Studio Miniatures: Kickstarter Preview
Studio Miniatures präsentieren eine Menge Preview Bilder ihres kommenden Kickstarters.
Next month we will be launching a new Kickstarter campaign called „Dead Through Time“
This campaign will be a slight departure from our previous campaigns and ranges as not only is it the first time we have commissioned a full new range to be sculpted digitally but it will also feature something different from us – UNDEAD!
The plan is to release sets of Undead warriors/soldiers from several periods in history. These miniatures will allow you to add that pulp/horror element to your historical games or to be used in a fantasy/mythical/magic setting.
We will be starting with Ancient Greek Undead warriors. Each pack of Greek Undead will contain four warriors armed with various weapons along with separate shield arms and a sprue of four heads. Having the shield arms and heads separate will allow a certain level of customisation to your units, allowing a mix of weapons, shield designs and helmet designs/heads.
The separate heads have ball joints on the necks to allow a lot of possible positioning of the heads to give that undead/zombie look!
There will also be Commanders/Leaders and Musicians or Totem/Standard Bearers depending on the army.Miguel Alonso Miro aka Tatun will be sculpting the complete range. Having worked with companies such as:
Fireforge Games. (including their recent fantasy game)
Freebooter Miniatures.
Microart Studios.
Watchfull Studios.
Troll Trade Combat
GreyFox Games
we feel we are in good hands.Starting tonight we will begin previewing the great work Miguel has already done for us on the Greek Undead.
If we hit our funding goal then the stretch goals planned include:
Undead Persians
Undead Romans
Undead Celts
Undead Vikings
Undead Anglo-Saxons
Undead Samurai
Undead HYW
Undead ACW (Union and Confederate)Each period will contain sets of four miniatures in the various uniforms/weapons appropriate for the period along with Commanders and Musicians/Standard Bearers.
The campaign is due to launch on Friday April 12th with a shipping date of December this year!
Spread the word
Preview TwoBefore we head down to London for Salute 2019 this weekend here are some more previews of the Greek Undead Warriors!
Preview 3More pictures of our upcoming Undead Kickstarter campaign, due to go live this Friday evening!
Preview FourJust two days to go until the campaign launch!
Also die Idee für Untote aus der griechischen Antike finde ich im Grunde erstmal sehr nett. Aber so einige Posen sind dann doch schon sehr komisch, wenn nicht sogar ulkig.
Ist auf alle Fälle mal ein guter Kontrast zu den sonst üblichen 0815 Zombies und Untoten 🙂