von BK-Bob | 31.10.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Cats of Crumptown: Kickstarter läuft

Northumbrian Tin Soldier lassen abenteuerliche Katzen auf Kickstarter los.

Cats Of Crumptown

Who are the Curious Cats of Crumptown? 

The Cats of Crumptown are or were domestic cats but through prolonged contact with the arcane magicks of the Darkewood they have become sentient and achieved human levels of intellect. These curious kitties live in the port of Crumptown near to the Darkewood and the Realm of the Nightfolk. We want to bring them to you as Heroic 28mm Scale white metal miniatures for you to use in RPG’s and Tabletop Wargaming.

Cats Of Crumptown 1

They have been specifically designed to fulfill the core classes in 5E and come equipped with a small digital adventure designed to introduce you to a world in which you can bring these characters to life in your own way.

Cats Of Crumptown 2

There are 12 uniquely characterful miniatures plus an exclusive figure just for Kickstarter backers.  You will have the opportunity to pick up these exquisite miniatures and some addons with a fantastic discount on the usual retail price and perhaps bag yourself some free stretch goals on top! Your support will enable us to put this project into production at a larger scale than our usual release methods which will enable us to make more miniatures than we normally could.

Und um diese Katzen handelt es sich:

Cats Of Crumptown 3 1 Cats Of Crumptown 3 2 Cats Of Crumptown 3 3 Cats Of Crumptown 3 4 Cats Of Crumptown 4

Die Pledges:

There are four straightforward pledges to choose from an you can upgrade your pledge at any time:

  •  Alley Cat – Pick out what you want and then pledge the amount, you will be able to finalise your choices in the pledge manager.

Cats Of Crumptown Pledges 1

  •  House Cat – A full set of 12 Cats of Crumptown and Luna the Dragon Kickstarter Exclusive Miniature in deluxe box set,

Cats Of Crumptown Pledges 2

  • Fat Cat – A full set of 12 Cats of Crumptown and Luna the Dragon Kickstarter Exclusive Miniature in deluxe box set, along with The KittenGuard add-on. A massive 25 miniatures.

Cats Of Crumptown Pledges 3

  • AristoCat – A full set of 12 Cats of Crumptown and Luna the Dragon Kickstarter Exclusive Miniature in deluxe box set, The KittenGuard Add-on, The Lampligter Add-on, The Crows Add-on, The Gnomes Add-on and the Cawwlock Miniature. A whopping 37 Miniatures

Stretch Goals dürfen natürlich nicht fehlen:

This will be the biggest project we have launched to date and since we are launching this on Kickstarter so we really wanted to make it something special, to that end we have prepared a number of stretch goals which if hit will be included for free in any of the qualifying pledges. The first of these Goals are listed below and we have a load more planned that will be added as we progress. All Stretch Goal Miniatures and Bases are supplied unpainted.

Cats Of Crumptown Stretch Goals 1 Cats Of Crumptown Stretch Goals 2 Cats Of Crumptown Stretch Goals 3 Cats Of Crumptown Stretch Goals 4 Cats Of Crumptown Stretch Goals 5 Cats Of Crumptown Stretch Goals 6 Cats Of Crumptown Stretch Goals 7 Cats Of Crumptown Stretch Goals 8 Cats Of Crumptown Stretch Goals 9 Cats Of Crumptown Stretch Goals 10

Auch Add Ons gibt es:

Want to add some great value extras on to your pledge? if you only want to order a few parts of the Cats of Crumptown Kickstarter just find what you like from the section below and increase your pledge by that amount. All Add-on Miniatures and Bases are supplied unpainted. The miniatures in the Add-ons section all feature in the free D&D 5e adventure in one way or another.

