von BK-Nils | 20.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Star Wars Legion: Rebel Pathfinders Erweiterung

Fantasy Flight Games zeigen mit der  Rebel Pathfinders Erweiterung eine Verstärkung für die Truppen der Rebellen Allianz in Star Wars Legion.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion 1

“Make ten men feel like a hundred.”
–Cassian Andor, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

The odds are stacked against the Rebel Alliance in almost every confrontation with the Empire, but especially so for the Rebel’s special forces units. Often operating deep behind enemy lines, these elite operatives are accustomed to facing the full weight of the Imperial war machine without the support of a larger army. The Rebel Pathfinders show a particular dedication to the cause of the Rebellion, often volunteering for the most dangerous missions.

Making extensive use of guerrilla tactics to infiltrate and liberate key areas, the spies, saboteurs, and assassins that make up these units draw on their vast experience to get the job done with little thought of the obstacles that may stand in their way. Soon, you’ll have some of the Rebellion’s best soldiers at your command with the Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion 2

Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion – 24,95 USD

Spies, saboteurs, and assassins, the Rebel Pathfinders are the most elite—and the most deadly—of the Alliance’s soldiers. These grizzled combat veterans need unwavering dedication to their cause in order to endure the horrors of their operations and missions.

With the Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion, you can sneak behind enemy lines and hit the Empire where it’s most vulnerable. This expansion features six finely sculpted Rebel Pathfinder miniatures, enough for one special forces unit. You’ll also find a  unit card and an assortment of upgrade cards, inviting you to outfit your Rebel Pathfinders for any operation.

  • Take your Star Wars: Legion battles to the beaches of Scarif with the six unique, highly detailed miniatures featured in this expansion! Four Rebel Pathfinders armed with A-300 rifles are ready to do anything to protect the Rebellion, while Bistan and Pao are both ready to join the squad as heavy weapons specialists.

Within this expansion, you’ll find six unique, highly detailed miniatures. Four Rebel Pathfinders armed with A-300 blaster rifles are ready to do anything to keep the dream of the Rebellion alive, while Bistan and Pao are roaring into battle, ready to add some extra firepower with their heavy weapons. Adaptable and ready for anything, your Pathfinders can be further customized with eight upgrade cards that give you new options for how they attack, move across the battlefield, and more. Join us today as we take a look at everything included in the Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion!

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion 3

Hardened Veterans

Despite lacking the heavy weapons that allow Rebel Commandos to engage the enemy from a variety of distances or the prodigious strength and fortitude of Wookiee Warriors, the Rebel Pathfinders nonetheless earn their place among Rebel special forces with incredible battle instincts that only come with years of experience. Starting at 68 points for a squad of four miniatures, you’ll find that they carve a niche for themselves on the front lines, leading the way for the rest of your troops.

Unlike other units that face the enemy head-on, Rebel Pathfinders excel at setting up ambushes and, as a result, they provide benefits from the very beginning of your games of Star Wars: Legion. The Rebel Pathfinders can easily Infiltrate enemy territory, ignoring normal rules for deployment and setting up anywhere on the map beyond range 3 of all enemy units! This could easily put them close to their army’s objectives, but it could also help the Pathfinders put the enemy on the defensive right away.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion 4

Moving at a brisk speed two, a unit of Pathfinders can deploy close to the enemy and seize the chance to quickly move in, attack, and begin piling suppression tokens on an enemy unit before it even has the chance to move. At the same time, you could make sure your Pathfinders are ready to go on Overwatch,  daring the opposing commander to send their troops walking into the line of fire.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion 5

Whether you choose to be aggressive or stay back and wait for the enemy to make a move, the Rebel Pathfinders have plenty of weapons available for when the shooting does start. The A-300 blaster rifles that they carry were designed with versatility in mind and, if you’re looking for something other than the two white attack dice provided by the standard version of the rifle, there are two alternatives.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion 6

If you move in close, the A-300 Short Range Config has excellent stopping power, granting every miniature in the unit a powerful red die when making an attack.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion 7

If the enemy chooses to remain out of reach, however, you can always choose the A-300 Long Range Config instead, losing some power but gaining the ability to target enemies up to Range 4.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion 8

No matter which configuration you choose, you’re not stuck with your choice. The A-300 can easily be reconfigured when your Rebel Pathfinders recover, giving you the chance to choose which configuration you want on the fly!

While the A-300 certainly reflects the versatile combat style of the Rebel Pathfinders, the members of the unit itself truly cement this idea. Rather than bringing generic soldiers wielding heavy weapons to the fight like most units, two unique aliens bring their own particular style to the Rebel Pathfinders. The Drabatan soldier Pao is ready to assume command of the unit, becoming the unit leader and helping to inspire fellow Rebel troops.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion 11

Operating so close to enemy positions, it’s only a matter of time before the Rebel Pathfinders cross paths with an Imperial vehicle. When this happens, the Iakaru Bistan becomes a valuable asset.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion 9

On top of the five dice he adds to the attack pool, he also gives the unit a better chance of breaking through a unit’s thick armor and ionizing it, hopefully buying enough time for everyone to move out of range.

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion 10

Even without Bistan to counter enemy vehicles, the Rebel Pathfinders have plenty of ways to escape harm. Since they’re accustomed to being the first to engage enemy troops, they show tremendous resolve in the face of enemy fire. Not only is their courage value twice that of standard Rebel Troopers, they are also Dauntless, allowing them to quickly react with a free move action by gaining a suppression token if they are suppressed but not panicked. Even when they do come under fire, the Rebel Pathfinders have an uncanny knack for sensing danger. In those cases, they can roll one extra defense die for each suppression token they have.

In the end, no matter who has joined them on the battlefield, the Rebel Pathfinders offer key new strategies for bringing down the Empire.

Find a Way

There’s no denying the danger inherent in the Rebel Pathfinders‘ approach to battle. But they’re willing to take the risk, even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice to end the tyranny of the Empire.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die Rebellensoldaten, die in Rogue One auf Scariff kämpften. Sind schicke Minis geworden – und es sind auch die beiden im Film prominent gezeigten Aliens der Truppe mit dabei.

    • immer wieder erschreckend, das es Leute gibt die sich darüber echauffieren das unterschiedliche Kulturen/ Geschlechter und Herkunftsländer berücksichtigt werden

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    AT – ST?
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