Pirates of the Dread Sea: Kickstarter
„Pirates of the Dread Sea“ ist ein Kickstarter für ein neues Piraten Tabletop & passende Minis.
Pirates of the Dread Sea – Kickstarter – Impressionen
What is Pirates of the Dread Sea?
Pirates of the Dread Sea is a set of rules for fighting skirmish level battles between pirate and privateer crews in a fantasy world populated by men, elves, dwarves, orcs, goblins, trolls and other fantasy creatures. The game is fast paced, simple, fun and full of piratey goodness. Or badness. Depending on how you feel about pirates. Although a single skirmish of PODS will provide entertainment and fun on its own, the real satisfaction will come from forming a crew who grow in talent and experience, amassing treasures, sailing the 11 seas, vanquishing foes and becoming the subject of shanties of about their adventurous endeavours for years to come.
This Kickstarter campaign allows you to pledge for the game rules, human and skeleton pirate crews, extra components or all of those things!
The Rules
Pirates of the Dread Sea is a fast playing, fun skirmish tabletop game. The rules describe how to play the game including making and customising characters and crews, playing single games, campaigns and upgrading your crews as you continue to play.
The rulebook will also include the background and history of the Dread Sea, artwork and photographs all bound in a beautiful, hardback, full colour A4 book.
Neben der Finanzierung der neuen Regeln und neuer Minis können Backer auch Add-Ons aus dem letzten Kickstarter von Chappells (z.B. Zwergenpiraten) erwerben.
Derzeit steht der Kickstarter bei 80+ Backern und hat ungefähr das halbe Ziel (8000 GBP) erreicht. Er endet am 2. August 2019 19:00 CEST.
Link: Pirates of the Dread Seas KS
Wenn ihr „Pirates of the …“ lese keimt bei mir jedesmal die Hoffnung auf, dass Pirates of the Spanisch Main wiederkommt.
Das war ein schönes Spiel, musste ich doch mal wieder hervorgraben und eine Runde spielen. Hier sehe ich den Mehrwert gegenüber Freebooters Fate noch nicht. Zumindest für Deutschland, international mag das anders sein.