von BK-Herr Kemper | 20.08.2019 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Star Wars Legion: Dewback Rider

Fantasy Flight Games widmet sich in dem neusten Artikel den feineren Details der bald erscheinenden Dewback Rider Unit Expansion für Star Wars Legion.

Star Wars Legion Dewback Rider Unit Expansion Star Wars Legion Dewback Rider Unit Expansion2 Star Wars Legion Dewback Rider Unit Expansion3 Star Wars Legion Dewback Rider Unit Expansion4 Star Wars Legion Dewback Rider Unit Expansion6 Star Wars Legion Dewback Rider Unit Expansion7 Star Wars Legion Dewback Rider Unit Expansion8 Star Wars Legion Dewback Rider Unit Expansion9

Star Wars Legion – Dewback Rider Unit Expansion – 24,95 USD

„Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise.“
—Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: A New Hope

Massive war machines such as the AT-ST and the TX-225 Occupier Combat Assault Tank do more than crush any resistance to total Imperial domination. They also project the Empire’s might across the planets they are stationed, quelling any resistance before it begins. The Empire takes a similar approach when acquiring local wildlife to support its operations throughout the galaxy.

When these operations take them to desert planets like Tatooine, mighty creatures like Dewbacks make excellent mounts for Imperial Sandtroopers, their imposing frames proving both intimidating to opposing forces and resiliant to blaster fire. Soon, you’ll be able to use these beasts to spread Imperial might across the battlefield with the Dewback Rider Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!

This expansion brings another option for the support units that back up the bulk of your Imperial armies. Within it, you’ll find an unpainted and beautifully-detailed Dewback miniature with a Sandtrooper rider who can be assembled with four different weapon options: the standard shock prod, a T-21 blaster rifle, a RT-97C blaster rifle, or a CR-24 Flame Rifle. These weapons and their associated upgrade cards each give the Dewback Rider unique new ways to attack while three additional upgrade cards invite you to modify your Dewback Rider with more training and comms systems.

Join us today as we take a closer look at the Dewback Rider Unit Expansion!

Adapted for Battle

Life on the brutally hot planet of Tatooine has made Dewbacks an extremely rugged species of reptiles able to survive at the most extreme temperatures. Fortunately for the Empire, these environmental adaptations also make them particularly useful in battle. Whether its patrolling a planet or charging headlong into a skirmish, Imperial commanders can use these hearty beasts in a number of ways.

No matter their purpose, Dewback and rider must work together to acheive maximum effectiveness in combat. For instance, while a Dewback’s claws can help them cross the difficult terrain of Tatooine with ease, it can only truly use this ability when it is spurred forward by its rider. Doing so helps these normally lumbering creatures cover a substantial amount of ground with surprising speed, allowing them to become a major part of any engagement. While these short bursts of speed may spook an untrained Dewback, the best display an uncanny  Endurance  that lets them push forward without adverse effects.

Once they do enter battle, both Dewback and rider can again come together to unleash a powerful attack. Combining the Dewback’s razor-sharp claws with the Sandtrooper’s shock prod creates a unique attack that is both deadly and sends panic running through the targeted unit. Such an attack requires engaging an enemy unit up close, of course, but luckily the Dewback’s thick and scaly hide create a natural layer of protective armor against incoming attacks.

Before a Dewback can unleash one of these powerful melee attacks, though, it first needs to engage with an enemy unit, which can be quite difficult for these lumbering lizards. With its rider carefully guiding its movements, the Dewback can reposition before or after moving, putting itself in position to march directly at an enemy unit. Better yet, the rider relentlessly drives the beast forward, allowing them to immediately perform an attack after moving.

As powerful as its melee attack may be, it is only the most basic option available to a Dewback Rider. You can just as easily outfit the Sandtrooper with three other weapons that make them effective in a variety of situations. If you’d like a highly mobile trooper who can pick off targets from a distance, a RT-97C Blaster Rifle  extends the Sandtroopers range, making the unit effective both up close and from a distance. Those who want a better chance of hitting their targets regardless of cover or armor, on the other hand, can make use of a  T-21 Blaster Rifle  for the maximum amount of fire. Alternatively, your Dewback Rider can clear swathes of the battlefield with a  CR-24 Flame Rifle,  paving the way for the rest of your troops.

Whether attacking from afar or bullying opposing units with their sizeable bulk, a Dewback Rider can support Imperial ground operations in a variety of ways, making them invaluable tools to any Imperial commander.

Show Your Might

Towering above all but the largest units, a Dewback is an initimidating symbol of the Empire’s strength. With one in your army, you can remind your enemies of this strengthe every time it takes the battlefield.

Look for the Dewback Rider Unit Expansion (SWL42) and the Imperial Shoretroopers Unit Expansion (SWL41) at your local retailer in the third of 2019.

Star Wars Legion ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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    • Es gab ihn bereits für Imperial Assault mit mind. 2 Reitervarianten (Oberkörper + Waffe). Bei Legion ist er neu.

      • …und Sachen, bei denen die Leutz bei GW auf die Barrikaden gehen, sind bei Legion ja vollkommen okay!

      • @Hard Hat Mack: Ja und? Sind ja keine SpaceMarines äh PrimarisMarines! ;P

        wegen den Taurücken: Anderer Maßstab, mehr Details, bessere Umbaumöglichkeiten etc. Da wird wohl keiner rummeckern, oder?

      • At The Drinking Sir: Doch? Man bringt die selben Minis in minimal anderem Maßstab nochmal und in genau dem gleichen blöden Material und als Monopose heraus. Du tust ja als wäre das hier 15mm. Dan wäre es geil.

        So haben sie es geschafft, dass ich meine Imperial Assault Sammlung nicht nutzen kann, und dieselben schweineteuren Sachen nochmal kaufen müßte…goooooiiiil!

      • @Hard Hat Mack: Nö, ich kann ehrlich nicht wirklich verstehen, warum immer wieder dieselbe Leier bezüglich IA und Legion Miniaturen kommen muss. Keiner zwingt dich, nicht mit deiner IA-Sammlung zu spielen…

        Man könne doch jede Zeit die eigene IA-Sammlung einsetzten! Die Legion-Regeln gibt es kostenlos zum Download, die Karten könnte man einfach ausdrucken, die schwirren als Preview im Internet rum, die Messstab- u. Würfelsets kann man normal kaufen, die Zustandsmarker aus Plastik von Drittanbietern. Wenig Geld ausgegeben, Problm gelöst?!

        Die Legionminiaturen haben eine def. bessere Guss- und Detailqualität und ich persönlich ziehe lieber diese Miniaturen den der IA-Miniaturen vor.

      • At Sir Drinkalot: jau. Und ich kann auch mit meinen alten Micrp Machines Minis zocken.

        Eigentlich geil. Nur wäre es noch geiler, wenn derselbe Herateller mit derselben Lizenz die Treuen Kunden nicht derart verprellen würde.

        Selbe alte Leier, ja klar. Nee, das ist immer noch Multipose Weichplastik. Ich habe die Box hier neben mir. GW Preise aber Gußgrate die eben dem Preis nicht entsprechen.

        Und super. Ich zocke mit meinem IA Kram gegen nen Kumpel, und die Minis passen nicht zueinander….goil! Schach mit Mensch-Ärger-Dich-Nicht-Figuren!

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