von BK-Christian | 29.11.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Weltkriege

Women of WW2: British Home Front Kickstarter

Bad Squiddo Games haben einen neuen Kickstarter gestartet.


Bad Squiddo Games is the leading specialist in the manufacture of 28mm female miniatures, welcome to our latest project!

This is a Kickstarter to increase our British Home Front range to include even more incredible women who served in and from Britain during WW2. Often overlooked or brushed over, they contributed massively to the war efforts and it’s about time they’re immortalised in pewter and resin. This is a very fluid Kickstarter and there will be a huge opportunity to steer it the direction you want and well, frankly, have your dreams come true.

And following Bad Squiddo tradition – yes we have some adorable critters, and weird stuff!

BORING BUT IMPORTANT TECHNICALS – The miniatures are 28mm scale and cast in extremely high quality white metal. Everything is single piece where possible. They come without bases supplied but with moulded on  small puddle  bases (easy to chop off if you wish to). And of course –  they are compatible with the similar male miniatures from other  manufacturers. They are supplied unpainted – so you can either paint them yourself or simply bring out the detail with an ink wash.

Shipping is charged in addition to your pledge, AFTER THE CAMPAIGN, scroll to the bottom for more information. Please don’t add the shipping cost during the campaign.

Die Miniaturen:

The Kickstarter is beginning with five packs, but over the course of the campaign we hope to unlock a whole load more. The sky is the limit! Please check back during to see what new goodies have been added.

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Stretch Goals gibt es auch:

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We have a whole heap of stretch goals to be unlocked as the campaign progresses. Something a bit different – welcome to the stretch pool! Ideally we are going to unlock a whole load. Targets for the stretch goals will be revealed as we go along, and what the next unlock will be, but many things can influence the order – notably – YOU! Keep engaged for your chance to navigate the ship through the stretch pool.

STRETCH GOALS (unless specifically stated) WILL NOT BE AUTOMATICALLY ADDED TO PLEDGES. You can add them by increasing your pledge amount by the price needed, see more in the add on section below.

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You may add as  many of the packs as well as additional  pledges from the campaign  as you wish, this  will be  sorted afterwards in the pledge manager, so just make a note and adjust  the pledge amount accordingly.

E.g. if you want an extra pack of Lumberjills alongside your „Starter Pack“ pledge, make your total pledge £69 (£55 + £14).

We’ve also included some existing miniatures from the Bad Squiddo  Games range which fit in well with this campaign, that you have the  option to add to your pledge. There are even bundles in there, so have a  look.

Any confusion with your pledge, don’t hesitate to PM.

For more information on the existing Bad Squiddo Game miniatures, pop along to our website where you’ll find sizes, sculptor names, painter names, and other tidbits.

Die Kampagne läuft noch 16 Tage und ist finanziert.

Quelle: Women of WW2: British Home Front – 28mm Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Hi,

    da bin ich doch voll dabei.

    Ich habe Annie im März in ihrem Office besucht und sie ist eine echt tolle Person der man die Liebe für unser Hobby anmerkt 🙂

  • Das finde ich ganz ganz toll, dass du der Annie die Liebe ansiehst. Auch die Figuren sind einfach schön. Kommt da vielleicht in Kürze ein Kickstarter? Wäre toll.

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