von BK-Nils | 14.07.2019 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

X-Wing: Große Schiffe und Multiplayer Erweiterung

Für die zweite Edition von X-Wing kommen jetzt auch die großen Schiffe, außerdem haben Fantasy Flight Games mit Epic Battles eine Mulitplayer Erweiterung angekündigt.

Bigger Battles

Huge Ships Are Coming to X-Wing

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Huge Ship Expansion 1

„To defeat an enemy, you must know them. Not simply their battle tactics, but their history, philosophy, art.“
–Grand Admiral Thrawn, Star Wars: Rebels

As T-65 X-wings and TIE/ln fighters engage in frantic ship-to-ship combat, turbolasers from massive warships flash across the darkness of space, pummeling their targets. Soon, you’ll be able to launch your squadrons into bigger battles, coordinating your plan of attack between imposing warships and swift starfighters. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce three expansions for Star Wars™: X-Wing:

  • Huge Ship Conversion Kit
  • Tantive IV Expansion Pack
  • C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack

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Huge Ship Conversion Kit – 29,95 USD

Launch your Star Wars™: X-Wing game into bigger battles with the Huge Ship Conversion Kit! This kit contains the components to upgrade your huge ship experience from the First Edition to the Second Edition, including ship cards, upgrade cards, and ship tokens, as well as a new maneuver tool, new huge ship damage deck, and more!

Many of these ships served in mulitple conflicts, of course, and you’ll also find entirely new components here that allow you to field a huge ship no matter which faction you choose. Finally, this kit features a variety of new upgrades exclusive to huge ships, including Commands, Teams, Cargo, and potent Hardpoints that grant additional attacks.

Within this kit, you’ll find:

  • 10 Ship Cards:
    • 1 Alderaanian Guard
    • 1 Echo Base Evacuees
    • 1 First Order Collaborators
    • 1 First Order Sympathizers
    • 1 New Republic Volunteers
    • 1 Outer Rim Garrison
    • 1 Outer Rim Patrol
    • 1 Republic Judiciary
    • 1 Separatist Privateers
    • 1 Syndicate Smugglers
  • 8 Command, Crew Upgrades
    • 1 Admiral Ozzel
    • 1 Azmorigan
    • 1 Captain Needa
    • 1 Carlist Rieekan
    • 1 Jan Dodonna
    • 1 Raymus Antilles
    • 1 Stalwart Captain
    • 1 Strategic Commander
  • 1 Sensor Upgrade
    • 1 Fire-Control System
  • 10 Hardpoint Upgrades
    • 2 Ion Cannon Batteries
    • 2 Ordnance Tubes
    • 2 Point Defense Batteries
    • 2 Targeting Batteries
    • 2 Turbolaser Batteries
  • 1 Cannon Upgrade
    • 1 Heavy Laser Cannon
  • 2 Turret Upgrades
    • 2 Dorsal Turrets
  • 2 Torpedo Upgrades
    • 2 Adv. Proton Torpedoes
  • 4 Missile Upgrades
    • 2 Cluster Missiles
    • 2 Concussion Missiles
  • 3 Crew Upgrades
    • 1 Novice Technician
    • 1 Seasoned Navigator
    • 1 Toryn Farr
  • 4 Gunner Upgrades
    • 2 Agile Gunner
    • 2 Hotshot Gunner
  • 14 Team Upgrades
    • 2 Bombardment Specialists
    • 2 Comms Team
    • 2 Damage Control Team
    • 2 Gunnery Specialists
    • 2 IG-RM Droids
    • 2 Ordnance Team
    • 2 Sensor Experts
  • 8 Cargo Upgrades
    • 2 Adaptive Shields
    • 2 Boosted Scanners
    • 2 Optimized Power Core
    • 2 Tibanna Reserves
  • 3 Illicit Upgrades
    • 1 Quick-Release Locks
    • 1 Saboteur’s Map
    • 1 Scanner Baffler
  • 1 Device Upgrade
    • 1 Proximity Mines
  • 19 Title Upgrades
    • Assailer
    • Blood Crow
    • Bright Hope
    • 1 Broken Horn
    • Corvus
    • Dodonna’s Pride
    • Impetuous
    • Insatiable Worrt
    • Instigator
    • Jaina’s Light
    • Liberator
    • Luminous
    • Merchant One
    • Quantum Storm
    • Requiem
    • Suppressor
    • Tantive IV
    • Thunderstrike
    • Vector
  • 2 Configuration Upgrades
    • 2 Corsair Refit

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Tantive IV Expansion Pack

Tantive IV Expansion Pack – 99,95 USD

With its powerful broadside batteries and advanced command capabilities, the CR90 Corellian Corvette has served as the cornerstone of strike forces since the days of the old Republic. Now these vessels are among the Rebellion’s most valuable warships, slipping Imperial blockades and delivering the decisive blow in space engagements.

