von BK-Nils | 04.04.2019 | eingestellt unter: Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus

Warcradle: Lost World Exodus angekündigt

Von Warcradle Studios wurde auf der Adepticon 2019 ein neues Spiel im Dystopian Age angekündigt, Lost World Exodus, passend dazu gibt es auch eine neue Promotion Figur.

The curtains are pulled back, the fog has cleared, and the eight Great Powers of the Dystopian Age have sent expeditions to the distant shores of Antarctica. What will they find? It’s time to explore the Lost World!

Warcradle Lost World Exodus Announcement

The icy wilderness of Antarctica holds a centuries-old secret buried in its frozen depths. This alien structure, known only as the Vault, contains marvels beyond human understanding. Now the Vault has been breached and an inexplicable transformation has created a Lost World of dense jungles, vast labyrinthine chasms and fiery volcanoes.

Fuelled by rumour alone, the mighty empires of the Dystopian Age have sent expeditions to the distant shores of Antarctica. Traversing the exterior’s miles of ice and rock, these expeditions have finally reached the wild and wondrous interior of the Lost World. Scattered throughout this rich and varied landscape are seams of fabulous minerals, hyper-evolved megaflora and the menacing roar of new and terrifying beasts that call this Lost World home.


Lost World Exodus is a 35mm scale skirmish wargame set in the awe-inspiring but deadly lands of a transformed Antarctica. In this alternate history, might makes right as the eight Great Powers of the world desperately seek any advantage so that they may rise supreme in this Dystopian Age. Lead your force of fantastically detailed and evocative miniatures to explore the Lost World and seize its wealth for your people. But foolhardy commanders should beware, your enemies and even the very land itself are just as intent on keeping these secrets to themselves.

There are eight Factions battling for control of the Lost World. Each Faction represents one of the Great Powers of the Dystopian Age. They are:

  • The Latin Alliance
  • The Commonwealth
  • The Celestian Empire
  • The Prussian Imperium
  • The British Crown
  • The Covenant of the Enlightened
  • The Union of Federated States
  • The Ottoman Sultanate

While Lost World Exodus shares the ‘Exodus’ core rules, it brings a number of unique unit types and special rules that make these eight Factions play very differently from those found in Wild West Exodus. In Lost World we see Commander units leading Detachments. These Detachments include Specialists that may be combined with Troop units to enhance their abilities and performance in game. In this manner the Enlightened and Union, while already seen in Wild West Exodus, have a different structure and behaviour to reflect the different aspects of those factions found in the Lost World.

Narratively, Lost World Exodus presents a self-contained theatre of conflict, in the same way that Wild West Exodus does. The nefarious Frontier Outlaw Jessie James is no more concerned about the aerial exploits of Sky-Captain Betty Parkhurst above Antarctica than she is of his latest audacious robbery in Red Oak. This allows players to fully immerse themselves the rich narrative and setting of their chosen Exodus without concern that the wider conflicts of the world make their efforts insignificant.

Of course as Lost World Exodus and Wild West Exodus share core rules, players of both can take part in exciting and challenging competitive tournaments and casual games! With fourteen distinct factions spread over two games, there really has never been a better time to jump into the Dystopian Age in 35mm scale.

Lost World Exodus is due for release in late 2019 after the launch of Dystopian Wars – a thrilling game of 1/1200 scale naval combat in the Dystopian Age.

our wait is over, Jadzia Kosciuszko – Winged Hussar Captain, our new 2019 promotional miniature, has been announced and she’s here to stay (along with her trusty treadbike)…

A career in the military was always expected of Jadzia. As the daughter of a military family, from a very early age, she was encouraged to follow the path of her great, great, grandfather; the legendary Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Jadzia joined the Polish Army, first as a courier and eventually joining the ranks of the Hussars.

Demonstrating quick wits and a sharp mind, she was quickly singled out for solo reconnaissance missions. Mounted on her trusty treadbike and wielding a cryo-lance, Jadzia is able to destroy armoured targets with impunity, striking out boldly and then withdrawing beyond the reach of any reprisal. This distinguished role has allowed Jadzia to travel extensively in service to the Commonwealth and she has been found on battlefields as far-flung as the Union badlands and the wilds of Antarctica.

You’ll be able to find the rules to play Jadzia in Wild West Exodus online now, so you can get her on your tabletop before Lost World Exodus is released!

Warcradle Wild West Lost World Jadzia Kosciuszko Promotion Miniature 2019 1 Warcradle Wild West Lost World Jadzia Kosciuszko Promotion Miniature 2019 2

Released at AdeptiCon 2019, at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center, Jadzia will be available to purchase from our booth (404) for £17.00. After this, she will be available to purchase at every event attended by Warcradle Studios – check the Warcradle Studios community calendar to find out when, exactly, you can get your mitts on this brand new promotional miniature.

Warcradle Wild West Lost World Jadzia Kosciuszko Promotion Miniature 2019 3 Warcradle Wild West Lost World Jadzia Kosciuszko Promotion Miniature 2019 4

Not planning to attend events? Don’t worry.

We will be making Jadzia Kosciuszko available to purchase online during events attended by Warcradle Studios too – initially, she will be available from our online store from 3:30pm on the 28th March until 9pm on the 31st March (UK time) while we are at AdeptiCon.

Her next appearance online will be during Salute 2019 on the 6th of April!

Jadzia Kosciuszko is our promotional miniature until 2020 when she will become part of our regular catalogue of fantastic miniatures – available to all.

Warcradle Wild West Lost World Jadzia Kosciuszko Promotion Miniature 2019 5

Quelle: Warcradle Studios


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ah schön, und gleichzeitig indirekt angedeutet, dass Dystopian Wars gegen Mitte des Jahres kommen soll. Hab ja meine Fraktionen noch, würde nach einigen Jahren schon mal wieder gerne Schiffe versenken spielen.

    Muss zugeben, dass ich die Betaregeln nicht getestet habe. Hat das hier jemand? Unterscheiden die sich arg vom alten Spiel? Also zum Zeitpunkt des Admiral´s Handbook. Wir käme es sehr entgegen, wenn die Regeln abgespeckter wären.

    Vielleicht gibt es dieses Mal auch ein wenig Unterstützung in Richtung abwechslungsreicher Missionen.

  • Wir hatten im September einen Beta-Tag mit v0.03 gemacht und ein paar Spiele gespielt. Das neue System war zu dem Zeitpunkt schon sehr eingängig und spannend.

    Exploding Dice sind natürlich beibehalten worden, sonst hätt’s wohl auch einen echten Aufschrei seitens der Community gegeben, aber das Regelwerk ist insgesamt sehr viel schlanker und spielt sich deutlich schneller (allerdings auch oft tödlicher 🙂 ).

    Ich kann nur empfehlen die Beta mal selbst auszuprobieren, aktuell ist Warcradle bei v0.11 angelangt und man ist laut eigener Aussage gerade im letzten Monat der Beta.
    Viel wird also wohl nicht mehr verändert werden bis zur Retail-Version.

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