von BK-Nils | 29.01.2019 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000, Zubehör

WarTiles: Neue Battle Trackers und Wound Dials

WarTiles haben einen neuen Schwung an Battle Trackers und Wound Dials in den Shop aufgenommen.

WarTiles Warhammer Battle Tracker Alien Cult

Warhammer Battle Tracker – Alien Cult – 7,94 Euro

This is 1 triple Battle Tracker with Alien Cult pattern. It will help you to track Turns, Victory Points and Command Points in your games. Tracker is made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between. Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Warhammer Small Wound Dials Alien Cult

Warhammer Small Wound Dials – Alien Cult – 8,87 Euro

This set contains 6 Wound Dials with Alien Cult Pattern. 2 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 6. 3 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 12. 1 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 24. This dials are dedicated to any fantasy or Sci-fi wargame that requires you to mark a lot of health loss or damage on a model. Dials are made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between.Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Warhammer Battle Tracker Alien Cult (Magus Pattern)

Warhammer Battle Tracker – Alien Cult (Magus Pattern) – 7,94 Euro

This is 1 triple Battle Tracker with Alien Cult Magus pattern. It will help you to track Turns, Victory Points and Command Points in your games. Tracker is made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between. Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Warhammer Small Wound Dials Alien Cult (Magus Pattern)

Warhammer Small Wound Dials – Alien Cult (Magus Pattern) – 8,87 Euro

This set contains 6 Wound Dials with Alien Cult Magus Pattern. 2 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 6. 3 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 12. 1 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 24. This dials are dedicated to any fantasy or Sci-fi wargame that requires you to mark a lot of health loss or damage on a model. Dials are made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between.Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Warhammer Battle Tracker Imperial Militarum (Winter Pattern)

Warhammer Battle Tracker – Imperial Militarum (Winter Pattern) – 7,94 Euro

This is 1 triple Battle Tracker with Imperial Militarum Winter pattern. It will help you to track Turns, Victory Points and Command Points in your games. Tracker is made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between. Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Warhammer Small Wound Dials Imperial Militarum (Winter Pattern)

Warhammer Small Wound Dials – Imperial Militarum (Winter Pattern) – 8,87 Euro

This set contains 6 Wound Dials with Imperial Militarum Winter pattern. 2 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 6. 3 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 12. 1 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 24. This dials are dedicated to any fantasy or Sci-fi wargame that requires you to mark a lot of health loss or damage on a model. Dials are made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between.Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Warhammer Battle Tracker Imperial Militarum

Warhammer Battle Tracker – Imperial Militarum – 7,94 Euro

This is 1 triple Battle Tracker with Imperial Militarum pattern. It will help you to track Turns, Victory Points and Command Points in your games. Tracker is made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between. Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Warhammer Small Wound Dials Imperial Militarum

Warhammer Small Wound Dials – Imperial Militarum – 8,87 Euro

This set contains 6 Wound Dials with Imperial Militarum pattern. 2 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 6. 3 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 12. 1 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 24. This dials are dedicated to any fantasy or Sci-fi wargame that requires you to mark a lot of health loss or damage on a model. Dials are made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between.Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Warhammer Battle Tracker Astra Guard

Warhammer Battle Tracker – Astra Guard – 7,94 Euro

This is 1 triple Battle Tracker with Astra Guard pattern. It will help you to track Turns, Victory Points and Command Points in your games. Tracker is made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between. Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Warhammer Small Wound Dials Astra Guard

Warhammer Small Wound Dials – Astra Guard – 8,87 Euro

This set contains 6 Wound Dials with Astra Guard pattern. 2 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 6. 3 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 12. 1 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 24. This dials are dedicated to any fantasy or Sci-fi wargame that requires you to mark a lot of health loss or damage on a model. Dials are made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between.Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Universal Battle Tracker Battle Sisters (Red Rose Pattern)

Universal Battle Tracker – Battle Sisters (Red Rose Pattern) – 7,94 Euro

This is 1 triple Battle Tracker with Battle Sisters (Red Rose Pattern). It will help you to track Turns, Victory Points and Command Points in your games. Tracker is made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between. Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Warhammer Small Wound Dials Battle Sisters (Red Rose Pattern)

Warhammer Small Wound Dials – Battle Sisters (Red Rose Pattern) – 8,87 Euro

This set contains 6 Wound Dials with Battle Sisters (Red Rose Pattern). 2 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 6. 3 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 12. 1 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 24. This dials are dedicated to any fantasy or Sci-fi wargame that requires you to mark a lot of health loss or damage on a model. Dials are made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between.Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Warhammer Battle Tracker Mechanicals (Mars Pattern)

Warhammer Battle Tracker – Mechanicals (Mars Pattern) – 7,94 Euro

This is 1 triple Battle Tracker with Mechanicals Mars pattern. It will help you to track Turns, Victory Points and Command Points in your games. Tracker is made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between. Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

WarTiles Warhammer Small Wound Dials Mechanicals (Mars Pattern)

Warhammer Small Wound Dials – Mechanicals (Mars Pattern) – 8,87 Euro

This set contains 6 Wound Dials with Mechanicals Mars pattern. 2 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 6. 3 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 12. 1 Labeled with numbers from 0 to 24. This dials are dedicated to any fantasy or Sci-fi wargame that requires you to mark a lot of health loss or damage on a model. Dials are made from 2 layers of plexiglass with label between.Models and terrain shown for scale purpose. They are not part of this set.

Quelle: Hexxy-Shop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ich hatte mir letztens die Wartiles und Wundmarker für meine Blood Angels und für die Death guard meines Bruders bestellt.
    Mein Fazit fällt aber leider etwas nüchtern aus.
    Die Dinger sind bei weitem nicht schlecht, für den Preis habe ich aber schlicht eine bessere Qualität erwartet.
    Da sich die wundmarker aber in der Hitze der Schlacht als sehr nützlich erwiesen haben, werden wir sie auch weiter benutzen, aber um mir jetzt extra ein eigenes Design für jede meiner Armeen zu besorgen, wäre mir der Spaß schlichtweg zu teuer,

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