von BK-Rene | 16.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Sarissa: Neuheiten

Sarissa Precision hat ein paar neue Fahrzeuge im Angebot

Für eure Geländebedürfnisse gibt es bei Sarissa Precision jetzt wieder ein paar neue Fahrzeuge für diverse verschiedene Settings.

SP Wagon SP Wagon 2

Wagon – 40mm (€11.00)
No Wild West wargaming table or diorama would be complete without a swathe of wagons. Ideal for transporting goods or for using as cover in a skirmish, this versatile kit is an essential purchase.

SP Pumper1 SP Pumper 2

Steam Pumper Fire Engine – 28mm (€8.00)
Used all over Europe and the U.S. between 1840 to 1920 by urban fire departments, estate owners and towns, these steam pumpers were pulled by horses and used both to fight fires in wooden frontier towns in the US, and to assist in the fighting of fires in the growing cities or on estates and some drawn by Gas Trucks were even used to fight fires in London during the Blitz.

SP Diesel Shunt 1

Diesel Shunt – 28mm (€17.00)
Diesel shunters such as this are used for shunting or switching, making this kit an excellent addition to your tabletop railway.

SP Airboat1 SP Airboat2

Airboat – 28mm (€6.00)
The earliest Airboats date back to 1915 and were first used by the British Army in World War I during the Mesopotamian Campaign. They are used as means of navigating bodies of water too shallow for a standard submerged propeller engine.

Quelle: Sarissa Precision Hompage


Jungredakteur für den Brückenkopf - Spielt: Viel Warmachine (Convergence of Cyriss / Minions), fast alles andere was Privateer so vertreibt, wenn es sich ergibt auch mal Infinity (Tohaa) oder irgendwas mit meinen Skelett Horden.

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