Within this expansion, you’ll find everything you need to add one CR90 Corellian Corvette ship to your Rebel Alliance or Galactic Republic squadron, including ship cards, tokens and maneuver dials. Finally, this expansion also includes the components you need to fly this or any other huge ship in battle, including a huge ship maneuver tool and a huge ship damage deck.

This expansion contains the following cards:

  • 2 Ship Cards
    • 1 Alderaanian Guard
    • 1 Republic Judiciary
  • 5 Command, Crew Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Carlist Rieekan
    • 1 Jan Dodonna
    • 1 Raymus Antilles
    • 1 Stalwart Captain
    • 1 Strategic Commander
  • 4 Hardpoint Upgrade Cards:
    • 1 Ion Cannon Battery
    • 1 Point-Defense Battery
    • 1 Targeting Battery
    • 1 Turbolaser Battery
  • 3 Crew Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Novice Technician
    • 1 Seasoned Navigator
    • 1 Toryn Farr
  • 2 Gunner Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Agile Gunner
    • 1 Hotshot Gunner
  • 5 Team Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Bombardment Specialists
    • 1 Comms Team
    • 1 Damage Control Team
    • 1 Gunnery Specialists
    • 1 Sensor Experts
  • 4 Cargo Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Adaptive Shields
    • 1 Boosted Scanners
    • 1 Optimized Power Core
    • 1 Tibanna Reserves
  • 5 Title Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Dodonna’s Pride
    • Jaina’s Light
    • Liberator
    • Tantive IV
    • Thuderstrike

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing C ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack

C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack – 99,95 USD

The C-ROC Cruiser is the heaviest vessel available to many criminal operations, cartels, and syndicates in the Outer Rim, capable of carrying massive weapons batteries and unique dirty tricks that keep it one step ahead of the law. Whether it is hauling illicit cargo or marauding the hyperlanes in search of easy targets, the C-ROC is a flexible and dangerous craft.

The C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack contains everything both Scum and Villainy and Separatist Alliance players need to incorporate one of these armed transports into their squadrons. A selection of ship cards, tokens, and maneuver dials gets your C-ROC into battle while a suite of upgrade cards invites you to add a bevy of dirty tricks to your cruiser. Finally, a plastic maneuver tool, huge ship resource tracker, and huge ship damage deck make managing your ship fast and easy.

Within this expansion, you’ll find the following cards:

  • 2 Ship Cards
    • 1 Separatist Privateers
    • 1 Syndicate Smugglers
  • 3 Command, Crew Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Azmorigan
    • 1 Stalwart Captain
    • 1 Strategic Commander
  • 5 Hardpoint Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Ion Cannon Battery
    • 1 Ordnance Tubes
    • 1 Point-Defense Battery
    • 1 Targeting Battery
    • 1 Turbolaser Battery
  • 1 Cannon Upgrade Card
    • 1 Heavy Laser Cannon
  • 1 Turret Upgrade Card
    • 1 Dorsal Turret
  • 2 Missile Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Cluster Missiles
    • 1 Concussion Missiles
  • 2 Crew Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Novice Technician
    • 1 Seasoned Navigator
  • 2 Gunner Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Agile Gunner
    • 1 Hotshot Gunner
  • 7 Team Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Bombardment Specialists
    • 1 Comms Team
    • 1 Damage Control Team
    • 1 Gunnery Specialists
    • 1 IG-RM Droids
    • 1 Ordnance Team
    • 1 Sensor Experts
  • 4 Cargo Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Adaptive Shields
    • 1 Boosted Scanners
    • 1 Optimized Power Core
    • 1 Tibanna Reserves
  • 3 Illicit Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Quick-Release Locks
    • 1 Saboteur’s Map
    • 1 Scanner Baffler
  • 1 Device Upgrade Card
    • 1 Proximity Mines
  • 3 Title Upgrade Cards
    • Broken Horn
    • Insatiable Worrt
    • Merchant One
  • 1 Configuration Upgrade Card
    • 1 Corsair Refit

