von BK-Nils | 14.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Orc Warband Collectors: Kickstarter läuft

Ein Kickstarter für Freunde von Orks kommt mit Miniaturen und Büsten kommt GT Studio Creations.

What is the project about?

After the great acceptance of the product in our previous campaign, we have decided to offer you the most successful references in different scales:

Scale 70mm

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Scale 30mm

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Scale 1/10

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Pledge Level

Here you will find an explanation of each pledge so that you don’t have any doubt about what to buy at any moment. When a new product or pack that may interest you becomes available, don’t worry, just add the amount of the new contribution to the already existing contribution. Keep your eyes peeled for the campaign in order to see all the material that will be unlocked.

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Stretch Goals

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Our Product

In the images below you will be able to check the production quality of the first four 70mm miniatures.

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Some pieces of work always succeed among a large number of customers. At this scale level, it is the case of our friend Jesús Gómez, better known as JG83minis 😉 

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GT Studio Creations / Yedharo models:

– Fausto Gutiérrez López: Main sculptor and designer. Image and guarantee seal at the studio. With more than 10 years of experience sculpting miniatures. He is working for important companies like: Corvus Belli, Privateer Press, Willy Miniatures and Ares Games. Also he worked in big sculpture projects like: fallas, 1/4 collectors figures, figures for museums, jewelry, stages and parks…

– Pedro Gutiérrez García: Sculptor and team manager and coordinator at the studio. He is working for important companies like: Punkapocalyptic, Last Sword, Gravity Bay.. and others.

– Vicente Rodríguez: Business management, IT specialist, and in charge of 3D printing. 

– Hugo Pérez Gallardo: Production manager, quality control, and market research

AG Team:

-Ángel Giraldez: Main painter of the studio, along with the other members of the AG Team. His name speaks for itself as a guarantee seal. 


Now some space to thank all the collaborators who, in one way or another, have done their bit in this project. We could not name them all, but some of them are
 Javier Martínez Gómez (Sulker): Video / Sergio Marco (social networks) / Alex Tapia Iglesias (Alex Tapia Studio): Product image / Irene Beltran (translator) /  Alex Quintero (Corvus Belli) / Jesús Gómez (JG): Painting / Sergio Granizo (Beer Gamer): Painting / Iván (Windmaster) / Óscar (Last Sword) / Jorge (Willy Minitures) / Jaime (Turno4) / Luis (Miniaturas Alemany) / José Vicente y Ferran (Coniex) / Toni y Mariola (La Caixa)… THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!


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Risks and challenges

Although we work with the best professionals to make these products, different problems may come up during the production, packaging, and delivery process. We will assess and solve them the best way we can.
Delivery times will depend on the capacity of resin production. An enormous success of the project could become a risk. This could slow down the whole production process and maybe an unplanned restocking could be necessary to send all the products to each backer.
Besides, it is possible that some resin parts, although checked one by one by GT Studio Creations / Yehdaro Models staff, might suffer some deformation during the delivery process. In that case, please, do not hesitate to contact us, and we will solve it in the best possible way.
Some products may vary in their packaging. GT Studio Creations / Yedharo Models is not responsible for the slight differences suffered because of the packaging provider.
Shipping costs may differ depending on backers‘ place of residence.

Die Kampagne steht aktuell bei 30.431,00 USD und läuft noch zwei Tage.

Quelle: Orc Warband Collectors auf Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Da zeigt sich das die deutsche Community mal wieder keinerlei Sinn für Ästhetik hat.
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    • Verschiedene Geschmäcker und so?
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