von BK-Christian | 13.01.2019 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Raging Heroes: Vestal Riders

Kavallerie der Dunkelelfen kommt von Raging Heroes.

Raging Heroes Vestal Riders TROOPS (DE F) 1

Raging Heroes Vestal Riders TROOPS (DE F) 2 Raging Heroes Vestal Riders TROOPS (DE F) 12 Raging Heroes Vestal Riders TROOPS (DE F) 4

Raging Heroes Vestal Riders TROOPS (DE F) 3 Raging Heroes Vestal Riders TROOPS (DE F) 5 Raging Heroes Vestal Riders TROOPS (DE F) 8

Raging Heroes Vestal Riders TROOPS (DE F) 9 Raging Heroes Vestal Riders TROOPS (DE F) 10 Raging Heroes Vestal Riders TROOPS (DE F) 11

Vestal Riders – TROOPS (DE – F) – 25,95 Euro 29,00 Euro 

These 3 Multiparts Vestal Riders are all different from each other and use the Ball-joint system assembly for customisation.

  • The Command Group features 3 different Horses and 3 different Vestal Riders, including
    • 1 Champion,
    • 1 Banner Bearer
    • 1 Musician

Finely crafted in resin. Scale is about 30mm Heroic scale: they will fit all popular miniature wargames. Includes 3 rectangular cavalry bases (25mm x 50mm). 

Raging Heroes Vestal Riders Command Group (DE F) 1

Raging Heroes Vestal Riders Command Group (DE F) 2 Raging Heroes Vestal Riders Command Group (DE F) 3 Raging Heroes Vestal Riders Command Group (DE F) 4

Raging Heroes Vestal Riders Command Group (DE F) 5 Raging Heroes Vestal Riders Command Group (DE F) 6

Vestal Riders – Command Group (DE – F) – €27.95 EUR €31.00 EUR

These 3 Multiparts Vestal Riders are all different from each other and use the Ball-joint system assembly for customisation.

  • The Command Group features 3 different Horses and 3 different Vestal Riders, including
    • 1 Champion,
    • 1 Banner Bearer
    • 1 Musician

Finely crafted in resin. Scale is about 30mm Heroic scale: they will fit all popular miniature wargames. Includes 3 rectangular cavalry bases (25mm x 50mm). 

Quelle: Raging Heroes


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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