von BK-Herr Kemper | 15.07.2019 | eingestellt unter: Antike

Mortal Gods: Neuheiten

Footsore veröffentlicht Neuheiten für Mortal Gods.

Fottsore Morrtal Gods News Juli

Athenian Marine Hoplites (metal) 8,00 GBP

The typical Athenian marine was equipped in full heavy hoplite panoply. Like all Athenian heavy troops in Mortal Gods, Athenian Marine Hoplites are very agile. They are also tough fighters, as indicated by the extra attacks they dish out in the game.

Fottsore Morrtal Gods News Juli2

Athenian Marine Archers (metal) 8,00 GBP

Fottsore Morrtal Gods News Juli3

Athenian Lochos Bundle Deal 80,00 GBP

You have chosen Athens as your city-state this deal gets you the core box set of Mortal Gods and the Athenian box set, as well as nine extra FREE metal Athenian shields to show the allegiance of your hoplites in the core box set.

•Model Gods Box Contents•
38 x plastic Victrix Ancient Greek miniatures, made up of the following:

  • 2 x Mercenary Hoplite frames (16 miniatures)
  • 1 x Unarmored hoplite frames (8 miniatures)
  • 1 x Peltast frame (8 miniatures)
  • 3 x Mini archer frames (6 miniatures)

The above provides two equal sized medium forces or one large force.  The box contents can be used to represent Mercenary Greeks Lochoi or other cities, with a simple painting solution.

Bases – singles and groups 
2 x movement sticks

The Mortal Gods Rulebook
10 x Mortal Gods Dice (white & black)
15 x Damage Dice (red & white)
1 x D6
2 x Quick Reference Sheet (one on the back of the rulebook)

97 x Lochos Roster Cards, including Phalanx Cards
30 x Gift Cards
30 x Omen Cards
5 x Injury Cards
20 x White activation markers
20 x Back activation markers
3 x Red Omen markers

•Athenian Box Contents•
1 x Andronikos, the Defender of Athens – Metal Athenian Lochagos
1 x Metal Athenian Hoplite
1 x Metal Light Hoplite
16 x plastic Victrix Ancient Greek miniatures, made up of the following:

1 x Athenian hoplite frame (8 miniatures)
1 x Unarmored hoplite frame (8 miniatures)
The above provides the core of any Athenian Lochos.

Rules for using an Athenian force as your Lochos
24 x Athenian Roster Cards
5 x Athenian Gift Cards
3 x Athenian Omen Cards
7 x Damage Dice (red & white)

19 x metal Athenian shields displaying the ‚Owl symbol‘.

Fottsore Morrtal Gods News Juli4

Athenian Lochos – Box Set 35,00 GBP

‘Andronikos, the Spartan Lochos closes with us through the mountain pass’
Pelanus was the most trusted of the Athenian scouts and was also one of the quickest.
‘How many are they?’ Questioned Andronikos as he looked up from the warmth of the camp’s fire at his old friend.
‘I’d say 20-30.. but they are spread out. It was hard to get an exact count’.
‘We will hit them from the high ground. We will drive them from Athens before they have the chance to form up’ Andronikos mused.
‘We could meet them head on?’ Pelanus suggested.
‘No. The men are tired. A head-on fight against the Spartans will risk too many of our lochos. Every Athenian life is precious. I will not rush into this’.
Pelanus looked confused and stopped to think upon the command. ‘I understand’ he said slowly, ‘But come the time I will follow you to Hades myself Andronikos’.
‘I know you will’ Andronikos replied as he slapped his comrade on the shoulder, ‚but today is not that day’.

This box set contains everything you need for adding Athenians to your games of Mortal Gods.  Besides city specific rules and cards you also receive the mighty hero Adronikos, the Defender of Athens and his lochos.

•Box Contents•
1 x Andronikos, the Defender of Athens – Metal Athenian Lochagos
1 x Metal Athenian Hoplite
1 x Metal Light Hoplite
16 x plastic Victrix Ancient Greek miniatures, made up of the following:

1 x Athenian hoplite frame (8 miniatures)
1 x Unarmored hoplite frame (8 miniatures)
The above provides the core of any Athenian Lochos.

Rules for using an Athenian force as your Lochos
24 x Athenian Roster Cards
5 x Athenian Gift Cards
3 x Athenian Omen Cards
7 x Damage Dice (red & white)

19 x metal Athenian shields displaying the ‚Owl symbol‘.

Fottsore Morrtal Gods News Juli5 Fottsore Morrtal Gods News Juli6

Resin Group Bases je 2,00 GBP

We made both triangle and round group bases from resin for our own games of Mortal Gods.  The results have been well received at Footsore so we thought you might want some too?
They are currently available in limited numbers being a test product, however, if you like them we may add them to our range.

Link: Footsore

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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    • Ich hab es nie gespielt, aber interessiere mich auch schon länger dafür.
      Es ist wohl ein recht generischer Skirmischer in einem halbwegs historischen Setting. In der Grundbox sind zb. nur Söldner. Die kann man dan mit einer Fraktionserweiterung zb. zu Athenern machen. Es werden auch Erweiterungen für den mystischen Bereich kommen.

      Das Spiel basiert regeltechnisch wohl auf Test of Honour. Es gibt eigene Würfel und diese coolen mini Formationen.

      Battlereporte dazu hab ich leider nur zwei gesehen und dort wurde kommentarlos eine Partie von oben gefilmt, ergo 0 infowert.

  • Weiß irgendjemand, wie es mit der deutschen Version aussieht und wie lange man sich noch gedulden muss? Das Letzte, das ich gelesen habe, war: Irgendwann 2019.

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