X-Wing: Second Edition Imperial Raider Expansion
Fantasy Flight Games bringen Raider Klasse Korvette für die zweite Edition von Star Wars X-Wing in eine weit, weit entfernte Galaxie.
The Weight of the Empire
Announcing the Imperial Raider Expansion for Star Wars: X-Wing
„We will deal with your Rebel friends soon enough.“
—Grand Moff Tarkin, Star Wars: A New HopeThe flames of Rebellion move quickly, sweeping across entire star systems in an instant. While fleets of Imperial Star Destroyers can extinguish these flames, it is far better to stamp out the embers before they spread. Now, a new ship is on the way to crush the embers of Rebellion wherever they can be found. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the Imperial Raider Expansion Pack for Star Wars™: X-Wing!
Imperial Raider Expansion Pack – 99,95 Euro
An advanced patrol vessel developed by the Empire, the Raider-class Corvette is built to strike swiftly and decisively crush the embers of rebellion wherever they can be found. Capable of spewing out salvoes of ordnance or firing focused blasts at any target hapless enough to be caught in its killzone, the Raider is a terrifying opponent on the battlefield.
Within this expansion, you’ll find everything you need to add a Raider-class Corvette to either your Galactic Empire or First Order squadrons, including two ship cards and variety of upgrade cards inviting you to outfit your ship with Commands, Teams, Cargo, and potent Hardpoints. You’ll also find everything you need to fly a Raider-class Corvette or any other huge ship, including a huge ship maneuver tool, a huge ship range ruler, a resource tracker, and a huge ship damage deck.
This expansion contains the following Ship Cards:
- 1 First Order Collaborators
- 1 Outer Rim Patrol
And the following Upgrade Cards:
- 4 Command, Crew Upgrade Cards:
- 1 Admiral Ozzel
- 1 Captain Needa
- 1 Stalwart Captain
- 1 Strategic Commander
- 5 Hardpoint Upgrade Cards:
- 1 Ion Cannon Battery
- 1 Ordnance Tubes
- 1 Point-Defense Battery
- 1 Targeting Battery
- 1 Turbolaser Battery
- 1 Torpedo Upgrade Card:
- Adv. Proton Torpedoes
- 2 Missile Upgrade Cards:
- 1 Cluster Missiles
- 1 Concussion Missiles
- 2 Crew Upgrade Cards:
- 1 Novice Technician
- 1 Seasoned Navigator
- 2 Gunner Upgrade Cards:
- 1 Agille Gunner
- 1 Hotshot Gunner
- 6 Team Upgrade Cards:
- 1 Bombardment Specialists
- 1 Comms Team
- 1 Damage Control Team
- 1 Gunnery Specialists
- 1 Ordnance Team
- 1 Sensor Experts
- 4 Cargo Upgrade Cards:
- 1 Adaptive Shields
- 1 Boosted Scanners
- 1 Optimized Power Core
- 1 Tibanna Reserves
- 4 Title Upgrade Cards:
- 1 Assailer
- 1 Corvus
- 1 Impetuous
- 1 Instigator
An advanced patrol vessel developed by the Empire, the Raider-class Corvette is built to strike swiftly and decisively wipe out any resistance. Capable of spewing out salvoes of ordnance or firing focused blasts at any target hapless enough to be caught in its killzone, the Raider is a terrifying opponent on the battlefield.
Within this expansion, you’ll find everything you need to add a Raider-class Corvette to either your Galactic Empire or First Order squadrons, including two ship cards and variety of upgrade cards inviting you to outfit your ship with Commands, Teams, Cargo, and potent Hardpoints. You’ll also find everything you need to fly a Raider-class Corvette or any other huge ship, including a huge ship maneuver tool, a huge ship range ruler, a resource tracker, and a huge ship damage deck.
Read on for more information on the Imperial Raider Expansion Pack!
A Legacy of Fear
Stalking across the stars, the Raider-class Corvette is assigned to accomplish tasks that larger warships cannot. These sleek and powerful ships are often used for reconnaissance missions, surgical strikes, or suppressing enemy starfighters. The ship was so effective at these missions during the Galactic Civil War, in fact, that supporters of the First Order still make use of it in their fight against the Resistance. Though it has outlived the regime that created it, the Raider-class Corvette still spreads fear across the galaxy.
