von BK-Thorsten | 18.04.2019 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Neuheiten

TTCombat haben einmal mehr ihre Reihe an venezianischem Gelände erweitert.

TTCombat Chisea 01 TTCombat Chisea 02 TTCombat Chisea 03 TTCombat Chisea 04 TTCombat Chisea 05

Chisea di San Paternian – 22,49 Euro

This kit makes a large Venetian church, with a fully removable roof, allowing you to continue your battles inside. With a detailed tiled floor, a walkway in the eves of the church roof and even an altar table and pews.

Chisea di San Paternian is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great piece of scenery to use on the tabletop for Carnevale and will work perfectly with other 28-32mm games.

Kit supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 19cm 27cm 19cm

TTCombat Jetties 01 TTCombat Jetties 02 TTCombat Jetties 03

Wooden Jetties – 7,99 Euro

This kit contains a whole load of jetty sections. With twelve individual sections that run from pristine to slightly worse for wear, all the way to broken in half, you’ll have every type of jetty you need! The sections fit perfectly underneath the wooden streets, allowing you to realise Venice like never before.

The Wooden Jetties are made from 3mm MDF. They are great pieces of scenery to use on the tabletop for Carnevale and will work perfectly with other 28-32mm games.

Kit supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Cross Building 5cm 10cm 2.7cm

TTCombat SmallCorner 01 TTCombat SmallCorner 02 TTCombat SmallCorner 03 TTCombat SmallCorner 04 TTCombat SmallCorner 05

Venetian Corner Streets – 10,49 Euro

This kit contains 2 large corners and 4 small corners, perfect for making your Venetian streets a little more dynamic.

The Venetian Corner Streets are made from 3mm MDF. They are great pieces of scenery to use for Carnevale and will work perfectly with other 28-32mm games.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 10.1cm 10.1cm 3cm
20.2cm 20.2cm 3cm

TTCombat BlockStreet 01 TTCombat BlockStreet 02 TTCombat BlockStreet 03 TTCombat BlockStreet 04 TTCombat BlockStreet 05 TTCombat BlockStreet 06

Venetian Block Streets – 30,99 Euro

This kit contains enough street sections to make a 2’x2′ board (with space for canals). We based the street sections on the cardboard tiles found in the Carnevale 2-Player Box, which makes this a great upgrade to those tiles.

This set contains:

  • 4 small street sections
  • 4 medium street sections
  • 1 large street section
  • 1 plaza street section
  • 4 small corner street sections

The set also contains a few decorative extras including drain covers and drainage pipes. These optional pieces add a little extra detail to your Streets.

TTCombat QuarterStreets

Venetian Quarter Streets – 61,99 Euro

This massive kit contains enough street sections to make a full 3’x3′ board (with space for canals)! We based the street sections on the cardboard tiles found in the Carnevale 2-Player Box, which makes this a great upgrade to those tiles.

This set contains:

  • 8 small street sections
  • 8 medium street sections
  • 3 large street sections
  • 2 plaza street sections
  • 2 large corner street sections
  • 4 small corner street sections

The set also contains a few decorative extras including drain covers and drainage pipes. These optional pieces add a little extra detail to your Streets.

TTCombat Valteria 01 TTCombat Valteria 02 TTCombat Valteria 03 TTCombat Valteria 04

Palazzo Valteria – 31,99 Euro

This kit makes the massive Palazzo Valteria, one of the biggest Venetian buildings we’ve made. This kit has been designed for games of Carnevale, offering window boxes and balconies for climbing to, low angled roofs for models to stand on, and even a few extra crates for detailing.

The floors are removable with detailed interior floors in case you want to play inside this massive structure.

Palazzo Valteria is made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard. It is a great piece of scenery to use on the tabletop for Carnevale and will work perfectly with other 28-32mm games.

Kit supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 20cm 23cm 24cm

TTCombat VenetianQuarter

Venetian Quarter – 184,99 Euro

That’s right, this is an entire 3’x3′ Venetian board (with space for canals) in one easy pack! If you’re getting stuck into games of Carnevale, this is the perfect set to upgrade from the cardboard scenery.

With eleven buildings ranging from small 1-storey affairs to the massive 3-storey palazzos and even the tall Crisostomo Tower, the board is already pretty full! Add 5 bridges and enough balconies to fully kit out your buildings, and you have one awesome gaming space!

