von BK-Nils | 15.12.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Terrain / Gelände

3D Alien Worlds: Japanische Burg

Die große japanische Burg von 3D Alien Worlds ist ab sofort erhältlich und kann als Druckdatei für den 3D Drucker erworben werden.

3DAlienWorlds Samurai Castle 1 3DAlienWorlds Samurai Castle 2

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3DAlienWorlds Samurai Castle 19

Samurai Castle – 60,00 USD

A truly massive 5-level castle building from old Japan. This gigantic building is covered in authentic details – interiors are lovingly detailed with tatami mats, wooden flooring, sliding screen doors, and each level is removable for gaming inside. Exterior walls feature wood grain planking and textured surfaces, and the roofing has authentic tiling and ornamental dragonfish on top! It can be used with or without the optional stone base section.

Two options for the front entrance are included – a ground level door, and an underground entrance for use with the 360x360mm base section. There is also an optional small roof which can be fitted over the underground entrance. When used with the 75mm tall base sections, this castle stretches up 460mm (!) above your battlefield.

Although this castle is not modelled after just one Japanese building, it features some great elements of world-famous castles – the overall shape and top floor roof is based on Osaka Castle’s proportions, the 5th level is based on Hiroshima Castle’s unique balcony and woodwork, and the wooden exterior walls are based on Kumamoto’s striking design.

This downloadable ZIP file (approx 300MB) contains the following STL files :

  • Castle base sections
  • Underground entrance
  • Ground-level entrance
  • 5 building levels
  • Detailed and authentic interiors
  • Connecting staircases

* Samurai warrior models not included. This castle requires approximately 3kg of PLA filament.

This product will be delivered as a .ZIP file pack containing STL files for use on a home 3D Printer. The files are set to 28mm scale but can be rescaled before printing.

  • All of the parts of this file can be printed on a 3D printer build plate of 125mm x 125mm.
  • All parts have manifold (3D-printable geometry) and have been test printed.
  • Models designed for 28mm (1:58 scale) wargaming, but can be resized for other scales on your printer.

Quelle: 3D Alien Worlds


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Etwas teurer als erwartet. Aber voll im Rahmen.
    Kommt nächstes Jahr wie geplant in den Drucker.

  • Das war eine schwere Geburt, aber sie war es wert.

    Da ich momentan einfach weiterhin im Ghost of Tsushima-Wahn bleibe würde ich sie echt gerne drucken, aber ich will mir gar nicht vorstellen wie lange ich daran drucke. Respekt. Mit nur einem Drucker dauert das ja ewig. Und ich glaube daran wird es letzten Endes auch scheitern.

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