von BK-Christian | 24.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Ouroboros Miniatures: Dragon Masters

Ein neuer Büsten-Kickstarter von Ouroboros Miniatures geht bald zuende.

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Hello everyone,

Welcome to our ninth Kickstarter and the first of 2019! We have been working on this project for over a year and we enjoyed every step along the way. From the initial ideas bouncing around in my head to the concept sketches, the sculpting process and then seeing them come alive through printing and casting. It has been a very rewarding experience and now I can finally share them with you!

Last year might have been mostly about scifi and Cyberpunk, but this year, we will start with some fantasy love!!!

This campaign is about a trio (trio?!? yes, trio!) of elves known as the Dragon Masters. They raise and train dragons for others of their kin. So the dragons (technically one of them is a Wyvern but we’ll count it as a dragon! 😉 ) you see on the busts are not mature and fully grown dragons. But they will be! Who knows, one day we might make some proper fully grown ones…!?

Karadhran, the male Dragon Master stands almost 80mm tall and has a width of over 115mm!

Ciadrin, the female Dragon Master stands a little over 66mm with a width of 90mm!

Und darum geht es:

Concept art

The journey starts with an idea formulating in my head. I often do some rough sketches and write down some thoughts and notes to start establishing a concrete plan for the character. The second step is finding an artist that is suited for what I have mind and then let him or her do their magic.

In this case Denis Zimin took my ideas and made these two concepts which I really like!

He is currently making them into fully coloured artworks and I hope to share them soon.

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After the concepts are finished, the sculptor goes to work. He takes the concepts and starts sculpting them. Digitally in this case. The concept art was spot on and Radmir Achmentov, one of our regular sculptors, had a blast and this shows in the sculpts.

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Once the sculpting has been done and the cuts are in place, the sculpts are turned into STL files and these are sent to the printer. In our case we use Micron 3D.


Once the printer has sent the prints to our caster, the moulding and casting process begins. A magical and obscure happening that I absolutely have no clue on how to do it myself so  we rather let trained professionals do their stuff! First the print/sculpt is prepared and then a master mould is made. From this master mould some test casts are made to see if everything is working properly and if so, these casts are then used to produce casting moulds.

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Und das sind die Pledges:

We have a few types of pledges. The regular ones that will be available throughout the campaign with the busts at a discounted price from the MSRP and…   48 hour only EARLY BIRDS!!! 

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We decided to add the Draken busts of Drakogor and Dragyn to this campaign as they fit right in being dragon hybrids themselves! Drakogor wa released last year and dragyn is a brand new release!

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These are HUGE busts! Drakogor standing at 90mm from bottom to top and Dragyn an impressive 110mm from bottom to the top of his horns!!!

Die Kampagne läuft noch 5 Tage und ist bereits finanziert.

Quelle: Dragon Masters


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Gibt es eigentlich einen großen Markt für so Büsten? Mir würde da immer ein Stück fehlen und ich kenne auch niemanden der da Interesse dran hat.

    • Maler arbeiten sehr gerne mit Büsten. Geh mal auf Puttyandpaint.com
      Da siehst du Büsten ohne Ende.
      Sie können halt auch einfach mal „entspannteres“ Malen bedeuten aufgrund ihrer größeren Fläche. Ist gerade, nachdem man eine Gruppe 32mm Figuren bemalt hat, einfach wieder mal schön mehr „Platz“ zu haben.
      Mit Blendings und Licht/Schatten kannst du dich da genauso austoben…aber gerade am Anfang kann man entspannt los-skizzieren und meditativ „rumsauen“ 😀

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