von BK-Thorsten | 12.11.2019 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Neue Sector 4 Gebäude

Nachschub von TTCombat für die Science-Fiction-Tische im Industrie-Look.

TTCombat Power Supply 01 TTCombat Power Supply 02 TTCombat Power Supply 03 TTCombat Power Supply 04 TTCombat Power Supply 05 TTCombat Power Supply 06 TTCombat Power Supply 07

Sector 4 – Power Station – 31,49 Euro

Commence diagnostic: Zzzzzzt Zzzzzzt, Station operating at 100% efficiency. Energy demand satisfied. Decreasing turbine rotor speed.

This kit contains the Sector 4 – Power Station. This hulking 2 storey building is a massive kit, which makes it the ideal centrepiece for any Industrial Hive board, or for any futuristic (or modern day) setting. With a raised walkway suitable for even larger models as well as a removable roof for easy access to an interior fighting space, it’s sure to be a focal point for fierce fighting!

This Power station is made from 3mm MDF, easy to put together and looks great on the tabletop. Great scenery to use with modern 28-35mm wargames.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 15cm 23cm 12.8cm

TTCombat Mega Turbine 01 TTCombat Mega Turbine 02 TTCombat Mega Turbine 03 TTCombat Mega Turbine 04 TTCombat Mega Turbine 05

Sector 4 – Mega Turbine – 17,99 Euro

Do you have lots of air around that you don’t want around anymore? Then you need the Industrial Mega Turbine! Its massive fan blades can move so much air, you don’t even know how much it’s so mega.

The Sector 4 – Mega Turbine is a massive fan that will take up a large section of any gaming board. Lavishly detailed with multiple levels that make it ideal for gaming, the Mega Turbine has two sets of modular stairs which are completely compatible with the rest of the Industrial Hive range. Being a Sector 4 kit, the Mega Turbine also has two pipe connectors, so you can transport that air around as much as you like using the Pipelines!

The Mega Turbine is made from 3mm MDF, easy to put together and looks great on the tabletop. Great scenery to use with modern 28-35mm wargames.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 30cm 34cm 19cm

TTCombat Storage Tanks 01 TTCombat Storage Tanks 02 TTCombat Storage Tanks 03 TTCombat Storage Tanks 04 TTCombat Storage Tanks 05 TTCombat Storage Tanks 06

Sector 4 – Storage Tanks – 7,99 Euro

With all these pipes moving things around you’ll need a place to store those things. Look no further than this double capacity storage area, complete with handy platform for maintenance.

This kit contains the Sector 4 – Storage Tanks. This two-canister storage area can be used as an end cap for your pipe network or a functional building in its own right and is ideal for any futuristic table top game.

The Industrial Storage Tanks kit is made from 3mm MDF, easy to put together and looks great on the tabletop. Great scenery to use with modern 28-35mm wargames.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 9cm 11cm 12cm

TTCombat Pipe Hub 01 TTCombat Pipe Hub 02 TTCombat Pipe Hub 03 TTCombat Pipe Hub 04 TTCombat Pipe Hub 05

Sector 4 – Pybus Pipe Hub – 7,99 Euro

Coming soon to the Pybus Pipe Hub is Billy Piper and her bagpipe and pan pipe players. Found next door to the Pybus Pie Pub.

The Sector 4 – Pybus Pipe Hub may seem to be a comparatively small building, but it contains the most connectors for creating a large pipe network in conjunction with the other Sector 4 kits.

The Pybus Pipe Hub is made from 3mm MDF, easy to put together and looks great on the tabletop. Great scenery to use with modern 28-35mm wargames.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 17cm 12.5cm 18.5cm

TTCombat Pipelines 01 TTCombat Pipelines 02 TTCombat Pipelines 03 TTCombat Pipelines 04

Sector 4 – Pipelines – 23,99 Euro

„If you got liquids or semi-liquids that you gotta need transporting. Our Industrial Sector Pipelines got you a-o-covered. They’ll transport your oil, your water, coolant, radioactive waste, regular waste, and all other kinds of junk. If you need what pipes we got, call us on 0118-999-PIPES!“

The Sector 4 – Pipelines contains numerous sections of pipes as well as connectors that allow you to make a large sprawling network of interconnected pipes. Perfect for those games that need a more industrial or futuristic feel.

The set is completely modular, allowing you to build your pipe network in thousands of combinations. With long pipes, short pipes, two types of hub connector (each completely stackable) with loads of attachment points, connectors to create longer pipes (both with and without walkways along the top), and end caps, this kit does a lot of work!

The pieces of the Pipelines have been designed to easily pop together, meaning they don’t need gluing so you can use them for different builds each game. Alternatively you can stick them together, making a strong and sturdy pipe network.

The Sector 4 – Pipelines are compatible with all the other Industrial Hive kits, and every kit in the Sector 4 range has points to connect them, meaning you can make a sprawling network between buildings, pipe hubs, and more! They’re also designed to fit well with the rest of the Industrial Hive range, stacking vertically to the same height as the other kits, meaning cross-builds are easy and effective.

The set contains:

  • 14 pipe sections
  • 6 small pipe sections
  • 6 hub blocks
  • 4 curved hub blocks
  • 6 raised connectors
  • 6 lower connectors
  • 3 end caps
  • 4 spacers

This kit is made from 3mm MDF, easy to put together and looks great on the tabletop. Great scenery to use with modern and futuristic 28-35mm wargames.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Pipes 3.2cm 8cm 3.2cm
Connector Blocks 4cm 4cm 4cm

TTCombat Produkte werden in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Die Pipelines und die Storagetanks finde ich bissle Langweilig.
    Aber die Turbine und die Powerstation finde ich gut schöne grosse LoS Blocker für einen sehr angenehmen Preis.

    • das habe ich auch gedacht. Die runden Röhren zu basteln ist sehr nervig. Ich habe einmal einen kleinen Wasserturm gebaut und mich danach geärgert, dass ich den Teil nicht durch eine Dose ausgetauscht hatte. Ich denke, der Sanitärfachhandel ist da die bessere Quelle. Die Turbine hingegen ist super. So große PC-Lüfter sind einfach zu teuer

  • Also Rohrleitungen und Lagertanks sehen in gegossener Form doch deutlich passender aus – wie bspw. das Zeug von GW. Hier hätte man vielleicht Plastikrohre mit dem Holz kombinieren sollen.

    Das Generatorgebäude oder der große Luftschacht sind allerdings sehr schöne Geländestücke, die ich mir in einer Vielzahl von Settings vorstellen kann.

  • Ich denke auch TT Combat sollte dringend damit anfangen diese Ganzen Rundungen eher mit Pappe zu machen. Die kann man auch Lasern, die Pakete werden nicht größer (wie wenn man Plastikrohre verwendet) und in der Verarbeitung und dem Basteln ist es auch kein Hexenwerk

    • Die haben das mit Pappe probiert und es sieht für mich nicht überzeugend und eher schrecklich aus. So dass ich die Pappe wohl noch mal entferne und wie oben geschrieben durch was rundes oder noch dünneres (Papier) ersetze.

  • Ich fänds klasse, wenn sie für Tanks und Pipelines einfach die Verwendung üblicher Getränkedosen und z.B. Küchen- oder Klopapierrollen vorsehen würden. Kenne da ein, zwei Hersteller, die Bits für die Verwendung eben solchen Abfalls liefern. Aber die sind leider in de USA. Von TT Combat hätte ich sowas gerne bestellt.

    Die Turbine finde ich auch gut.

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