von BK-Christian | 25.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

TerrainCrate 2: Kickstarter läuft

Mantic Games bieten bei Kickstarter neue Geländestücke an.

TerrainCrate is back and better than ever! Our original Kickstarter was a huge success and, thanks to your support, we were able to make a massive range of affordable, unbreakable and plastic fantasy scenery that allowed gamers to create the dungeon of their dreams, bring their RPGs to life or produce a battlefield worth fighting over.

But when it comes to terrain, we all know that more is always better! Although the first campaign included hundreds of pieces of fantasy scenery, we knew there were there other new and exciting genres that needed that special loving feeling that only a TerrainCrate Kickstarter can provide.

If you want multiple Crates – not a problem! Simply pledge the required amount and then choose your desired Crates in the pledge manager. Even better, if you’ve grabbed an Early Bird pledge, all additional Crates will cost £60 each.

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You can choose from any of the Crates below for your pledge. What’s more, you can choose any combination of Crates too. So, if you want three Bleakwood Hall Crates, that’s absolutely fine. Just pledge £195 (£180 for Early Bird backers) and then you can select that Crate three times in the pledge manger. Simple! Below you can see the Crates available.

Und das sind die Crates dieses Kickstarters:

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In a dark, dark house something stirs. In the bedroom, there’s a strange knocking from the cupboard, while down in the parlour, the piano keeps playing an eerie tune. The servant’s quarters are covered in cobwebs and dust, although fresh footprints are scattered across the cold floor. Outside, the family mausoleum and gardens are hidden in fog, but something can be seen skulking in the shadows. You’ll need to complete your investigation of Bleakwood Hall quickly and get out, before you become the latest victim of this ghostly place.

The Bleakwood Hall Crate contains: Gothic Manor, Servant’s Quarters, Grim Garden and Bleakwood Mausoleum sets.

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Campbell Heights used to be a bustling town. Shoppers would flock to the Two Trees Mall, while the Crystal Peaks Campsite was a popular destination for families wanting to experience the great outdoors. But that was before the outbreak. Now, the factory’s machinery remains still, and the warehouse workers have fled. Well, most have fled. Those that are left have become shuffling corpses that groan and shuffle their way towards their latest victim.

The Campbell Heights Crate contains: Two Trees Mall, Survivor’s Stronghold, Crystal Peaks Camp and Abandoned Office sets.

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The sound of laughter and conversation floats through the Bellevue Square. Children play in the park, chasing the ducks and squirrels. Lovers sit outside the café, admiring the statue of Lord Bleakwood before visiting the store for supplies, carefully wrapped in brown paper. Once finished they return home to their cosy cottage. No one talks about the Bellvue Hospital. Or the screams they hear from the grounds at night. Bellvue is a nice place. A quiet place. A pleasant place.

The Bellevue Square Crate contains: Market Day, Bellevue Hospital, Cosy Cottage and Peaceful Park sets.

Why are we doing this?

But making hundreds of pieces of scenery is a huge task – and that’s why we’re asking for your support! In return you’ll get boxes crammed full of incredibly detailed TerrainCrate goodness at an amazing price. With this Kickstarter, you’ll get terrain that’s:

  • BIGGER! – more large pieces to fill your gaming tables than the original campaign
  • Plastic! – made from PVC plastic, TerrainCrate pieces are tough enough for the rigours of an intense gaming session. TerrainCrate 2 will use a higher grade of plastic compared to the original
  • Pre-built! – all the scenery pieces are ready straight from the box so you can bring your tabletop to life in seconds
  • Multi-use! – we’ve created TerrainCrate to be compatible with a range of games, RPGs and existing terrain ranges.

With your support we can turn everyone into a dedicated terrainspotter.

Add-ons gibt es auch:

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Genau wie Stretch Goals:

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Die Kampagne läuft noch 10 Tage und ist bereits finanziert.

Quelle: TerrainCrate 2: CRATE EXPECTATIONS


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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