von BK-Nils | 21.04.2019 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

Adeptus Titanicus: Neue Waffen

Forge World spendiert dem Warlord Titanen für Adeptus Titanicus zwei neue Waffenoptionen und es gibt zwei The Horus Heresy Bücher als Softback wieder.

Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Quake Cannon 1

Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Quake Cannon 4 Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Quake Cannon 5 Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Quake Cannon 2 Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Quake Cannon 3

Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Quake Cannon – 18,00 Euro

Warlord Battle Titans stride over the battlefields of the Imperium, their thunderous tread heralding the destruction of the enemies of Mankind. A mainstay of the Collegia Titanica, Warlord Battle Titans are among the largest and most powerful war machines ever devised by the Mechanicum.

Equip your Warlord Battle Titans with a Mori quake cannon. This mighty weapon can disrupt enemy god-machines by slowing them down and turning them around – as well as causing grievous damage with its high strength.

This resin kit contains five components with which to build a Mori quake cannon. This can be mounted on either arm of the plastic Warlord Battle Titan (available separately) and is poseable.

Rules for the Mori quake cannon can be found in the Adeptus Titanicus Rules Set and Warlord Battle Titan Weapon Card Pack.

Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Macro Gatling Blaster 1

Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Macro Gatling Blaster 2 Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Macro Gatling Blaster 3 Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Macro Gatling Blaster 4 Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Macro Gatling Blaster 5

Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Macro Gatling Blaster – 18,00 Euro

Warlord Battle Titans stride over the battlefields of the Imperium, their thunderous tread heralding the destruction of the enemies of Mankind. A mainstay of the Collegia Titanica, Warlord Battle Titans are among the largest and most powerful war machines ever devised by the Mechanicum.

Equip your Warlord Battle Titans with a macro gatling blaster. This rapid-firing weapon can re-roll missed hits to reflect its sheer weight of fire, and is perfect for stripping shields from a larger Titan, or devastating banners of Imperial Knights.

This resin kit contains five components with which to build a macro gatling blaster. This can be mounted on either arm of the plastic Warlord Battle Titan (available separately) and is poseable.

Rules for the macro gatling blaster can be found in the Adeptus Titanicus Rules Set and Warlord Battle Titan Weapon Card Pack.

Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan With Macro Gatling Blaster And Quake Cannon

Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan with Macro-Gatling Blaster and Quake Cannon – 121,00 Euro

Warlord Battle Titans stride over the battlefields of the Imperium, their thunderous tread heralding the destruction of the enemies of Mankind. A mainstay of the Collegia Titanica, Warlord Battle Titans are among the largest and most powerful war machines ever devised by the Mechanicum.

This bundle allows you to build a Warlord Battle Titan for your games of Adeptus Titanicus and equip it with arm weapons from a choice of two volcano cannons, a Mori quake cannon and a macro gatling blaster. This lets you outfit your Titan to face any foe and gives you plenty of options to use in your games.

This bundle includes:

1x Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan (144-part plastic kit)
1x Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Mori Quake Cannon (5-part resin kit)
1x Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Macro-Gatling Blaster (5-part resin kit)

Forge World The Horus Heresy The Horus Heresy Book Four – Conquest (Softback)

The Horus Heresy Book Four – Conquest (Softback) – 56,00 Euro

The Horus Heresy Book Four – Conquest continues the saga of Warmaster Horus’ battle to conquer the Imperium.

This volume focuses on the Traitor invasion of the northern Imperium.

With his treachery at the Isstvan system revealed, Horus marshals his forces to build a power base from which he can strike at Terra. Armies flock to his turncoat banner, including many units of the Imperial Army’s Solar Auxilia, and treacherous Households of Questoris Knights.

Conquest contains extensive background detailing this phase of the Horus Heresy.

