem wird mit Greyjoys gezielt angegangen nachdem es bei Baras/Targs für unmut gesorgt hat, Greyjoys bekommen zu release direkt zu starterbox die Heldenbox 1 und zwei weitere Einheiten (sowie aktivation Banner).

      Den anderen Punkten stimme ich teilweise zu, wobei die ersten Änderungen für Varys, Greataxes und Flayed men nötig waren, die zweite Runde anpassung hätten sie lassen können, aber hey, das Meta shiftet und passt sich an. Die Drachen sehen soweit man sehen konnte bisher auch nicht zu schlimm aus, es wird natürlich dauern bis man sich an die gewöhnt hat, aber so bleibst weingstens frisch.
      Und mit den auf der letzten Expo gespoilerten änderung in Einheitenkarten und Abilities wird wohl in näherer Zukunft 1.6 oder sogar 2.0 einschlagen.

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