von BK-Christian | 02.06.2019 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Monolith: Batman Season 2 Previews

Das Batman-Brettspiel von Monolith beommt eine zweite Runde spendiert.

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Save the date: the 2nd campaign will be launched on June 4th !

Everything we had in the 1st campaign will be available… as well as other elements that we will keep on revealing here.

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Greetings Gothamites,

Today we are revealing another exciting expansion for our Batman: Gotham City ChroniclesTM Season 2 Kickstarter campaign. Make way for the Suicide Squad!

When a job absolutely needs to get done—a job that may involve unsavory methods and dubious ethics—the government deploys the Suicide Squad. This gang of former felons has no scruples about making things messy as long as the ends justify the means.

This expansion contains 10 new miniatures; 13 hero sheets, some that allow players to use season one characters such as Harley and Killer Croc; 11 tiles; equipment cards; and 3 all-new missions that can be played as a mini-campaign.

King Shark’s origin has been debated. Some say he’s the son of a sea god, and that his mother is mortal. Regardless of where he acquired his powers, one thing is clear: King Shark is deadly. His great strength and hulking physique are matched only by his ferocity. This behemoth is infamous for using his massive jaws to dismember and devour his victims. He can also breathe underwater, and his tough skin and regenerative powers allow him to withstand severe punishment. His major flaw is his weak mind. Easily outwitted by cunning opponents, King Shark is at his best when part of a team like the Suicide Squad.

BLACK MANTA (David Hyde)
David Hyde—aka Black Manta—is a special combination of pirate and terrorist. He’s known to hijack submarines and sink vessels only to plunder their wrecks. These underwater antics frequently bring him in conflict with the Protector of the Deep—Aquaman. Though Manta is most dangerous in the water, his pressure-resistant armor grants him a tough exterior and super-strength, and his iconic helmet emits powerful lasers. Perhaps it was Manta’s special skillset that made him an attractive prospect for the Suicide Squad. He is also known to serve as a member of the Legion of Doom.

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Slade Wilson is the product of the army’s attempts to create a super-soldier. Dangerous experiments granted him the ability to access dormant areas of the human brain which enhanced his reflexes and speed. But the procedure also twisted his mind and amplified his violent urges. Instead of the perfect soldier, Wilson became an adept assassin, well-versed in the use of myriad weapons. His volatile temperament eventually cost him his family, and with nothing left he offered his services to the highest bidder and—sometimes—to the Suicide Squad.

El Diablo
After his gang betrayed him and he fell into a coma, Chato Santana passed over to a spirit realm where he attained strange and terrifying powers. Santana took on the name El Diablo and used his newfound strength to exact revenge on those who wronged him, but, in doing so, he accidently burned down a building and took the lives of innocent men, women, and children. Pyrokinesis is an unpredictable and dangerous power—a power Santana now saw as a curse. But Amanda Waller didn’t see a curse; she saw an opportunity and recruited Santana to join the Suicide Squad where he may just find new purpose.

Strangely, the Joker has many fans, but none with the fervor of the Joker’s Daughter. Unlike Harley Quinn, this clown-faced criminal is not motivated by love, but rather a desire to become the spiritual successor to the Clown Prince of Crime. Her claim that she’s the Joker’s daughter has been proven false, but that doesn’t stop her from wearing his severed face as a mask, or emulating his use of weird gadgets. Of course, as her namesake implies, she considers Batman an enemy, but she is also fascinated with his ally Dick Grayson. When she’s not embroiled in her own deranged plots, she serves as a member of the Suicide Squad.

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Bronze Tiger
After stopping a burglar who assaulted his parents, Ben Turner learned just how good killing can feel. Terrified by the implications, he turned to martial arts to control his violent urges. This caught the attention of the League of Assassins, who brainwashed him and hid his identity beneath a tiger mask. From that point onward, the man known as Bronze Tiger could never be sure whether he acted by his own agency or by the whims of his controllers. When Amanda Waller offered Turner a spot in the Suicide Squad, he seized the opportunity as a means to redeem himself.

