von BK-Nils | 04.12.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Terrain / Gelände

3D Alien Worlds: Finale Japanische Burg Previews

Die japanische Burg von 3D Alien Worlds ist fertig und wird auf Facebook präsentiert.

3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 1

The completed 4th level of the castle, with an authentic interior – sand-textured walls, sliding doors and lots of tatami.

3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 2

Today’s preview pic is the completed 4th level stacked together with the top 5th level! Getting big now…

3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 3

Level 3 begins……

3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 4

Today’s preview pic is the assembled exterior of the 3rd level – and some pretty complicated support beams!

3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 5

Sooooo many tatami……. (and this is only level 3, it gets bigger the lower you go!)

3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 6

3rd floor of the castle finished! BIG photo coming tomorrow….

3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 7

Promised a BIG photo today…… here is the castle as it stands today, with levels 3, 4 and 5 completed!

3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 8

These ninja are looking for the secret entrance in the (still work-in-progress) 2nd level throne room…… Can you find it?

3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 9


3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 10

Two more days, then it’s fully-printed! Today assembly starts on the last level …. the throne room level!

3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 11

The castle’s FINAL section prints tonight, so for today here’s a work-in-progress of the assembly on the spacious throne room level, complete with some very fancy roof pieces!

3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 12

Final interior preview pic for you today – the Throne Room level (level2).

Tomorrow we’ll be showing off the FULL castle!!!!!

3D Alien Worlds Japanese Castle Print Preview 13

Lords and Ladies, I present the finished Samurai Castle……..

Quelle: 3D Alien Worlds auf Facebook


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Dafür brauche ich ja noch einen Drucker damit ich den aktuellen druckstau abbauen kann…

    Ach egal der eine mehr…

    Aber das Schloss ist wirklich schick.

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