von BK-Nils | 03.10.2019 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

X-Wing: C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack

Auch das große Schiff des Abschaum der Galaxie, der C-ROC Kreuzer, bekommt für die zweite Edition von Star Wars X-Wing ein Update von Fantasy Flight Games.

Outside the Law

Preview the C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack for Star Wars: X-Wing

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing C ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack 1

“Business is all that matters.”
–Cikatro Vizago, Star Wars Rebels

The Outer Rim presents many opportunities for those bold enough to pursue them. In the absence of the Republic or the Empire, intrepid smugglers and pirates haul illicit cargo from one end of the galaxy to the other in search of both fame and fortune. While most of these scoundrels limit their activities to smaller ships like the YT-1300 light freighter, the more ambitious among them set their sights higher.

Vessels like the C-ROC cruiser allow criminal operations across the Outer Rim, like the Broken Horn Syndicate, to move massive amounts of contraband goods through the galaxy’s seedy black markets—or project enough power to bully small colonies into complying with their demands. Soon, you can support your own criminal enterprises with the C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Packfor Star Wars™: X-Wing!

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing C ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack 2

C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack – 99,95 USD

The C-ROC Cruiser is the heaviest vessel available to many criminal operations, cartels, and syndicates in the Outer Rim, capable of carrying massive weapons batteries and unique dirty tricks that keep it one step ahead of the law. Whether it is hauling illicit cargo or marauding the hyperlanes in search of easy targets, the C-ROC is a flexible and dangerous craft.

The C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack contains everything both Scum and Villainy and Separatist Alliance players need to incorporate one of these armed transports into their squadrons. A selection of ship cards, tokens, and maneuver dials gets your C-ROC into battle while a suite of upgrade cards invites you to add a bevy of dirty tricks to your cruiser. Finally, a plastic maneuver tool, huge ship resource tracker, and huge ship damage deck make managing your ship fast and easy.

Within this expansion, you’ll find the following cards:

  • 2 Ship Cards
    • 1 Separatist Privateers
    • 1 Syndicate Smugglers
  • 3 Command, Crew Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Azmorigan
    • 1 Stalwart Captain
    • 1 Strategic Commander
  • 5 Hardpoint Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Ion Cannon Battery
    • 1 Ordnance Tubes
    • 1 Point-Defense Battery
    • 1 Targeting Battery
    • 1 Turbolaser Battery
  • 1 Cannon Upgrade Card
    • 1 Heavy Laser Cannon
  • 1 Turret Upgrade Card
    • 1 Dorsal Turret
  • 2 Missile Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Cluster Missiles
    • 1 Concussion Missiles
  • 2 Crew Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Novice Technician
    • 1 Seasoned Navigator
  • 2 Gunner Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Agile Gunner
    • 1 Hotshot Gunner
  • 7 Team Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Bombardment Specialists
    • 1 Comms Team
    • 1 Damage Control Team
    • 1 Gunnery Specialists
    • 1 IG-RM Droids
    • 1 Ordnance Team
    • 1 Sensor Experts
  • 4 Cargo Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Adaptive Shields
    • 1 Boosted Scanners
    • 1 Optimized Power Core
    • 1 Tibanna Reserves
  • 3 Illicit Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Quick-Release Locks
    • 1 Saboteur’s Map
    • 1 Scanner Baffler
  • 1 Device Upgrade Card
    • 1 Proximity Mines
  • 3 Title Upgrade Cards
    • 1 Broken Horn
    • 1 Insatiable Worrt
    • 1 Merchant One
  • ​1 Configuration Upgrade Card
    • 1 Corsair Refit

Whether flown by smugglers seeking a sizeable profit or privateers employed by the Separatist Alliance, this expansion contains everything you need to make a C-ROC cruiser the centerpiece of your Scum or Separatist squadrons. A beautifully painted C-ROC cruiser miniature is accompanied by a suite of upgrade cards that invite you to outfit some of the most infamous C-ROC cruisers from across the Star Wars galaxy with an array of weaponry and dirty tricks. Meanwhile, two quick build cards help you easily combine these upgrades and launch your C-ROC cruiser as quickly as possible.

Veteran players with a C-ROC cruiser miniature from the first edition of X-Wing can also find the ship, upgrade, and quick build cards and tokens from this expansion pack in the Huge Ship Conversion Kit. Join us today as we take a closer look at what you’ll find in the C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack!

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Rule the Underworld

Building a criminal empire is no easy task. In addition to armies of unquestioningly loyal cronies to carry out their orders, crime lords like Cikatro Vizago and Azmorigan need ships that can navigate these lawless regions if they are going to reliably deliver the goods their clients request. To them, the C-ROC cruiser’s durable construction and ample cargo space represent an enticing opportunity to churn out even more profits, no matter how illicit they may be.

In service since the Clone Wars, the C-ROC cruiser is used by privateers hired by the Separatist Alliance and Syndicate Smugglers alike and—like any good ship looking to avoid entanglements with the authorities—it excels at running away from enemy ships rather than facing them head-on.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing C ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack 4 Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing C ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack 5

No matter what faction is controlling the ship, the C-ROC’s Overdrive Burners let you roll an extra defense die as long as its revealed maneuver is Speed 3–5, making it much more likely to dodge enemy fire than other huge ships.

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But this is only the beginning of the C-ROC’s ability to deter any pursuit. Installing an Ion Cannon Battery gives it a powerful turret that can slow any hostile ship closing in, especially if you include a team of Gunnery Specialists.

