von BK-Christian | 17.07.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Tabletop World: Altburg Stable Kickstarter

Der neue Kickstarter von Tabletop World ist online.

Tabletop World is considered to be the finest and most detailed resin wargames terrain on the market. We at Broken Egg Games have partnered with Tabletop World to help bring a new line of 32mm based fantasy terrain to life! Through a series of kickstarters this new line of terrain, called Altburg, will grow into a sprawling city-scape to be used with your favorite RPG or skirmish war games!

Altburg buildings will not only be larger scale but also constructed to support interchangeable parts for each building. This will allow our customers to have some modularity for their gameplay while maintaining the beauty and detail for which Tabletop World is known. We wanted to create a building that would be useful to the story, appeal to a large audience of wargamers and RPG players and offer something unique that is not already available in the smaller scale line.

Enter the Stable!

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While created in a larger 32mm scale, the Stable fits 25mm models beautifully and gives plenty of room to move models around the fully playable inside. Scatter terrain is easily placed in the larger interior to provide new and exciting layouts.

The Stable also comes with a detailed removable roof that can be replaced with our Loft Upgrade to create a larger more impressive structure and add a sense of vertical depth and multilevel play.

Das sind die Pledges:

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The Basic Stable consists of the stable structure itself and the standard flat roof option. This pledge level is eligible for add-ons and certain freebies as listed. Shipping will be calculated after the campaign to allow backers a chance to add on additional products from both companies as well as get you the best rate both in the US, EU and abroad as we will be shipping from multiple locations! In order to process this project we will be shipping in groups with slightly different fulfillment times – which will be listed for each backer level.

Basic Stable kit consists of 14 parts and for our backers $57.

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The Complete Stable comes with the basic structure, the Loft Upgrade, one shed and one corral. This backer level is eligible for all stretch goals and unlocked freebies. Shipping will be calculated after the campaign to allow backers a chance to add on additional products from both companies as well as get you the best rate both in the US, EU and abroad as we will be shipping from multiple locations! In order to process this project we will be shipping in groups with slightly different fulfillment times – which will be listed for each backer level.

Complete Stable consists of 26 parts and for our backers $127.

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Und das sind die Add-ons:

One of the exciting features of the new Altburg line will be changeable parts. We want the customers to get a sense of modularity without sacrificing quality or detail. Each Altburg building will have alternate parts and upgrades available to allow for customization each time it is used for gameplay. The Stable will have available for purchase stable walls, an upgraded loft, corral and shed, which will be included in the Complete Stable backer level.

All add-ons will be added to your total pledge. You may request as many add-ons as you wish by adding the listed amount to your total pledge amount. Remember shipping will be calculated after the campaign.

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Stable Walls add-on consists of 13 parts and is valued at $44.

For all of you who pledge for Complete Stable you might want to consider picking up the Stable Walls set, since you will have an extra roof at hand. It is basically the whole Basic Stable set without a roof. This way you will have two complete buildings to enhance your gaming table.

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Loft add-on consists of 7 parts and is valued at $30.

The Loft upgrades the Stable to provide multilevel play and a completely different feel for your game. Adding the Loft turns the Stable into a full barn or industrial/agriculture building. The inside of the loft is fully detailed, along with its own removable roof – allowing endless possibilities for interesting story elements and tactical gameplay. The Loft is connected to the Stable with a fully functional hatch door and ladders.

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Corral add-on consists of 2 parts and is valued at $20.

The Corral upgrade is great for adding fencing and animal pens to your stable or any other structure. A series of barricades can add some tactical advantages for players as well as a chance to jump in the mud and wrestle a pig or two!

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Shed add-on consists of 3 parts and is valued at $22.

The Shed upgrade sells itself as an additional component to expand the Stable. However, it also works great as a stand alone piece. A small town/village Blacksmith, Cartwright or market stand fits nicely inside the structure or use several to create a whole market square! The shed also fits nicely with other buildings from Tabletop World, certainly making it worth picking up more than one!

Und das sind die Stretch Goals:

We are excited to reach some fun stretch goals during this campaign however, we want you, the backer, to know these will be kept minimal and simple with a limited number of goals we have presented below. We would rather reach our production needs faster and get the product to you with less complication and cost, allowing us to focus on the next project after fulfillment. We have left the funding goals for each stretch goal blank for now and will update as the campaign progresses.

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Die Kampagne ist zu einem guten Teil finanziert und läuft noch 31 Tage.

Quelle: Tabletop World’s Altburg Stable 32mm resin cast terrain


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Total schön, aber, wenn man es so darstellt, wie gezeigt, meiner Meinung nach total über’s Ziel hinaus geschossen. Eher etwas in Richtung Modellbau pur, oder für ein Diorama, aber nicht für bespielbares Gelände. Viel zu Schade für.

    • wohl wahr – wenn dann ohne den ganzen Kleinkram auf den ersten Bildern, ansonsten hat ja keine Figur mehr Platz.
      So schön die Sachen auch sind stellt sich mit immer wieder die Frage, ob die Gebäude bei dem Preis eigentlich für den normalen Spieltisch gedacht sind?
      Für meinen jedenfalls nicht, da ich nichts davon halte, dass das Gelände ein mehrfaches meiner Minis kostet 😉

    • Ja so sind die Geschmäcker halt unterschiedlich.
      Für mich ist das die Minimalanforderund an meinem Gelände und die Kleinteile kann man wie erwähnt ja weg lassen. Da alles zugänglich ist ist es auch alles bespielbar

  • Und die Tochter zur Mutter im Spielzeugladen:

    „Aber Papa hat auch nen Ponyhof und seiner hat doppelt so viel gekostet!!!“

  • Ja so sind die Geschmäcker halt unterschiedlich.
    Für mich ist das die Minimalanforderund an meinem Gelände und die Kleinteile kann man wie erwähnt ja weg lassen. Da alles zugänglich ist ist es auch alles bespielbar

  • Ein wie immer wunderschöner Gelände-Bausatz von der Tabletop World. Außerdem gibt es eine Menge an interessantem Zubehör. Das Setting ist zwar nicht (mehr) mein Genre, aber es ist immer wieder beeindruckend zu sehen, was die Jungs und Mädels dort immer wieder schaffen.

  • Einfach nur wunderschön – aber 240 $ für nur ein Gebäude (ohne Stretch Goals und ohne Versand)- da quietscht das Portemonnaie und flüchtet unters Sofa.

    Da bleibt wohl leider nur selber was drucken (lassen)

  • Das Gebäude ist wirklich richtig gut, aber die Tiere wollen mir gar nicht gefallen. Vermutlich ist der Stil einfach zu realistisch für meinen Geschmack.

  • Wow. Wunderschön wie fast alles von TTW und wäre perfekt für das kommende Elder Scrolls Wargame (Call To Arms). Und durch die Strukturierung vermutlich sogar noch mit vertretbarem Aufwand relativ gut zu bemalen.
    Aber wenn ich mir überlege, was da dann die Bestückung für eine 3″x3″-Platte (vermute ich für Elder Scrolls) geschweige denn 6″x4″ kostet… Ich glaube ich lasse es lieber, obwohl der Haben-wollen-Instinkt schon sehr stark getriggert ist.

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