In addition, it details the Solar Auxilia and the histories of four Knight Households, and includes two complete army lists. Inside you will find:

– Questoris Knight Crusade Army List: field a full Household of towering Knights armed with devastating weapons of mass destruction
– Solar Auxilia Crusade Army List: bring the elite of the Imperial Army to your battlefield
– Campaign system
– Alternative Force Organisation charts
– City Fighting and Strategic Raid missions
– New battlefield terrain
– Character advancement
– Relics of the Dark Age of Technology

The Horus Heresy Book Four – Conquest is a 312-page, full colour, softback expansion book for the Horus Heresy game and requires a copy of The Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Rulebook to use.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Book Six – Retribution (Softback)

The Horus Heresy Book Six – Retribution (Softback) – 56,00 Euro

The Horus Heresy Book Six – Retribution continues the unfolding saga of the Horus Heresy. As the fires of total war consume entire worlds and whole Legions clash, away from the front lines the Knights-Errant are abroad too, penetrating the warp storms that afflict the entire galaxy as they carry out a mission bestowed upon them by the very highest authority on distant Terra.

The Shattered Legions pursue bloody vengeance against the hated Traitors, who in turn seek to hunt the Loyalist survivors down no matter where they might seek refuge. Blackshields – orphaned or outcast Legiones Astartes who have renounced their Legions and obscured their heraldry – harbour their own objectives, alone in the darkness, sometimes aligned with the Traitor cause, sometimes the Loyalist, but just as often for their own unknowable ends.

This book explores the unseen Shadow Wars that rage across the galaxy as betrayed Legiones Astartes mount bitter campaigns against their former brothers, determined that if death is to be their fate, their betrayers will share it. This tale is told across five chapters, describing five very different Shadow Wars of the Age of Darkness. Also included are a detailed campaign system and a set of special Shadow Wars missions, enabling players to undertake their own series of linked battles fought between the types of forces explored throughout the book. Inside you will find:

– Legiones Astartes Rules for the Dark Angels, Blood Angels and White Scars Legions
– Rules for combining Space Marines of several different Legions into a Shattered Legions force
– Rules for the heroic and elite Knights-Errant and the renegade Blackshields
– New Rites of War and consuls, heroes and war machines for every Space Marine Legion
– Characters and units for the Mechanicum, including Anacharis Scoria

The Horus Heresy Book Six – Retribution is a 296-page, full colour, softback expansion book for the Horus Heresy game. It can be used in concert with the Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List, the Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List, or the complete collection of Horus Heresy books to fight the cataclysmic battles of the Age of Darkness. A copy of The Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Rulebook is required to use the contents of this book.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Mit dem Mega-Gatling-Blaster kann man also endlich die Bewaffnung des alten Epic 40k Warlord nachbauen – sofern man dies denn will. Sieht ok aus. 18 Euro sind natürlich ein stolzer Preis, aber da die Waffe ja recht groß ist – und man diese gezielt kaufen kann – geht das meiner Meinung nach in Ordnung.

    • wenn ich nur eine Handvoll Produziere ,ist das auch kein Wunder. Künstliche Verknappung nennt man das, und steigert so die Nachfrage eines Produktes. Macht fast jede Firma so.

      • …das hätte ich gerne mal erklärt: Ich produziere „künstlich“, also absichtlich, weniger, als der Markt bzw. die Nachfrage n es fordert (diese Nachfrage auf Glaskugelschauen des Marketings basierend), und erhalte damit eine Nachfrage n+x, oder wie? 😯
        Der Preis bleibt ja der selbe…

      • @ Duncan:
        Knünstliche Verknappung ist ein klassisches Mittel der BWL. Es funktioniert genau wie du geschrieben hast. Da GW in diesem Fall ein Monopolist ist hat es nicht direkt bemerkbare Auswirkungen auf den Preis. Es erhöht jedoch die wahrgenommene Wertigkeit es Produktes und eignet sich um zu hohe Preise überhaupt zu rechtfertigen.
        Auf lange Sicht kann es jedoch auch zu einem konkreten Preisanstieg kommen. Wenn ein künstlich verknapptes Produkt hohe Preise auf dem Gebrauchtmarkt erziehlt kann der Herstelle den Preis anheben „um die utopischen Ebay Preise zu bekämpfen“. Siehe Mail2Order oder wie das bei GW heißt.

        Ob das bei diesem Produkt der Fall ist kann ich nicht beurteilen, aber alles was Limitiert ist basiert auf diesem Konzept.

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