von BK-Herr Kemper | 12.06.2019 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Strato Minis: Stratoyager

Ein Raumkampfspiel mit passenden Minis gibt es von Strato Minis.

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Stratoyager is a common name for fighters that operate both in space and in the atmosphere of planets. Strato fighters are used for fights in the void of space, rings of gas giants or on asteroids’ orbits. They traverse on the edge of cold emptiness and inexorable gravity.

Now you can plot the course between life and death, and lead your wing of fighters to victory. Command the Federation Fleet fighters against very advanced aliens, the Fowlers. Become a pirate and engage System Police vessels in your trusty speedship. Find your way to victory through endless manuvers possibilities!

The setting of Stratoyager is set about 200 years into the future, in a universe full of dreams, progress, discoveries, and hope for human race. Those are endangered though, as meeting unconditionally hostile aliens cast a shadow over a large portion of mankind. Fourth Kind, also known as „Fowers” or „Fowlers”, came out of nowhere during the diplomatic first encounter with mysterious, plant-like Trigat, firing on both diplomatic vessels. Since that time, for over 30 years now, Fowlers wage strange guerrilla war, without defined frontline, without negotiations and parlays, without any comprehensible plan or strategy.

Meanwhile, rapidly expanding Terran area of control in space, known as Federation of Systems, is becoming a loose one. More and more colonies refuse to pay taxes to Earth and fights for independence. Corporate miners create unions to fight oppressive contracts with their employers. Rebelling forces are on the rise, yet to be united into new interstellar dominion.

Even Federation of Systems is not monolithic – so called „Old Worlds” (Earth, Mars, Fomalhaut, Tau Ceti) are slowly losing in upholding current status quo to more progressive Central Worlds, lead by Wolf IV and Saedan. Secession is often discussed in political offices.

Interstellar corporations are leading on the frontier, fighting between each other for prospecting rights. Sometimes they use politics, lawyers and lobbyists to achieve their goals, but in most cases they are resolving issues with force, far away from any Federal observers.

At the same time, trade routes from Old Worlds to the edge of Known Space are getting busier every day. Space ships filled with essential equipment for colonies, and returning with rare ores and treasures are easy prey for pirates. Space marshals, Federal Police, various planetary defense forces, even contracted mercenaries are hunting them down in the eternal game of cat and mouse.

War with ruthless and elusive Fowlers, internal conflicts, rebelled worlds, pirates, mercenaries, corporations, mysterious Trigat schemes… From tightly packed orbits of capital planets, to farthest outposts of mankind…

Players: 2
Age: 14+
Time: 90-120 min

Only you can plot the course between life and death, and lead your wing of fighters to victory. Command the Federation Fleet fighters against very advanced aliens, the Fowlers. Become a pirate and engage System Police vessels in your trusty speedship. Find your way to victory through endless maneuvers possibilities!

Stratoyager is inspired by many SF universes, but if we were to point out the most important ones, those would be Wing Commander, Star Lancer, Battlestar Galactica, Space Above and Beyond, Babylon 5, Starship Troopers and, last but not least, Aliens.

The Rules

We tried to recreate space flight „physics” known from Wing Commander game and Battlestar Galactica TV show, where fighters in space don’t act as WWII planes over Pacific, but can actually perform maneuvers available in space, like moving sideways, spinning, or fly on reverse thrust.

Movement is based on vector principle, and we tried our best to make it as easy to grasp as possible, to deliver maximum fun with minimum bookkeeping. We are fully aware that those rules are anywhere near actual physics, but we think it is the best compromise between gaming experience and feel of in-universe reality. You will judge it on your own.

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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