Cats Of Crumptown Add Ons 1

Contains: Malek the Bard, Vivienne The Rogue, Izzy the Priest, MowwGaar the Barbarian, Wilbur the Warlock and Nefrini the Thief

Cats Of Crumptown Add Ons 2

Contains: Muffet the Paladin, Rowan the Druid, Flynn the Ranger, Russo the Monk, Gerald the Wizard and Sir Hector the Fighter

Cats Of Crumptown Add Ons 3

The Kitten Guard – Can you think of anything more fearsome than an army of kittens… ? 12 x White Metal Figures and bases – Supplied Unpainted

Cats Of Crumptown Add Ons 4

The Caawlock leads the rest of the crows, pulling the strings from within the Darkewood. You will have find a way to lure him out if you wish to vanquish this foe. 1 x White Metal Figure and base – Supplied Unpainted

Cats Of Crumptown Add Ons 5

Murderous by name, Murderous by nature. This villainous gang of crows seek to annihilate the cats from within the shadows and mists. 4 x White Metal Figures and bases – Supplied Unpainted

Cats Of Crumptown Add Ons 6

The Lamplighter is suspicious of anything originating from the wood.He is an unlikely ally in your fight against the Caawlock and his Crownies. you could call him friend of a friend. 1 x Lamplighter White Metal Figure and accessories (Candle Barrow, Mittens the Cat and Lamp Pole) with 3 x bases – Supplied Unpainted

Cats Of Crumptown Add Ons 7

These Gnomes are ANGRY!! 4 x White Metal Figures and bases – Supplied Unpainted

Cats Of Crumptown Add Ons 8

Need more stuff to hunt? here’s a whole heap of Naughty Goblins 28 x White Metal Figures and bases – Supplied Unpainted

Cats Of Crumptown Add Ons 9

13 x 30mm Decorative Resin Bases from our friends at Fenris Games – a perfect compliment to our adventuring cats. All Bases supplied unpainted.

Cats Of Crumptown Add Ons 10

Get rolling with one of our great value RPG Dice Sets. Made from a beautiful pearlescent acrylic our dice are vibrant , easily readable and incredibly tough. Each set comes complete with its own velvet drawstring pouch to make sure they are easily stored without loss. Choose your colour in the Pledge Manager

Und zuletzt der Versand:

As an established E-commerce business with a successful web store, we arrange delivery of packages all over the world. So we can assure you that your parcels are in good hands and will reach you safely. We are committed to 100% customer satisfaction so if anything does go wrong we will always do our best to make it right.

Shipping will be added after the Kickstarter in the pledge manager and will be calculated based on the weight of your pledge and your location. We will endeavour to charge a flat rate and have made efforts to ensure the weight of the package still ships at a reasonable Price. Depending on volumes we may be able to negotiate even better rates.

Cats Of Crumptown Shipping

Approximate postage costs

• United Kingdom: £4

• Europe: £4-£8

• USA and Canada : £6 – £8.50

• Australia and New Zealand: £6-£12

• The rest of the World £13-£25

We regret that we will be unable to ship any pledges to Russia or Iran.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 14 Tage.

Quelle: The Curious Case of the Cats of Crumptown


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Hm…. ehrlich?! Ein gutes Beispiel, warum Katzen nicht immer per Definition gleich süß sind. Finde die seeehr unattraktiv.

  • Schade, mit Katzen kannst du mir fast alles verkaufen, aber die Figuren sind mir zu krude und Chibi-mässig… die Riesenköpfe ruinieren alles.
    Das Art Design sieht aber super aus!

  • Die Artworks sind mMn ganz gut, aber die Minis finde ich pottenhässlich. Zumindest dem Fell hätte man keine „Fellstruktur“ geben sollen, die aussiht wie Baumrinde der 80er. Davon ausgehend, sehen die Gesichter und Augen für mich auch irgendwie ungeheuer-mäßig aus. Also nichts, was ich gerne streicheln würde.

  • Und als nächstes folgt dann „Old Men of Trumptown“, in dem Miniaturen von orangen Männern mit toten Katzen auf dem Kopf verkloppt werden! Vielleicht kann man dann ja überschüssige Güsse von Katzen aus diesem Kickstarter mit verwerten.

    Sorry, konnte nicht widerstehen.

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