von BK-Herr Kemper | 11.07.2019 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Privateer Press: Oktober Previews

Im Oktober wird der Kampf mit den Infernals ins Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit in den Iron Kingdoms rücken.


PP News Oct

Master Preceptor Orin Midwinter – Infernal Command Attachment (metal)

PIP 38015 MSRP: $15.99

Orin Midwinter is a man who has gone through several transformations in his checkered past. Some people seem destined to lead, others to serve, and Midwinter has always felt driven to assist those in power. Perhaps it was inevitable that he would become one of the most influential secret infernalists in western Immoren, playing a key role in the great invasion. He has earned a special place of power and influence among the infernalist cultists, collaborating with the infernal masters. In doing so, he has earned the unending enmity of the rest of humanity.

PP News Oct2

Zaateroth, The Weaver of Shadows – Infernal Master (metal/resin)

PIP 38016 MSRP: $29.99

Zaateroth is a fell master of tremendous intellect and will, an entity whose very appearance can overwhelm lesser minds, forcing them to their knees. She possesses an aura of alien grace and majesty that is both cold and terrifying. It is no wonder that in ancient times, those who witnessed Zaateroth thought her a dark goddess, and in occult texts, she is described as a personification of death and decay. At her least touch, corporeal forms begin to lose coherence, falling to ruin as if left to age for a thousand years. Shadows move about her like specters, and in these shadows is the essence of the Outer Abyss.

PP News Oct3

Void Archon – WARMACHINE Mercenary/Minion Archon Solo (metal/resin)

PIP 41163 MSRP: $37.99

Whatever their nature and however they are connected to the gods, either hidden or lost or forgotten, void archons exist and join the fight against infernals. Some manifest as though of their own will, neither invited nor called, while others answer summoning rites and are bound by mystical chains. Those who fight alongside the Convergence are considered gifts of the Maiden of Gears. Others join skorne armies, thought to be ancestral spirits returned from the Void. Those who join the Retribution are said to be sent by Lacyr herself, proof that their vanished creator still protects her people. Cryxian lich lords bind archons that they view as greater banes, occult weapons endorsed by Toruk himself. Perhaps all or none of these purported origins are true.

PP News Oct4

Thamarite Archon – WARMACHINE Mercenary Archon Solo (metal/resin)

PIP 41164 MSRP: $39.99

Thamar is the Dark Sister, the more cunning and independent of the divine Twins, the rebel who did not join her brother Morrow in replacing one form of religious tyranny with another. To join in mortal battles, Thamar has sent her archons, figures drawn from Thamar’s Chosen, powerful once-mortal occultists who sought dark ascension. They serve as proxies for the goddess, either in the War of Souls or manifesting on Caen to confound the infernal invasion. More than any being, Thamar knows the peril of the infernals, for it was by her negotiations that the contract was sealed where they were promised the Claiming. The appearance of her archons is proof that she would defy that agreement.


PP News Oct5

Alexia, the Undying – WARMACHINE Mercenary Solo (metal)

PIP 41165 MSRP: $15.99

Shadows obscure her every movement, but the name Alexia Ciannor is known across the war-torn Iron Kingdoms. She has garnered a reputation for pitilessness, blasphemy, and sorcerous power that seems out of proportion for her youth. There is no question she has chosen a side in the looming conflict, and she stands with humanity, much to the surprise of those who once sought to end her. She brings the undead against a greater evil, and the Witchfire’s power flows through her. Those who look into her cold eyes perceive a woman who seems no longer entirely human or mortal.


PP News Oct6

Order of Illumination Vigilants – WARMACHINE Mercenary Morrowan Unit (5) (metal/resin)

PIP 41166 MSRP: $39.99

The Church of Morrow’s Order of Illumination investigates occult threats and, when force of arms is required, dispatches specialist strike teams to eliminate them and limit harm to the general populace. Among these zealous soldiers are the vigilants, small teams of tireless hunters trained to stalk and dispatch unnatural predators, including otherworldly horrors summoned by infernalists. The prayers woven into their weapons and whispered on their lips empower their strikes with the light of Morrow.


PP News Oct7

Grand Master Gabriel Throne – WARMACHINE Mercenary Morrowan Solo (metal/resin)

PIP 41167 MSRP: $29.99

Gabriel Throne has served the Order of Illumination with honor and distinction for a quarter of a century, becoming a living symbol of both the group’s virtuous principles and its ruthless tactics when routing occult corruption. While he had withdrawn from active duty in recent years to serve as a leader and instructor for the Order, the arrival of infernals on Caen has drawn him forth to take up his sword and pistol once again. His name alone is enough to inspire other Morrowan soldiers, and so long as Throne stands with his sword upraised, the forces of the Prophet will not waver.



