von BK-Nils | 05.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Malifaux

Malifaux: Agent 46

Der geheimnisvolle Agent 46 steht im Fokus einer neuen Vorschau für Malifaux von Wyrd Games.

Wyrd Games Malifaux Agent 46 1

Hey Wyrdos,

This week, we had some trouble finding Waldo. We looked everywhere: the ash piles, the sewers, the warehouse rafters…

Of all places, we found him beneath the conference table, eating coffee pods and beta files. If it wasn’t for the smell, I’m not sure we would have ever found him. We’re still recovering some of the lost data. Ironically enough, we did manage to find one of the most well-hidden characters in all of Malifaux, and this week, we’re going to talk about what we found.

Lucius’ eyes and ears span across all of Malifaux, but even he has his blind spots, especially on Earth. As soon as he caught wind about forgotten Neverborn meeting in the forests and caves across Europe, he had to know more. But with Marlow taking power after the last Governor-General’s near ascension, the mimic’s grip on climbing the Guild ladder has weakened, so he has requested that his most trusted and unknown agent return to directly aid him once more.

Wyrd Games Malifaux Agent 46 2

Agent 46 is an unnatural menace that strikes from the shadows; both his Stealth and Inhuman Physiology Abilities ensure that he is difficult to see and to hit. When we sat down to think about the types of characters that Lucius surrounds himself with and trusts, the vision became clear relatively quickly. A shadowy figure that no one has seen before because Lucius hadn’t willed it was a more than fitting approach when introducing this new, unseen assassin.

Even if his enemies don’t always know where he is, Lucius, always does, which is reflected in Agent 46’s Following Orders Ability. Lucius, similar to Second Edition, is still ordering around his Crew, but he now has a surgical knife in the form of Agent 46 to take care of his… problems. Agent 46’s Following Orders Ability helps emphasize his role in the Elite Crew while simultaneously keeping cards in his hand.

Wyrd Games Malifaux Agent 46 3

This highly mobile assassin has the tools he needs to get the job done. By the time his Twirling Blades are cutting through his target’s flesh, he is likely already attacking another nearby enemy with his Pouncing Strike Trigger.

One of the most understated and valuable Actions in Malifaux Third Edition is Analyze Weakness, which Agent 46 utilizes to study his opponent before he strikes, giving him and his allies the opportunity to take down even the tankiest of targets. If he has trouble finding vulnerabilities, he’ll just take a closer look with the On Your Heels Trigger.

Agent 46 rarely shows his true colors (or form), but sometimes he just can’t help but Mimic his target, which is exactly what his Bonus Action does. Depending on the situation or opponent, Agent 46 (along with the other Mimics in Lucius’ Crew) brings a ton of flexibility to each game.

Wyrd Games Malifaux Agent 46 4

Quelle: Wyrd Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Das einzige was mich etwas stört am Kartendesign ist das Format. Wenn ich mich nicht täusche ist das Tarokartengröße, oder? Und für die Größe sind Kartenhüllen sehr, sehr teuer :/

    Sonst bin ich schon sehr gespannt auf die 3. Edition, die 2. habe ich immer gerne gespielt.

  • Erinnert mich an die Typen von Confrontation früher, was waren das, die Löwen-Asassinen?
    Und die Pose ist mir leider viel zu statisch.

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