von BK-Bob | 18.10.2019 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Raging Heroes: Machines of Prodigy

Raging Heroes erweitern ihre Sisters of Eternal Mercy Reihe.

RH Serenith On The Pulpit Of Invocation 1 RH Serenith On The Pulpit Of Invocation 2 RH Serenith On The Pulpit Of Invocation 3 RH Serenith On The Pulpit Of Invocation 4 RH Serenith On The Pulpit Of Invocation 5 RH Serenith On The Pulpit Of Invocation 6 RH Serenith On The Pulpit Of Invocation 7

Serenith on the Pulpit of Invocation (SoEM – SF) – 29,95€

Serenith on the Pulpit of Exaltation one of three Machines of Prodigy. This smaller mech (compared to our gigantic War Pulpit) is used as mobile artillery, but with extra powers…

It can use the skills of Psychers and Seers to send terrifying shockwaves. The pilot then walks through the battlefield in a state of trance as her mind wanders, connecting with the souls of enemies and hitting them with extreme energetic blows.

The model is 85mm tall from foot to highest point.

Finely crafted in resin. The scale is 35mm: she will fit all popular miniature wargames. Comes with a 1 x 50mm round base.

RH Yrianth On The Pulpit Of Supplication 1 RH Yrianth On The Pulpit Of Supplication 2 RH Yrianth On The Pulpit Of Supplication 3 RH Yrianth On The Pulpit Of Supplication 4 RH Yrianth On The Pulpit Of Supplication 5 RH Yrianth On The Pulpit Of Supplication 6 RH Yrianth On The Pulpit Of Supplication 7

Yrianth on the Pulpit of Supplication (SoEM – SF) – 29,95€

Yrianth on the Pulpit of Exaltation one of three Machines of Prodigy. This smaller mech (compared to our gigantic War Pulpit) is used as mobile artillery, but with extra powers…

It can use the skills of Psychers and Seers to send terrifying shockwaves. The pilot then walks through the battlefield in a state of trance as her mind wanders, connecting with the souls of enemies and hitting them with extreme energetic blows.

The model is 85mm tall from foot to highest point.

Finely crafted in resin. The scale is 35mm: she will fit all popular miniature wargames. Comes with a 1 x 50mm round base.

RH Ansaliah On The Pulpit Of Exaltation 1 RH Ansaliah On The Pulpit Of Exaltation 2 RH Ansaliah On The Pulpit Of Exaltation 3 RH Ansaliah On The Pulpit Of Exaltation 4 RH Ansaliah On The Pulpit Of Exaltation 5 RH Ansaliah On The Pulpit Of Exaltation 6 RH Ansaliah On The Pulpit Of Exaltation 7 RH Ansaliah On The Pulpit Of Exaltation 8 RH Ansaliah On The Pulpit Of Exaltation 9

Ansaliah on the Pulpit of Exaltation (SoEM – SF) – 29,95€

Ansaliah on the Pulpit of Exaltation one of three Machines of Prodigy. This smaller mech (compared to our gigantic War Pulpit) is used as mobile artillery, but with extra powers…

It can use the skills of Psychers and Seers to send terrifying shockwaves. The pilot walks through the battlefield in a state of trance as her mind wanders, connecting with the souls of enemies and hitting them with extreme energetic blows.

The model is 85mm tall from foot to highest point.

Finely crafted in resin. The scale is 35mm: she will fit all popular miniature wargames. Comes with a 1 x 50mm round base.

RH Machines Of Prodigy Pack

Machines of Prodigy Pack (SoEM – SF) – 74,95€

Box includes:

  • Ansaliah on the Pulpit of Exaltation (SoEM – SF)
  • Serenith on the Pulpit of Invocation (SoEM – SF)
  • Yrianth on the Pulpit of Supplication (SoEM – SF)

These 3 Pulpits and their driver are all finely crafted in resin and stand 85mm tall. Scale is 35mm: they will fit all popular miniature wargames. Box includes 3 x 50mm round base.

These 3 smaller mechs (compared to our gigantic War Pulpit) are used as mobile artillery, but with extra powers… They can use the skills of Psychers and Seers to send terrifying shockwaves. The pilots walk through the battlefield in a state of trance as their minds wander, connecting with the souls of enemies and hitting them with extreme energetic blows.

Quelle: Raging Heroes


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ich fand die Kickstarter ja ganz cool, habe 2 mal mitgemacht
    die minis waren qualitativ auch gut, man musste nur eine halbe ewigkeit warten.
    Aber wenn ich jetzt sehe was die Mini´s auf den Foto mit denen sie beworben werden,
    für gussfahnen etc. haben,
    fällt es mir schwer die Preise dieser Firma noch nachvollziehen zu können.

    • Ui. Da hast du Recht. Gerade bei der Heckansicht sieht man an beiden Waffenarmen ordentlich, was man alles zu säubern hat…teilweise über schwierige Texturen und sogar mit Blaseneinschlüssen. Gerade letztere sind aufwendig verschwinden zu lassen.

  • Uhi Render und Fotos direkt neben einander… sieht man selten und es ist auch offensichtlich warum. 😀

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