Captain Boomerang
None would call Digger Harkness a criminal mastermind, but he’s a man who can play to his strengths. He grew in Korumburra, Australia, an impoverished young thief with a freakish talent for boomerangs. Harkness eventually carved out a profitable career as a bank robber, but after realizing nobody can outrun the Flash, he found himself locked away in Belle Reve. There he met Amanda Waller, who saw his potential and recruited him for the Suicide Squad. Though few people take Harkness seriously, his peerless mastery of the boomerang makes him a formidable foe.

Deadshot (Floyd Lawton) introduced himself as a masked hero ready to bring law and order to Gotham City. He even seemed to replace Batman for a time! But something bothered the Dark Knight. He quickly realized that Deadshot was a gangster merely posing as a hero. It wasn’t long before Lawton was incarcerated and served hard time. When he was finally freed, he had one goal: take revenge on Batman. He upgraded his armor and attached a pair machine guns to his forearms. Whether it’s working for the Suicide Squad or fulfilling his own independent contracts, nothing stops Deadshot from finishing a job.

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Amanda Waller
Amanda Waller was an NSA agent known for her ruthless methods. Perhaps this is why she was recruited for Project Majestic, an initiative designed to keep metahumans in check. Waller served diligently, but on her final mission she discovered a startling truth—the project’s true purpose was to create a government-controlled Superman. Feeling deceived, she eventually took matters into her own hands and seized control of the metahuman prison, Belle Reve. From there she reactivated Task Force X, aka the Suicide Squad, a gang of amoral misfit metahumans willing to get their hands dirty.

Rick Flag
Like his father before him, Rick Flag is an elite soldier. War is in his blood. But when Amanda Waller recruits him as field commander of the Suicide Squad—a team composed of volatile metahumans—will Flag’s combat experience be enough to prepare him for the mission ahead? Navigating the various personalities of the team and maintaining his honor among dishonorable men may prove difficult.

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Batman (James Gordon)
After Batman’s mysterious disappearance, former police commissioner James Gordon stepped in to replace him. Though highly skilled in his own right, Gordon did not quite possess the same strength or talents of the Dark Knight. To truly embody this role, he required something capable of withstanding the power and fury of Gotham City’s fiercest criminals. It was only by stepping into a high-powered, bullet-resistant super-suit called “Rookie” that Gordon was able to level the playing field.

In order to take on the role of Batman, James Gordon required something special. By utilizing a high-powered exo-suit, the former police commissioner was able to battle crime via remote control, or—if the occasion called for it—by wearing it and fighting hand-to-hand. Gordon viewed the suit as a police partner of sorts, so he dubbed it ‘Rookie’. Later, Batwing upgraded Rookie into an artificial intelligence. Though it may not have possessed the sharpest mind, Rookie compensated with useful gadgets and exceptional hacking capabilities.

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Batman Rebirth
In the Rebirth series, Batman is a hero for the modern era. Though faithful to his origins, this version of Bruce Wayne is far more receptive to the help of others. As a member of the Justice League, he oversees the training of young heroes such as Signal, Gotham Girl and his own son, Damian. And in this mythos Batman is actually engaged to Catwoman! But all isn’t pleasant for the Dark Knight. His enemy, Bane, knows it is better to turn Batman’s allies into enemies and to break his mind before his body. To face this threat, Batman must employ unconventional methods by forming his own Suicide Squad.

Batman Beyond (Terry McGinnis)
Twenty years after Batman’s retirement, a young Terry McGinnis discovers the true identity of the masked vigilante. After learning of his father’s murder, Terry turns to Bruce Wayne for help. The aged former crime fighter refuses, but Terry persists and makes an exceptionally bold move. Needing the proper equipment to avenge his father, he breaks into the Batcave and steals the batsuit. Though inexperienced, Terry proves himself to be a capable fighter. Eventually, Terry is permitted to continue his mission, but only under Bruce’s supervision and guidance. After 20 years without a protector, Gotham needs Batman more than ever.

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Batman™: Gotham City Chronicles fulfillment is almost complete and the game is gracing tabletops all around the world. Now is the time to break out your paints and brushes and go to work on the heroes and villains from this superb range of miniatures.

If painting is a new and intimidating prospect for you, fear not, we’ve got you covered. Today we are offering a fan-made painting tutorial for Harley Quinn.


