von BK-Marcel | 23.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Verge of War: Vorbestellungen

Bei Verge of War gibt es ein paar Sachen zum Vorbestellen.

VoW Core1 VoW Core2 VoW Core3

Core box is a basic box for two players representing the first contact between Humans Army and Seit Aggresiion Force on the planet Griffon 22-4.This box allows you to create small force for each side of conflict and take part in shaping the Verge of War Universe.
24 resin miniatures
Seits: 1 Seit Commander on War platform with 2 Command drones
Seits: 1 Shork Tribal Warrior with 3 weapon options
Seits: 6 Raptor hunting pack models
Seits: 1 Light assault drone “Carsyly”
Seits: 1 Killer drone “Raiksyly”
Humans: 1 Lieutenant
Humans: 1 Noble House Squire with 2 weapon options
Humans: 2 Astroborne infantry squads (6 models)
Humans: 2 „MULE“ FWPs with 3 weapon options each
Humans: 1 Free pose Noble House Knight
Humans: 1 Self-propelled Howitzer “Scorpion”
3 Posters
6 objective markers
Digital art book
* All miniatures are supplied unpainted and will require assembly.

Die Grundbox kostet 160,00 USD.

VoW Force1 VoW Force2 VoW Force3

FULL FORCE BOX is a big box for two players representing the first contact between Human Army and Seit Aggresiion Force on the planet Griffon 22-4 plus 4 new miniatures that will be released soon(December,2018).
This box allows you to create great force for each side of conflict and take part in shaping the Verge of War Universe.
As a Pre-Order you can buy this box with 35% discount.

Includes 67 resin miniatures:
Seits: 1 Seit Commander on War platform with 2 Command drones
Seits: 3 Shork Tribal Warrior with 3 weapon options
Seits: 1 Free pose Shork Tribal Warrior
Seits: 1 Light assault drone “Carsyly”
Seits: 1 Killer drone “Raiksyly”
Seits: 9 Raptor hunting pack models
Seits: 20 Raptor hatchlings with 2 RMDs
Humans: 1 Lieutenant
Humans: 4 Noble House Squire with 2 weapon options each
Humans: 15 models of Asfroborne infantry
Humans: 5 „MULE“ FWPs with 3 weapon options each
Humans: 1 Free pose Noble House Knight
Humans: 1 Self-propelled Howitzer “Scorpion”
3 Posters
6 objective markers
Digital artbook

* All miniatures are supplied unpainted and will require assembly.

Die Full Force Box kostet 305,00 USD.

VoW Allin1 VoW Allin2 VoW Allin3 VoW Force1

All In is the box with all released miniatures (The Seit Civilization, HUMANS, PIRATES) and four new miniatures of Verge of War wargame, that will be releaced soon, and represent the final battle for Griffon 22-4. This set allows you to create a battle that will have a greate impact on Verge of War Univerce. As a Pre-Order you can buy this box with 32% discount.
Includes 68 resin miniatures:
Seits: 1 Seit Commander on War platform with 2 Command drones
Seits: 3 Shork Tribal Warrior with 3 weapon options
Seits: 1 Free pose Shork Tribal Warrior
Seits: 1 Light assault drone “Carsyly”
Seits: 1 Killer drone “Raiksyly”
Seits: 9 Raptor hunting pack models
Seits: 20 Raptor hatchlings with 2 RMDs
Humans: 1 Lieutenant
Humans: 4 Noble House Squire with 2 weapon options each
Humans: 15 models of Asfroborne infantry
Humans: 5 „MULE“ FWPs with 3 weapon options each
Humans: 1 Free pose Noble House Knight
Humans: 1 Self-propelled Howitzer “Scorpion”
Pirates: 1 Pirate Сaptain
3 Posters
6 objective markers
Digital artbook

* All miniatures are supplied unpainted and will require assembly.

Die All In Box kostet 325,00 USD.

VoW Preorder2 VoW Preorder1

Some Shorks are smart enough to understand that their civilization is merely a tool, a toy in Seit hands. Still, Shorks are a primitive race and they either rebel and get killed or run away and become pirates. Shork captains’ access to Seit technologies is severely limited: they only get what they manage to steal while fleeing.

This multi-part resin kit contains the components to assemble one Free pose Shork Boatswain – Pirates Bands. Free pose miniatures is the new word in wargame modeling, and provides you with real opportunity to customize your army in your own unique way.
Model height is 70 mm.
All miniatures are supplied unpainted and will require assembly.

der Boatswain kostet 29,99 USD.

Link: Verge of War


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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  • Die Preise sind für das angebotene aber sehr mutig.
    Das der KS damals so extrem knapp finanziert wurde hatte mich überrascht das sie überhaupt ausliefern und in den Handel kommen.

    Aber bei der Preisgestalltung doch eher was für Liebhaber.

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