These expansions put devastating new options for your starfighter squadrons at your fingertips, letting you conduct deadly electronic warfare and unleash barrages of powerful turbolaser or ion cannon fire as you bring the full weight of the largest X-Wing ship class to bear against your opponents. The largest ships available in X-Wing, huge ships can be used during casual games of X-Wing, and they’re also great when used in conjunction with the Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion. For more information on what that expansion adds to your games, click here!

Within the Huge Ship Conversion Kit, veteran X-Wing players will find all the components they need to upgrade their CR-90 Corellian corvette, C-ROC cruiser, Gozanti-class cruiser, GR-75 medium transport, and Raider-class corvette ships to the second edition, including cards to field each huge ship in two of X-Wing’s seven factions.

Meanwhile, the Tantive IV Expansion Pack and C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack invite new and veteran players alike to harness the might of these massive craft and utilize a variety of new upgrades only available for huge ships. Look for these expansions at your local retailer early in the fourth quarter of 2019, with the Raider-class corvette following soon after, and read on for more information about what huge ships bring to your games of X-Wing!

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Huge Ship Expansion 2

Huge Ship Conversion Kit

In the largest Star Wars space battles, huge vessels launch volleys of devastating weaponry as starfighters nimbly avoid their point defenses, looking for any advantage they can find. With the Huge Ship Conversion Kit and copies of huge ship expansions from the game’s first edition, you can enter these epic battles, taking command of massive warships and small starfighters alike.

This conversion kit contains everything you need to incorporate every huge ship released in the game’s first edition into your squadrons, including ship cards, tokens, and maneuver dials. Many of these ships saw service in multiple conflicts, of course, and this kit also includes entirely new components that allow you fly them in new factions, ensuring you can command a huge ship no matter what era of the Star Wars saga your squadron hails from.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Huge Ship Expansion 3

Now, the CR90 corvette can be flown by the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Republic; the GR-75 medium transport can be used by the Rebel Alliance or the Resistance; the Raider-class corvette and the Gozanti-class cruiser can fight for the Galactic Empire or the First Order; and the C-ROC cruiser can fly for the Separatist Alliance or Scum and Villainy.

But commanding huge ships goes far beyond the faction you play. Huge ships alter your entire strategy and a selection of 82 upgrade cards invite you to customize your huge ships, outfitting them with Commands, Teams, Cargo, and potent Hardpoints that grant additional attacks. Finally, while each huge ship has its own unique capabilities and unique roles within your squadron, like small ships, they all use the same set of tools for basic functions such as movement. This kit also contains a plastic huge ship maneuver tool, a huge ship range ruler, two huge ship resource trackers, and a huge ship damage deck that can be used with any huge ship!

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Huge Ship Expansion 4

Tantive IV Expansion Pack

With its powerful broadside batteries and advanced command capabilities, the CR90 Corellian corvette has served as the cornerstone of strike forces since the days of the old Republic. Now, these vessels are among the Rebellion’s most valuable warships, slipping Imperial blockades and delivering the decisive blow in space engagements.

The Tantive IV Expansion Pack makes one of these swift ships available to commanders from both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Republic. Once in action, the CR90 can rapidly respond to incursions across the galaxy, using sophisticated sensors to acquire locks and fire on the enemy from great distances.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Huge Ship Expansion 5

Within this expansion, you’ll find everything you need to add one CR90 Corellian corvette ship to your Rebel Alliance or Galactic Republic squadron, including ship cards, tokens and maneuver dials. Finally, this expansion also includes the components you need to fly this or any other huge ship in battle, including a huge ship maneuver tool and a huge ship damage deck.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Huge Ship Expansion 6

C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack

The C-ROC cruiser is the heaviest vessel available to many criminal operations, cartels, and syndicates in the Outer Rim, capable of carrying massive weapons batteries and unique dirty tricks that keep it one step ahead of the law. Whether it’s hauling illicit cargo or marauding the hyperlanes in search of easy targets, the C-ROC is a flexible and dangerous craft.

