von BK-Christian | 06.03.2019 | eingestellt unter: Community

Operation Good Cause 2019

Unser Freund Falk von Tabletop Fix läd zusammen mit dem Christchurch Wargaming Club zum Charity Projekt!

OGC Operation Good Cause

I have always been convinced that we, as a community of like-minded people, can contribute more to the world than just pushing toy soldiers. In the past, I have supported several other charity armies, including organizing the 2012 Black Crusade. This year, I partnered up with the local Christchurch Wargaming Club to run another fundraiser.

Over the years, my personal preference in gaming shifted more and more towards historical systems, and therefore we decided to try our luck with a World War 2 army. With the 75th anniversary of D-Day coming up this year, it was a only logical choice to go for an US force. Thanks to the generous support by our partners (listed on the left), we assembled an army that would make any general proud. And we also have several rule sets we will give away with the army!

This time all contributions will benefit the International Committee of the Red Cross, to aknowledge and support their relentless work in the war zones of our planet.

From now on until the end of the campaign we will publish articles, reviews and unit reveals on a regular base. Please check in from time to time to see what’s new!

How does it work? 

We will accept contributions in New Zealand dollars, since this is where we are based.Every $2 you contribute gives you a chance to be the lucky winner at the end of this drive. $10 contribution = 5 chances to win. $100 dollars = 50 chances… you get the idea.

In short: the more you contribute, the better your chances. More importantly, the more you contribute, the more you help to make the world a better place.

The contribution phase will end on June 6th! After that, on June 9th, we will choose and announce the winner during our public D-Day gaming  event. If possible, we will stream the draw live n the internet!

And of course we are working hard to offer additional give-aways of all kind of gaming related goodies for you! The winners of those prizes will be drawn form everybody who donated tot hat point, so get your lots in early!

We will start to accept contributions on Monday, February 4th.

Please read the disclaimer for more information.

You want to do more?

Well, the more support we get, the better our army will be and the more money we can collect!
Beside contributing there are some other easy ways to support Operation Good Cause:

Spread the word!
Just talk about us. That’s the most important part at all. The more people know about Operation Good Cause, the more success it will have. Tell all your friends, talk about it on you favorite forum or post it on your social media!

Become a sponsor!
We are still looking for donations for the army and for the weekly give-aways. No matter if you are a fellow hobbyist or a store owner, please just contact us under goodcause2019@gmail.com!

Contribute to the army! 
For the next couple of weeks we will consider offers to actively help us building the army. Everything from a single character to a whole battle group is welcome! Again,the bigger the army, the more success Operation Good Cause will have.

Again, just contact us under the email address above if you want to help us and feel free to ask any further questions.

Kurz gefasst:

Falk und seine Unterstützer erstellen eine mächtige Armee der US-Army, die am Ende des Events verlost wird. Durch Spenden können Unterstützer ihre Gewinnchancen steigern. Alle Spenden gehen an das Internationale Rote Kreuz.

Falk ist nicht zum ersten Mal Teil eines solchen Events, und Operation Good Cause wird schon jetzt von diversen Herstellern unterstützt.

Reinschauen lohnt sich!

Quelle: Operation Good Cause


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Hallo,
    Ich bin einer der Organisator des Ganzen, falls ihr Fragen habt, werde ich versuchen die hier zu beantworten!

    Und vielen, vielen Dank an das Brueckenkopf-Team fuer die Unterstuetzung!

  • Tolle Aktion! Finde ich Toll und werde ich unterstützen.
    Wie sieht denn die Armee aus? Im Sinne von, haben wir da eine riesen Bolt Action WW2 Armee oder wie darf ich es mir vorstellen?


    • Es wird eine grosse WW2 US Armee, aber nicht speziell fuer Bolt Action. Wir haben ein paar zusätzliche Regelwerke, und werden alles so generisch wie mögluch halten.

      Momentan haben wir Airborne, Army und Ranger, sowie eine gute Mischung an Fahrzeugen.

      Wenn du auf die Webseite fehst kannst du eine Liste finden. Das sind aber nur die Sachen, die wir schon angekündigt haben, da kommt noch mehr!

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