This massive bundle contains (deep breath):

  • Casa Cristina
  • Casa Diana
  • Casa Elizabeta
  • Casa Francesca
  • Dimora Giulia
  • Dimora Helena
  • Dimora Isabella
  • Dimora Justina
  • Palazzo Lucia
  • Palazzo Magdalena
  • Crisostomo Tower
  • Ringhiera Bridge
  • Pietra Bridge
  • Stretto Bridges
  • Venetian Balconies
  • Venetian Quarter Streets

The Venetian Quarter is made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard. While it was designed for Carnevale, it will work perfectly with other 28-32mm games.

TTCombat SmallStreet 01 TTCombat SmallStreet 02 TTCombat SmallStreet 03

Venetian Small Streets – 7,99 Euro

This kit contains 4 small street sections, ideal for making your Venetian board a bit more angular. The set also contains a few decorative extras including drain covers and drainage pipes. These optional pieces add a little extra detail to your streets.

The Venetian Small Streets are made from 3mm MDF. They are great pieces of scenery to use for Carnevale and will work perfectly with other 28-32mm games.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 10.1cm 10.1cm 3cm

TTCombat MediumStreet 01 TTCombat MediumStreet 02 TTCombat MediumStreet 03

Venetian Medium Streets – 7,99 Euro

This kit contains 2 medium street sections, ideal for extending your Venetian board into new areas. The set also contains a few decorative extras including drain covers and drainage pipes. These optional pieces add a little extra detail to your streets.

The Venetian Medium Streets are made from 3mm MDF. They are great pieces of scenery to use for Carnevale and will work perfectly with other 28-32mm games.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 20.2cm 10.1cm 3cm

TTCombat LargeStreet 01 TTCombat LargeStreet 02

Venetian Large Streets – 8,99 Euro

This kit contains 2 large street sections – a great start of a Venetian board.

The Venetian Large Streets are made from 3mm MDF. They are great pieces of scenery to use for Carnevale and will work perfectly with other 28-32mm games.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 20.2cm 20.2cm 3cm

TTCombat PlazaStreet 01 TTCombat PlazaStreet 02

Venetian Plaza Street – 7,99 Euro

This kit contains 1 plaza street section, the biggest open area you can get in one go for your Venetian board, and a great anchor point for the rest of an island section. The set also contains a few decorative extras including drain covers and drainage pipes. These optional pieces add a little extra detail to your streets.

The Venetian Plaza Street is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great piece of scenery to use for Carnevale and will work perfectly with other 28-32mm games.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 30.3cm 20.2cm 3cm

TTCombat BridgeLeon 01 TTCombat BridgeLeon 02

Leon Bridge – 7,99 Euro

This kit makes a big bridge! The Leon Bridge is large enough to span a double wide canal (approximately 8 inches), and is beautifully detailed as well. Wide enough for the biggest monsters, it makes a perfect focal point for games.

The Leon bridge is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great piece of scenery to use on the tabletop for Carnevale and will work perfectly with other 28-32mm games.

Kit supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 10cm 28.5cm 7cm

TTCombat Produkte werden in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Ach verdammt.
    Nach jeder Neuheitenankündigung der Venedig-Reihe von TTC muss gefühlt meine Grundplatte wieder neu überarbeiten.
    Aber wenigstens erspare ich mir,mit den neuen Straßen-Ecken das ursprünglich angedachte Zersägen.

  • Das schaut alles atmosphärisch verdichtet, richtig toll aus! Allein dafür würde es sich schon fast lohnen, ein entsprechendes Spiel zu beginnen…

  • Der „Chisea di San Paternian“ gefällt mir sehr gut, ich denke, den werde ich mir zulegen… mein erstes MDF-Gebäude…
    Mal sehen, was man da mit etwas Hirst-Arts noch rausholen kann.

  • Krass wie viel Die für dieses sehr spezielle Setting veröffentlichen.
    Sobalt ich mich mal an Wasser ran traue könnte ich mir gut ein Straßenzug als größeres Diorama vorstellen.
    Der ganze Venedig Kram könnte auch eine gute Grundlage für (dezentes) Steampunk Gelände sein.

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