von BK-Herr Kemper | 16.07.2019 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Wyrd Games: Brine & Bones Nightmare Edition

Wyrd Games zeigt ein Preview der Brine & Bones Nightmare Edition.

Wyrd WaldosWeekly 0710 NightmareRendersWyrd WaldosWeekly 0710 NightmareArt Wyrd WaldosWeekly 0710 NightmareCard

Brine & Bones Nightmare Edition

Ahoy, Wyrdos!

This week, we found Waldo feeling a little groggy. He awoke with a clap o’ thunder, then he told us of some nightmarish adventure he had where he pillaged the neighboring warehouse of their pieces of eight (doubtful), abandoned his ship nearly immediately after setting sail (we did find a cardboard box with a skull painted on it in the back, so… maybe?), and drank enough rum to fill a coffer (all right, that one’s possible). After he was done pulling our pegleg, we got him out of our hair by suggesting that a mutiny was stirring, and he’d have to protect his plunder.

So while he’s out battening down the hatches, we felt it was a good time to reveal some more special edition models that will be available at Gen Con!

Malifaux Third Edition’s first Nightmare Box just washed ashore, and it looks like quite a treasure, er, booty. Living landlubbers look elsewhere, because the Brine and Bones box was made for buccaneers who would give no quarter to dig up this bounty. You won’t have to swim down to Davy Jones’ Locker to get your hands on it, either!

Okay, that’s enough pirate-y talk. Let’s take a gander at what you’ll find in the Brine and Bones Nightmare box, starting with the alt-Molly, Mary “Blacktongue” Bonnet, scourge of the seas.

But she’s not the only zombified seadog you’ll find. Here are (arrrr! – okay, really, that’s the last one, probably) the other Nightmare edition models you’ll find in Brine and Bones:

  • Nani and the Voice (which counts as Philip and the Nanny)

  • Wayward Mariner (which counts as the Necrotic Machine)

  • 3 Skellywags (which count as Rabble Risers)

  • …and a hat for Arrrchie!

The only way to get your hornswagglin’ hands on them is to cough up yer doubloons and scoop it up at this year’s Gen Con or during our Gen Con web sale! Make sure to set sail to Indianapolis (or, you know, the world wide web) to be the first to add the Brine and Bones box to your Malifaux collection. And if you don’t, Waldo will make you walk the plank.

Link: Wyrd Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Die Nightmare-Editionen sind immer wieder klasse! Trotz des hohen Preises lohnen die sich auf jeden Fall.

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