Despite its large size, the C-ROC cruiser’s overdrive burners make it a surprisingly elusive ship, capable of avoiding incoming fire. Many criminal operations take advantage of this elusiveness to move massive amounts of illicit materials under the nose of local authorities. During the Clone Wars, the Separatist Alliance would often make use of unsavory contacts such as these—including corsairs and criminal cartels—in its fight against the Galactic Republic.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Huge Ship Expansion 7

The C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack contains everything both Scum and Villainy and Separatist Alliance players need to incorporate one of these armed transports to their squadrons. A selection of ship cards, tokens, and maneuver dials gets your C-ROC into battle, while a suite of upgrade cards invites you to add a bevy of dirty tricks to your cruiser. Finally, a plastic maneuver tool, huge ship resource tracker, and huge ship damage deck make managing your ship fast and easy.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Huge Ship Expansion 8

Battle for the Galaxy

Fully operational warships are ready for your commands. Harness their power as you battle for the fate of the galaxy!

Look for the Huge Ship Conversion Kit (SWZ53), the Tantive IV Expansion Pack (SWZ55), and the C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack (SWZ56) at your local retailer in the fourth quarter of 2019. Pre-order your copies at your local retailer or online through our website today!

A Larger World

Announcing the Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion for X-Wing

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion 1

„You’ve taken your first step into a larger world.“
–Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: A New Hope

Whether fought between the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance, the Resistance and the First Order, or the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance, the Star Wars saga is defined by massive space battles that pit groups of heavily-armed warships and dozens of smaller starfighters against one another. Soon, you’ll have the chance to enter these battles and test your mettle in some of the most intense and chaotic space battles in the Star Wars galaxy.

Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansionfor Star Wars™: X-Wing! Epic Battles introduces a totally new way to play X-Wing, inviting two to eight players to engage in epic multiplayer battles as they command massive fleets in large-scale games that evoke iconic Star Wars scenes.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion 01

Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion – 24,95 USD

Broaden the possibilities of your Star Wars™: X-Wing games with the Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion! This expansion introduces a totally new way to play X-Wing, inviting two to eight players to engage in epic multiplayer battles as they command massive fleets in large-scale games that evoke iconic Star Wars scenes.

Featuring eleven cinematic scenarios, Epic Battles gives players the chance to fly coordinated wings of starfighters into a wide variety of situations. From desperate defensive actions to daring assaults on enemy fortifications, each scenario creates an exciting X-Wing experience. Within this expansion, you’ll find five wing tools, eight upgrade cards, seven Wing Quick Build Cards, and everything else you need to stage your own epic X-Wing battles!

Featuring eleven cinematic scenarios—from team games to chaotic, eight-player, free-for-all battles—Epic Battles broadens the possibilities of X-Wing, creating an exciting new experience for players of all skill levels. In addition to the scenarios and rules for playing with more than two players, Epic Battles also introduces wings, an exciting new way for players to control multiple ships in formation using only a single maneuver dial. Wings work particularly well when flying in conjunction with huge ships, the largest class of ships available in X-Wing. For more information on adding huge ships to your fleets, click here!

No matter if you’re going head-to-head with a single opponent or coordinating your attacks with a teammate, the new game modes you find in Epic Battles create an exciting new X-Wing experience. Read on for more of what to expect in the Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion!

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion 2

Stay on Target

In the white-knuckle space battles of X-Wing, the only thing a pilot can rely on is their wingmates. When flying together, pilots can cover each other with valuable fire support and, if your squadron includes limited pilots, their abilities can synergize to benefit the entire squadron. Now, Epic Battles lets you use wings to truly harness the power of groups of starfighters flying in formation.

Moving together using a single dial, wings let you easily navigate groups of three to six ships through the chaos of battle and use them as a combined force to complete your objectives. Within the Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion, you’ll find everything you need to form complete wings of starfighters, including two full-size wing tools, two mini wing tools, and a corner wing tool, as well as eight wing upgrade cards, seven wing Quick Build Cards, and twenty-four wing ID cards to easily track every ship in your wings.

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The full-size wing tool makes it easy to arrange your ships in formation!

No matter how many wings you choose to fly, each wing is commanded by one wing leader, who executes maneuvers normally while their wingmates form up around them. Each ship in the wing has a specific position in the formation and the five wing tools found in Epic Battles help to quickly arrange your ships. To arrange ships around a full-size wing tool, for example, you’ll simply align each ship’s center line with the corresponding line on the tool.