PP News Oct8

Monsterpocalypse – White Dajan – Empire of the Apes Monster (resin)

PIP 51066 MSRP: $28.99*

Thought to have emerged from somewhere within the harshest and most inaccessible peaks of the Himalayas, White Dajan is a ferocious giant ape that has emerged to confront Earth’s would-be despoilers. Possessing the power to summon winter’s ferocity, White Dajan is noted for his rage and unbridled violence even among the Empire of the Apes. He seems to have a particular hatred for buildings and crowded cities, seeking to level such structures whenever his anger is provoked. This makes him a perilous guardian, though he has also shown affection for humanity and a willingness to fight alongside them. Considering the foes Earth faces, a few toppled buildings are considered an acceptable price to pay to appease this formidable ally.

PP News Oct9

Monsterpocalypse – Ulgoth – Lords of Cthul Monster (resin/metal)

PIP 51067 MSRP: $32.99*

An otherworldly embodiment of toxicity and pain, Ulgoth’s very blood destroys what he does not directly assault, and the world itself shudders in his passage. Unlike some other Lords of Cthul, it is difficult to determine if Ulgoth is even intelligent, so far as humanity is concerned, as it seems almost more a force of supernatural destruction and transformation. Wherever it treads, the world is changed around it, and some scientists have theorized Ulgoth might be akin to a sinister terraforming device, one bent on changing the very nature of the Earth into an environment more amenable to creatures of Cthul. It is also responsible for hastening the proliferation of lesser horrors from their reality, spawning and summoning such beings with a frequency that defies reason.


PP News Oct10

Monsterpocalypse – Snatchers, Elite Snatcher, Hellion – Lords of Cthul Units (metal)

PIP 51068 MSRP: $24.99*


Snatchers (3)

Elite Snatchers (1)

Hellion (1)

It is difficult for even the brightest minds of humanity to understand the fiendish creatures of the Lords of Cthul. Snatchers are among the most feared of their lesser minions, bloated hovering creatures capable of seizing hapless victims and transforming them into a similar biomass of Cthulians. Against such a fate, some might consider the alternative of being torn apart by a swooping Hellion to be preferable. Hellions are batlike hunters capable of swift movement and similarly swift foe neutralization.

PP News Oct11

Monsterpocalypse – Ape Bombers, Elite Ape Bomber, Command Ape – Empire of the Apes Units (metal)

PIP 51069 MSRP: $34.99*


Ape Bombers (3)

Elite Ape Bomber (1)

Command Ape (1)

Though the most gargantuan of the great apes might be mistaken for unthinking beasts, their intelligence is demonstrated by their ground forces, who possess borrowed technology that they utilize with uncanny sophistication. Ape bombers soar through the air on jury-rigged portable jet engines, capable of dropping high-yield explosives with considerable accuracy. And command apes have been witnessed making use of radio communication devices to orchestrate attacks, despite the fact that the language they employ seems like nothing but gibberish to human ears.



Riot Quest

PP News Oct12

Orsus the Chained – Riot Quest Fighter (metal)

PIP 63008 MSRP: $19.99*

The most infamous warcaster to ravage the Iron Kingdoms, Khador’s Orsus Zoktavir lost his mind when Lola, his beloved battle axe, was destroyed in battle. Unable to lead, Orsus was stripped of his station and for his remaining days was sentenced to serve as one of the Empire’s notorious doom reavers—penitent criminals chained to the arcane weapons that drive them into a berserker rage in battle. With his nation in shambles, Orsus now offers his formidable combat skills to fortune hunters while secretly on a quest to recover his long-lost Lola.

PP News Oct13

Captain Crawtooth – Riot Quest Fighter (metal/resin)

PIP 63009 MSRP: $19.99*

Captain Crawtooth is my friend.

He could be your friend, too,

if only you would understand

that Gatormen have feelings, too.

Captain Crawtooth: He has feelings, too!

(More like hunger pangs and a taste for human flesh!)


PP News Oct14

Wolf with No Name – Riot Quest Scout (metal/resin)

PIP 63010 MSRP: $19.99*

For a fistful of crowns, The Wolf with No Name will join your crew. He’s a beast of few words, but for a few crowns more, he’ll happily take on whatever your rivals throw at him—good, bad, or ugly!


Quelle: Discount Games Inc.

Quelle: Party Foul FB


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Wieder einmal super nice Modelle. Ich wünschte PP würde den kompletten Fluff in einer Kompilation oder ähnlichem rausbringen, bin mit dem Roman Flashpoint leider aus der Story ausgestiegen und alles was game-mäßig danach kam (Grymkin und jetzt die Infernals) ist leider komplett an mitr vorbeigegangen. Eigentlich schade da ich den Hintergrund und die Stories immer mit am besten an den Iron Kingdoms fand

  • „Aaaargh, da steht´s doch! ich wusste, dass ich im 2. Spielzug noch einen Reroll machen hätte dürfen…“

    – Zaateroth, Weaver of Shadows, 2. Bild

    • 😀
      So gesehen eine geradezu allegorische Miniatur für Warmachine an sich… 😉

      Kann man sicher auch schön kombinieren als Regel-Diskussion mit ihrem Gegenpart, dem Lector Infernal Master. ^^

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