von BK-Herr Kemper | 10.05.2019 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars, Zubehör

Star Wars Legion: Paint Sets

Fantasy Flight Games bringt drei Sets mit Farben für Star Wars Legion auf den Markt.

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The quick flash of a blaster bolt. The deep crimson robes of the Imperial Royal Guard. From the soft glow of Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber to the brilliant gleam of a Stormtrooper’s armor, the Star Wars galaxy is awash in vibrant color. These colors illuminate the ground battles of the Galactic Civil War, breathing life into the epic struggle between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. Soon, you’ll have the chance to bring your own Star Wars armies to life in beautiful color faithful to a galaxy far, far away.

Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce three paint sets for Star Wars™: Legion!

  • Core Paint Set – 49,95 USD
  • Imperial Paint Set – 29,95 USD
  • Rebel Paint Set – 29,95 USD

With all the essential colors to depict the troopers and vehicles of the Galactic Civil War, these paint sets are the perfect entry point for miniature painters looking to add some thematic flair to their Star Wars: Legion armies. Containing a total of 34 paints, two distinct washes, and two fine tipped brushes between these three sets, you’ll have all the tools you need to take your armies to the next level.

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A Personal Touch

Wherever your Star Wars: Legion battles take you, the unpainted miniatures you’ll find in the Star Wars: Legion Core Set and many expansions are the perfect canvas for you to add your own personal look to your Rebel and Imperial armies. With the paints and washes in these sets, new miniatures painters will have everything they need to take their first steps into customizing their troopers and vehicles. Experienced painters, meanwhile, will find paints that help bring their miniatures into the Star Wars galaxy more than ever before.

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No matter what your experience level, the Core Paint Set is the perfect place to begin painting your Rebel and Imperial units. In addition to sixteen paints in colors seen frequently throughout the Star Wars galaxy, you’ll also find two washes perfect for adding rich depths of shading to your miniatures. Rounding out this set are two fine-tipped brushes versatile enough to handle every step of painting, including base colors, detail, and highlights.

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For those looking for even more color options, the Imperial Paint Set and Rebel Paint Set help you add more thematic flair to your armies with common colors found on either side of the Galactic Civil War. Within the Imperial Paint Set, you’ll find ten additional paints—including Speeder Bike Brown and Sullust Stone—that help you depict the troopers and vehicles of the Galactic Empire. Among these paints are one wash and one gloss coat for adding shading and a finishing touch to your miniatures.

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Similarly, the Rebel Paint Set adds ten colors essential to bringing your Rebel Alliance units to life in your collection, including Fleet Trooper Blue and Rebel Camouflage. With these paints, you’re free to add your own personal touches to your miniatures, creating a look for your army that’s uniquely your own. Included with these is a Strong Tone Wash perfect for adding depths of shading to your miniatures.

Between the wide variety of paints and tools they provide, these paint sets put the power to create a unique army bursting with color in your hands!

Create Your Army

You’ve assembled your forces and outfitted them for battle. Now it’s time to add your own personal touch to your Star Wars: Legion army.

Link: Fantasy Flight Games

Star Wars Legion ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.
Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Nun, warum nicht. Gerade für Neulinge ist es sicherlich eine Erleichterung, die typischen Star Wars Farben direkt kaufen zu können. Ich hoffe nur, dass die bei FFG die Farben von einem guten Produzenten umgelabelt haben, denn bei FFG waren die FoW Farben, die ich gekaufte habe, wirklich unter aller Kanone.

    Ich finde es auch immer wieder putzig, wie jeder Hersteller die Farben auf sein Universum „umdichten“ muss. Aber klar, GW macht das seit Jahrzenten auch schon so.

      • Habe ich auch angenommen, der Strong Tone Wash hat sie verraten 😉 . Interessanter Weise ist deren Label aber nirgends zu erkennen, was sie sich bei den übrigen system- oder spielspezifischen Reihen nicht nehmen lassen.

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