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But using both an Ion Cannon Battery and Gunnery Specialists will quickly drain the C-ROC cruiser’s energy. With the ship’s copious cargo space, however, you can squeeze in some Tibanna Reserves to quickly recover the energy you need to power the C-ROC’s weapons and other systems.

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More than weapons or powerful engines, the criminals and pirates of the galaxy can be counted on to make their own special alterations to their ships. As the only huge ship with an Illicit upgrade slot, the C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack invites you to outfit your cruiser with some dirty tricks that can come in handy at the first sign of trouble. For example, while it does mean jettisoning some of its precious cargo, activating the ship’s Quick-Release Locks can quickly put an obstacle between the C-ROC and any pursuing craft. Similarly, a Saboteur’s Map makes it even harder for enemy squadrons to reach the C-ROC and its allies, planting mines in their path from the very beginning of the game.

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Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing C ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack 12

The C-ROC cruiser uses its Quick-Release Locks to drop a cargo crate drift in the path of the pursuing TIE/ln fighters!

Not every trick the C-ROC cruiser has up its sleeve involves placing new impediments in your opponents’ path, though. An upgrade like a Scanner Baffler can disguise the position of your entire squadron, letting you reposition deep into the play area at the end of Setup.

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If a crime lord such as Azmorigan is personally overseeing the mission, he can further capitalize on this advantage, allowing two ships to carry over their calculate or evade tokens into the next round.

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Most crime syndicates operate in the shadows, drawing as little attention as possible. But the most successful operations eventually take on a legendary status in the galactic underworld and the most infamous C-ROC cruisers are revered for their ability to shake patrols and make deliveries. With the three title cards found in this expansion pack, you can bring these legendary ships—and their abilities—to your squadrons. Azmorigan’s personal ship, Merchant One, for instance, accentuates his natural leadership style, giving him a platform to coordinate the ships around him and giving his own ship the ability to evade.

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A ship like the Broken Horn, meanwhile, builds on the unique features of the C-ROC cruiser.

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Not only can it combine two Illicit upgrades, it can also make use of its Overdrive Burners without gaining stress while it’s damaged. Finally, a ship like the Insatiable Worrtis built to haul cargo, trading weakened shields and a lower energy capacity for a thick hull.

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As the heart of large-scale smuggling outfits, the C-ROC cruiser is primarily valued for its ability to carry large amounts of cargo. But this has not kept pirates from using the ship as an alternative to other huge ships. Making use of the Corsair Refit configuration lets you adopt this strategy as well, giving you the chance to outfit your ship with even more weapons and adding more energy for you to spend on bonus attacks.

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And if you do, some IG-RM Droids are sure to help you maximize the damage these attacks inflict.

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Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing C ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack 20

Protect Your Interests

On the outskirts of the galaxy, trade in illegal goods is flourishing. To carry these goods from world to world, crime syndicates and profiteers turn to one of the galaxy’s most reliable transports. Add a C-ROC cruiser to your fleet and begin building your own criminal empire!

Star Wars X-Wing ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Schickes „Schiffchen“.
    Wird auf jeden Fall gekauft.
    Mein Sohn spielt Scum.

    • Das Schiff ist toll. Und ist auch noch in der ersten Fassung zu bekommen. Ich kann nur dazu rsten zuzuschlagen, solange es noch geht.

  • Wenn man bedenkt, dass das Schiff in der Version der ersten Edition damals noch für so 60 bis 65 Euro zu haben war…

    Und die haben den damals noch beiliegenden Scum-Jäger gleich mal mit wegrationalisiert…

    Sieht man erneut die spürbare Preisseteigerung in der zweiten Edition von X-Wing.

    Ansonsten aber natürlich ein sehr cooles Modell, keine Frage.

    • Ich würde auch sehr, sehr gerne die zweite Edition spielen, denn die Regeländerungen sagen mir sehr zu.
      Aber einfach das riesige Investment in „Pappe“, um weiterspielen zu können, schreckt mich weiterhin davon ab. Und dann hat die App auch nur 3 Sterne für Android. Viele Rezensionen meckern über schlechte Programmierung. Hat da jemand Erfahrung?

  • Ich habe bei den wenigen Kommentaren hier echt das Gefühl, dass sich nur Wenige für das Spiel noch interessieren und noch weniger Personen es spielen… schade!

  • Gerade jetzt, wo noch so viel 1.0-Material für sehr wenig Geld zu haben ist, ist der Preissprung ja noch viel riesiger! Ich müsste bei meiner inzwischen wirklich umfangreichen Sammlung (eBay macht es möglich, ich habe so ziemlich alles aller drei Fraktionen mindestens doppelt bis vierfach oder achtfach oder mehr bei kleinen Jägern) schon mit einer sehr sehr satten dreistelligen Summe in Karten usw. nachrüsten, wenn ich zumindest einen etwas größeren Teil in 2.0 spielbar haben möchte. Und das nur um evtl. eine etwas veränderte Spielmechanik zu haben. Zugegeben, ich habe 2.0 nicht mal ausprobiert. Aber ich frage mich auch, wieso ich das machen sollte, wenn ich mit den alten Regeln zum Beispiel viel Freude mit dem Atari Cluster oder in einem Casual Game haben kann. Ich war auch nie wirklich kompetitiver Spieler, da wäre 2.0 wohl zwingend.Ganz vielleicht hole ich mir einzelne neue Modelle wie Major Vonregs TIE, weil sie schick aussehen, aber eigentlich hat mich Fantasy Flight da längst verloren…

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