Wings not only make flying in formation easier, they also speed up gameplay considerably, accelerating resolution even when there are many ships in play. But wings also change the makeup of your squadrons, granting special abilities. If you choose to make a TIE Advanced x1 or TIE Advanced v1 pilot an Agent of the Empire, for example, they can be accompanied by a complement of TIE/ln fighters that can put themselves in harm’s way to defend their leader.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion 4

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion 5

When flying as a wing, the wing leader executes maneuvers normally and their wingmates form around them!

New Battles

Wings of starfighters are usually just one part of larger battles and Epic Battles expands the scale of X-Wing to accommodate these groups of fighters. In addition to the tools you need to form and fly wings, this expansion also features eleven unique scenarios and all the components you need to play them.

From taking desperate defensive actions as friendly transports escape to daring assaults on enemy fortifications, each scenario provides a new way to play X-Wing. While many of these scenarios see two players facing off in tense head-to-head combat, others bring in more players for team battles or epic free-for-alls between three or more players.

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In the Intel Pickup scenario, two to four players deploy their ships to collect data from satellites!

In Intel Pickup, for example, two to four players compete for control of satellites that have been gathering key hyperlane data. Eager to seize this information, several factions have appeared to claim the satellites as their own. During this game, players must contend with enemy ships while trying to secure the data from five satellites placed around the board.

The scenarios you find in Epic Battles don’t just add a cinematic feel to your games. Many allow you to exceed the squad-building restrictions placed on other games of X-Wing, giving you the chance to build massive 500-point or 20-threat squadrons. As such, these engagements are a natural fit for huge ships, such as the Raider-class corvette and the C-ROC cruiser. While they are not required for the Epic game mode, these massive vessels give you powerful new options for you fleets, allowing you to strike at long range with devastating turbolasers, command smaller fighters, and disrupt enemy battle plans with electronic warfare.

We’ll take a closer look at specific scenarios included in the Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion in future previews and livestreams!

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion 7

Enter the Saga

The chaos of battle surrounds you as enemy fighters dart between massive warships. It will take more than just fancy flying to lead your squadron to victory in battles like this. Step up to the largest X-Wing battles yet with the Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion!

Look for the Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion (SWZ57) to launch with the huge ships in the fourth quarter of 2019. You can pre-order your copies of these expansions at your local retailer or online through our website here!

Star Wars X-Wing ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • der Umstieg auf die neue Version fühlt sich finanziell wie ein Neueinstieg ins System an. Knapp über 200€ nur für Karten, Marker und Schablonen… wow. Ist es der Umstieg, wenn man nicht kompetitiv spielt, trotzdem ein Mehrgewinn oder sind die neuen Elemente, die die Regeln 2.0 mit sich bringen, das Geld nicht unbedingt wert, wenn man 1.0 mochte?

    • Schwer zu sagen. Da hat jeder so seine Vorstellungen. Ich werde es ganz sicher nicht ausprobieren.

    • Ich habe mir einige Videos zu 2.0 angeschaut und würde es gerne spielen.
      Jedoch sind die die Konvertierungskits zu teuer (zu teuer für Pappe und zu viele benötigt).
      Die Tantive IV habe ich zum Beispiel damals gekauft und müsste nun für vielleicht die Hälfte (erinnere mich nicht mehr an den Kaufpreis) bezahlen, um sie wieder für 2.0 aus der Werft zu holen. Die anderen großen Schiffe habe ich nämlich gar nicht und daher brauche ich deren Kram auch nicht. Lohnt sich also nicht wirklich.

      Weiß jemand was mehr über die offizielle Squabuilder App Fantasy Flights?
      Die hat nämlich jetzt eine Bewertung im Play Store, wie die Version X-Wings… 2.0 (von maximal 5)
      Scheint also schlecht zu sein, aber man braucht sie doch, oder???

      • Ach ja, die Konverierungskits finde ich persönlich auch nicht gut gepackt.
        Das ist für mich ein weiterer Grund gegen deren Kauf.

  • Da ich die Tantive IV seinerzeit nie gekauft hatte, wird das jetzt ne gute Gelegenheit, finde ich.

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