von BK-Rene | 30.08.2019 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Trolls under the Bridge: Neuheiten

Von Trolls under the Bridge gibt es neue Bits für eure Umbauprojekte.

TB Flames Solo TB Flames On Models

Flames (3€)

Did you have problems to locate your flamethrowers wielding soldiers in the unit? Do you want add a bit of cinematic effects into you army?

So just grab couple of these sets of flames and add them to your models and light them up!

In each set you find 10 flames. Six of them are plain (only the ignited fumes) and four of them are modelled onto flamethrower nozzle.

TB Swords Handless TB Swords Colour TB Swords Blank

Eviscerators with Armoured Gloves Weapon Set (3€)

Two large and broad chained swords scaled for human or superhuman models and three purity seals. Designed for 28mm miniatures – mostly Sisters of Battle.

There are modelled armoured gloves on weapons for easiest conversions. If you need plain weapons check this link.

TB Maces Colour TB Maces Dimensions

Power Maces with Gauntlet (3€)

You get these custom made power weapons. Dimensions are suitable for Sisters of Battle or other human size minis like is preacher, assassins or crusaders. They are custom made and cast of white metal (tin and lead alloy). 

Weapons are wielded by hand in armoured gauntlet.
If you need plain weapon check here

TB Axes Colour TB Axes Blank TB Axes Dimensions

Power Axes with Armoured Gloves (small) (3€)

You get a package of tree custom made power axes. Dimensions are suitable for Imperial guard officers, Death Cult assassin, Crusaders, etc. It’s custom cast of white metal (tin and lead alloy).

There are modelled armoured gloves (and unprotected hand in one case) on weapons for easiest conversions. If you need plain weapons check this link.

Quelle: Trolls under the Bridge Shop


Jungredakteur für den Brückenkopf - Spielt: Viel Warmachine (Convergence of Cyriss / Minions), fast alles andere was Privateer so vertreibt, wenn es sich ergibt auch mal Infinity (Tohaa) oder irgendwas mit meinen Skelett Horden.

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  • Das mit den Flamme. Ist ja Mal eine coole Idee, dass man da die Mündung mit tausche sieht Klasse aus.

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