von BK-Bob | 24.12.2019 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Ouroboros Miniatures: Gunslinger und Lt. Jones Re-Release

Ouroboros Miniatures werden Anfang nächsten Jahres zwei Büsten von Black Skull Miniatures veröffentlichen.

Ouroboros Gunslinger 1 Ouroboros Gunslinger 2 Ouroboros Gunslinger 3 Ouroboros Gunslinger 4 Ouroboros Gunslinger 5 Ouroboros Gunslinger 6 Ouroboros Gunslinger 7 Ouroboros Gunslinger 8 Ouroboros Lt Jones 1 Ouroboros Lt Jones 2 Ouroboros Lt Jones 3 Ouroboros Lt Jones 4 Ouroboros Lt Jones 5

Black Skull Miniatures

A while back we designed some scifi busts for a new company called Black Skull Miniatures. Lt. Jones (also known as Slugger) was the first one and a bust called Gunslinger was the 2nd piece we did for them. We hooked them up with Mr Lee’s Minis for the sales part (as they had busy private lives and couldn’t spend too much time on it themselves) and off they went.

However, since then they have let us know that even with most of the work being done for them, that they misjudged the work, time and finances it takes to build up a proper name for themselves and that they would rather get out early than to drag along and die silently. They have asked us if we would be interested in taking over the stuff we have done for them so far, so that they can make their exit and just go back to being hobbyists.

To be honest both me and Daniel Ciorba, the sculptor of the busts, really liked what we did and the offer they did is too good to pass. So we have agreed and will take the busts into our own catalogue and will re-release Lt. Jones along with Gunslinger early next year.

Here are the renders of both Lt. Jones as well as Gunslinger. We’ll post more information about them soon as well as show you the fantastic painted box art of Lt. Jones. I think you’ll agree they’ll fit in nicely indeed!

Quelle: Ouroboros Miniatures bei Facebook


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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