von BK-Nils | 03.08.2019 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele

Ninja Division: Neuheiten zur GenCon

Ninja Division haben im Rahmen der diesjährigen GenCon drei neue Figuren für Super Dungeon Explore veröffentlicht.

Ninja Division Gencon Releases

The Best Four Days of Gaming are here!  That’s right, Gencon is upon us and Ninja Division will be there at booth 2641.

Stop by the Ninja Division booth to pick up all your favorite Masterclass Miniatures, including a restock of Black Snow, who sold out insanely fast upon release. As well as restocks of favorites such as the Mistmourn Warg, Kingdom Death’s Twilight Knight Crossover, Gnomish Excavator, and Star Guild Rock Singer!

Of course, it’s not all Super Dungeon. Our new releases of Relic Knights resin miniatures will also be available, including the Limited Edition One Shot Pinup.

Among the Masterclass miniatures available, will be a small (and we mean tiny) quantity of Limited Edition miniatures you may have missed out on, such as Sweetheart Candy, Lrod Randy, King Starfire(yes, old broken tooth himself) and the final stock of the Relic Knights x Super Dungeon miniatures!

But that’s not all!

Gencon sees the release of our next Super Dungeon Masterclass Miniatures.

Night Hunter

Ninja Division Night Hunter GenCon 19

Crystalia is home to all manner of undead, witches, demons, and things that go bump in the night. Some of these things, such as Sanctioned Witches and Gloomborn Champions, have seen the light of the Goddess. In such cases, they must be watched carefully to make sure that they do not stray from the light. If they do, a Night Hunter will be sent to find them.

Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Night Hunter 1 Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Night Hunter 2 Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Night Hunter 3

Night Hunter – 19,99 USD

Night Hunter Masterclass Miniature!

Crystalia is home to all manner of undead, witches, demons, and things that go bump in the night. Some of these things, such as Sanctioned Witches and Gloomborn Champions, have seen the light of the Goddess. In such cases, they must be watched carefully to make sure that they do not stray from the light. If they do, a Night Hunter will be sent to find them.


  • 1x Night Hunter Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Night Hunter Hero Card
  • 1x 25mm Black Base

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Assembly may be required. Do not put in mouth. Do not put in eyes. Do not put in other people’s mouths or eyes, even if you think it’s a great idea. It really isn’t. Point away from face.

Rainbow Dragoon

Ninja Division Rainbow Dragoon GenCon 19

Rainbow Falls is one of the most beautiful and idyllic places in all of Celestia. But this beautiful scenery is also the training ground of one of Celestia’s most deadly forces: the Rainbow Dragoons. These warriors are trained in every manner of combat and weapon imaginable, and they have access to a vast armory, making them fearsome opponents for the forces of darkness.

Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Rainbow Dragoon 1 Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Rainbow Dragoon 2 Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Rainbow Dragoon 3 Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Rainbow Dragoon 4

Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Rainbow Dragoon 5

Rainbow Dragoon – 24,00 USD

Rainbow Dragoon LIMITED EDITION Masterclass Miniature!

Rainbow Falls is one of the most beautiful and idyllic places in all of Celestia. But this beautiful scenery is also the training ground of one of Celestia’s most deadly forces: the Rainbow Dragoons. These warriors are trained in every manner of combat and weapon imaginable, and they have access to a vast armory, making them fearsome opponents for the forces of darkness.

The Rainbow Dragoon is a Limited Edition Masterclass Miniature. All proceeds of sales of this miniature will go towards our Masterclass goals!


  • 1x Rainbow Dragoon Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Rainbow Dragoon Hero Card
  • 1x 25mm Black Base

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Assembly may be required. Do not put in mouth. Do not put in eyes. Do not put in other people’s mouths or eyes, even if you think it’s a great idea. It really isn’t. Point away from face.

Nu-koa Seraph

Ninja Division Nu Koa Seraph GenCon 19

Seraphs derive their arcane power from a deep, almost instinctual, understanding of the self. This understanding extends even to others, allowing the Seraph to tap into the arcane potential of those around them, often sapping the energy of their opponents to bolster their comrades.

If you can’t make it to Gencon, both the Rainbow Dragoon and Night Hunter will be available online! The Nu-koa Seraph is an early release miniature for Gencon and will be available online at a later date.


Paint and Take

Last but not least, the Ninja Division booth will also feature a paint and take and coloring area. All miniatures, paints, brushes, and crayons are provided. So make sure to stop by to get in some hobby time!


Office Closed July 29 – August 7

Because we are driving out to Gencon, the Ninja Division office will be closed from July 29th – August 7th. Our awesome customer service Ninja will still be answering emails sent to info@ninjadivision.com, but orders will not be shipping until we return. If you make an order during this period, please allow extra time for your package to arrive.

See you at Gencon, Booth 2641!

Quelle: Ninja Division


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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      • Ich verfolge die Updates mittlerweile nur noch halbherzig, aber immerhin gibts nach Jahren wieder welche, die nicht nur aus Skizzen bestehen für Minis, die sie eh nicht produzieren können.
        Zuletzt gabs auch ne Meldung, dass Archon(?) mit eingestiegen ist zwecks Produktion einer ihrer Produktlinien, aber alles in allem erwarte ich von SodaPop/Ninja Division nichts mehr – und wenn eines Tages doch noch der KS ankommt, wird es eine unverhoffte Freude…

    • Sie waren nie bankrott. Mussten aber sämtliche Angestellte entlassen um den Bankrott zu verhindern. Um wieder auf die Beine zu kommen und ihre Schulden bei den Produzenten abzuzahlen lassen sie mittlerweile regelmässig limitierte Auflagen einzelner Minis zu hohen Preisen heraus. Das scheint einigermassen zu funktionieren. Ist aber nur ein Tropfen auf den heissen Stein was die erfüllung der Kickstarter Projekte angeht. Aber immerhin resultierte daraus eine vertiefte Partnerschaft mit Archon die es auf sich nehmen werden erstmal die Minis für den Starfinder und Relic Knights kickstarter zu produzieren. Archon/Prodos haben zwar auch nicht den allerbesten Ruf, aber es ist immerhin ein kleiner Hoffnungsschimmer, dass man die Sachen irgendwann mal bekommen wird und Soda Pop die Kurve kriegen könnte.

  • Ich würde mich eher über Infos Soda Pop freuen, in denen sie entweder die Auslieferung des SDE Legends Kickstarters bekanntgeben, oder dass sie das Geld an die KS-backer zurückzahlen.
    Alles andere ist irgendwie gerade wie ein Schlag ins Gesicht.

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