Although the Raider-class Corvette is one of the Empire’s smallest warships, it can be loaded with a surprising variety of ordnance, making it a threat to both enemy fighters and the larger ships that support them. To this end, the ship features concentrated batteries that further enhance its prodigious firepower, granting it an extra die while performing a primary, torpedo, or missile attack.
Harnessing the power of such as ship is not a task for a single pilot, of course, and the Raider-class Corvette operates most effectively with an entire crew to keep its systems up and running. Teams of Gunnery Specialists or ordnance experts can unlock even more potential in the ship’s weapons, using its energy to fire more accurately or ensure its deadly ordnance is ready to fire at a moment’s notice. At the same time, some of the Empire’s finest officers can take command, coordinating with the squadron’s smaller ships from the bridge.
With so many ways to outfit it for battle, it should be no surprise that the many Raider-class Corvettes in Imperial service differ drastically in their approach to space combat. With the Imperial Raider Expansion Pack, you can deploy these iconic ships to battle, making use of their unique capabilities to further your own strategic objectives.
The Raider-class Corvette can be flown as part of both Imperial and First Order Squadrons!
A central part of the elite Inferno Squad, the fearsome Corvus, for example, brings its own complement of starfighters to a battle.
What’s more, the crew of this imposing ship are always coldly calculating their next move, gaining an additional calculate token after performing a calculate action. We’ll take a closer look inside the Imperial Raider Expansion Pack—including all the Title upgrade cards—in a future preview!
Harness the Might
From the Core Worlds to the far reaches of the Outer Rim, the Raider-class Corvette is ready to remind the galaxy of the long reach of the Empire. Harness its power and stamp out rebellion when the Imperial Raider Expansion Pack arrives in the fourth quarter of 2019!
Launch your own Raider-class Corvette, available now for pre-order from your local retailer or through our website with free shipping in the continental United States!
Star Wars X-Wing ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.
Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games
WOW! Mal eben geschmeidige DREIßIG Euro draufgehauen. Kann man mal machen.
Die alte Raider hat doch 80 Tacken gekostet… als sinds nur ZWANZIG.
Aber dafür den Bonus-Tie weggelassen. Mutig.
Ich hatte 65 bezahlt. Hängt natürlich vom Händler ab.
Ich wollte auch gerade sagen…
Die haben beim Preis für den Raider aber mal ne ordentliche Schippe draufgelegt. Zum Glück habe ich das Modell schon. Aber auch die kommende Schiffe für Armada sollen ja verdammt teuer werden.
Ich denke nicht, dass man sich damit viele Freunde machen wird.
Der ist nicht nur deutlich teurer geworden als vorher, FFG hat auch den TIE-Advanced wegrationalisiert.
Was die Preise angeht. Da wird noch einiges auf uns im Hobby zukommen befürchte ich. Zum einen der Handelskrieg zwischen den USA und China und zum anderen der Brexit.
Da können wir, wenn wir alle unser Hobby im bisherigen persönlichen Maße weiter betreiben wollen, alle unser Budget erhöhen.
So wie das Pfund abstürzt dort eher weniger.
Da aber das Porto kräftig steigen wird, und noch Zoll dazu kommt, nützt uns das nichts.
Mal den Preis und den fehlenden T/A ignorierend, finde ich das Tool für die Schilde und Energie sehr schön.
Dennoch brauch ich das Schiff sicherlich nicht nochmal. Gammelt eh nur ungenutzt im Schaumstoffbett herum.
Ich hab da ein wenig den Anschluss verloren. Gibt es eigentlich einen Upgrade Kit für die Epic Schiffe?
Will mir die interessanten Modelle nicht unbedingt zwei mal zulegen…
Ja, hatten wir hier:
Hat jemand nähere Informationen darüber, dass Asmodee die grossen Schiffe nicht oder vorerst nicht auf deutsch für Xwing 2.0 veröffentlichen wird?