von BK-Herr Kemper | 17.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Pulp Alley: 2nd Edition & China Station Ep.2

Bald kommt die 2. Edition von Pulp Alley.

Pulp Alley Feb News

Pulp Alley – 2nd Edition

A few test printings of our new Pulp Alley Second Edition softcover book. Yes, we’re also trying to get a hardcover version printed. More to come…

Pulp Alley Feb News2 Pulp Alley Feb News4 Pulp Alley Feb News5 Pulp Alley Feb News6

China Station Episode 2

Can you rescue your colleague from the enemy camp before it is too late?..

China Station, Episode #2 is now ready to order and download. And if you are a subscriber then you should already have yours!

Please be sure to check out the Pulp Figures miniatures by Bob Murchhttps://pulpfigures.com/


Quelle: Pulp Alley FB


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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