von BK-Thorsten | 31.05.2019 | eingestellt unter: Carnevale, Pulp

TTCombat: Weitere Eventmodelle

TTCombat haben auch neue Eventmodelle für Carnvale und Rumble Slam vorgestellt.

It’s time to unveil some more 2019 Exclusives!

This Friday we’ll be at UK Games Expo, and shortly afterwards, Don will be at Origins Game Fair in the States. It’s a good time of year for events, which means it’s a good time of year to release event Exclusives!

Today we’re showing off a brand new RUMBLESLAM miniature and a new Carnevale miniature too! And for those that missed the Battle for Earth release last week (where have you been?) we’ve got some new Dropzone and Dropfleet exclusives.

TTCombat BrainsBabe

Let’s start with the lady in the thumbnail.

People have been asking for ages if we would do another Board Babe. The Kickstarter Exclusive one is very highly valued, and people just want a new one. Some girl in hot pants to paint. We know what you want.

And we deliver! This is the Brains Babe. She’s here to announce your round number with a variety of swapable number plates (with space for magnets), and to eat your enemies! We’ve had a great time making this miniature, and some cool new rules for her. More on Friday on that!

TTCombat PlagueDoctress

Our 2019 Carnevale Event Exclusive is here too! This is the Plague Doctress (it’s a real word). Ever since we announced the game on Kickstarter people have been after more Plague Doctor sculpts, and we thought that after our Legacy Capodecina, this was a great follow up.

The Plague Doctress is super creepy and sinister – just what is she using that scalpel for?

TTC Pungari Thresher Hive Ship 1

Don’t forget, we already announced the Pungari Thresher Hive Ship for Dropfleet Commander.

This big ol’ beast is the first ship we’ve seen from the Pungari, a subservient race usually seen with the Shaltari. It’s big and it’s chunky, and it is absolutely stacked with Pungari. They fire out of Boarding Torpedoes and Bulk Landers to cause havoc everywhere!

The best thing is that it’s available for use with every faction: the Pungari care not who their masters are.

TTC EAA Columbus Battlewalker 1

Finally, possibly our most divisive 2019 event Exclusive, the EAA Columbus Battlewalker for Dropzone Commander. We’ve heard cries of “it’s so ugly” and in increasing number “it’s so ugly, I WANT IT!” which is pretty much the effect we were going for!

This retro-future design is an old model from back in the Earth days, and with Battle for Earth on the horizon, the UCM, PHR, and Resistance have been reclaiming these self-dropping walkers to take back the planet from the Scourge.

If you’d like any of these Exclusive miniatures, make sure to check back in on Friday when they go live in the webstore. We’ll have some available this weekend at UK Games Expo, so make sure to stop by our booth (we’ll have more on that on Thursday!) to say hi and pick up what you want.

We’ll also have a regular gamut of Exclusives in the webstore and at the show, coming Friday too. So if you want a Referee, Clear Black Spectre, Civilian Battle Bus, or 2-Up New York, check in with us at the end of the week for those.

TTCombat Produkte werden in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Ich finde Rumble Slam ja ziemlich genial…könnten nur mal wieder neue Wrestler kommen.

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