Rubicon Models: Neue Previews
Rubicon Models präsentieren neue Preview Bilder auf Facebook.
Weekend teaser for the week – A record breaker for us… It took us less than two weeks to complete 3D drawing for this Bedford QLD truck! Now moving to the next stage… prototyping!
The original plan was to do a QLD/QLT combo; unfortunately, the technical spec for the two trucks are too different, and we had to give up that idea. We will do a QLT if there is enough demand for it. Enjoy!
After posting all the Panzer IV variants that we are going to release together with the extra „detail tracks“, people started asking us for details on the add-on.
Two versions are available – normal Panzer IV tracks, and one with cleats for winter and mud use. Here are some close-up images and comparison photo between the detail tracks and their plastic counterpart. Enjoy!
Quelle: Rubicon Models auf Facebook
Die Ketten sehen extrem gut aus. Ich hoffe die bringen auch noch welche für amerikanische Fahrzeuge heraus.