Der Kickstarter bekommt natürlich nochmal einen eigenen Artikel von uns, sobald wer online ist.

Quelle: Monolith bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ready for Materialschlacht 2.0
    Lustigerweise ist das erste Batman in letzter Zeit auffallend oft bei Spieleflohmärkten auf fb aufgetaucht. Oft in der Konstellation „Grundspiel1x gespielt und der Rest des All in pledge OVP“.
    Ich will keinem so ein KS madig machen. Aber ich hoffe, das sich die Leute an dem KS beteiligen, weil sie ein cooles Franchise in der Spielesammlung haben wollen. Diese Panikmache, das es nur in diesem KS das Spiel komplett gibt, ist eine reine (gut aufgezogene) PR-Masche.

    • Ich habe das Spiel bereits mehrfach gespielt und ich mag es. Alle Spiele waren bisher spannend und echt fordernd für die Helden. Bin froh das ich es besitze und freue mich auf noch mehr Puppen und Szenarien

      Aus meiner Sicht sagt es sehr wenig über die Qualität eines Spieles aus, wie oft es auf ebay, FB Tauschbörsen etc. angeboten wird. Inzwischen gibt es genug Leute die mit KS spekulieren, bzw. Zwischenzeitl. Das Interesse verlieren o.ä

      Daher: gutes Spiel, geiles Setting – ich mags total!

    • Da schließe ich mich dem kranken Hasen an: Ich habs auch, und finde es großartig. Die Spielmechanik ist aus Conan übernommen (also ziemlich gut) und leicht verbessert. Die Minis sind mit Knight Models kompatibel und passen auch zum Hellboy KS, können also sehr gut für „echte“ Tabletops genutzt werden.

      Dass bei einem Spiel wie Batman viele auf die KS-Exklusivität spekuliert haben, versteht sich von selbst. Comic Fans sind noch viel verrückter als die normalen Tabletoper.

      Das erhöhte Aufkommen in Spieleflohmärkten steht wohl eher mit der Ankündigung von Monolith in Verbindung, dass der neue KS auch die Option enthalten wird, die Sachen aus dem letzen KS zu erwerben.

      • Oh Gott, ich bin Comicfan und(!) Tabletopper und somit der König der Verrückten. Naja, das befreit auch irgendwie 😉


  • Will ich haben und zwar jetzt und sofort!!!! Wenn ich das nicht bekomme schmeiße ich mich schreiend und kreischend auf dem Boden.

    Jetzt einfach noch eine ernst gemeinte Meinung zu dem Spiel. Sehr schöne und gut modellierte und gegossene Miniaturen. Sehr schöne Regeln. Alle Spiele die wir bisher gemacht haben, waren immer bis zur letzten Runde spannend. Ich mag dieses Regelgerüst.

  • Für Freunde der Vorlage kann ich das Spiel nur empfehlen. Wir hatten viel Spaß und sie Besonderheiten eines Batman Comics werden gut eingefangen.

    Ansonsten kann ich meinem Vorredner nur zustimmen. Ich habe mir das Spiel für quasi 0 Aufpreis gekauft. Wenn man damit handeln will hat sich Season 1 nicht gelohnt.

    An sich eine begrüßenswerte Entwicklung, dass man später immer noch zu akzeptablem Preis an das Spiel kommt wen es einem gefällt.

  • Leider sind die Spieleflohmärkte an mir vorbeigegangen.. 🙁 Ich habe das ganze nur zu echten Mondpreisen im Internet gesehen. Da ich Batman Nerd bin, fehlt halt noch ein Spiel in der Sammlung…

    • Wie ALLE Kickstarter von Monolith vorbildlich. Sehr transparent, regelmäßige Updates, pünktliche (!) Auslieferung.

      • War bei dem KS, obwohl riesen Bats fan, nicht dabei, allerdings sind Monolith bislang in ihrer KS Abwicklung tatsächlich sehr zuverlässig. Eine der Referenzen wie man das richtig macht, wenn man mich fragt. Selbst das „komplett KS exclusiv“ haben sie sehr direkt angesprochen und transparent gemacht, daher kann man ihnen dafür keine (realistischen) Vorwürfe machen.

  • Kommt aus meiner Sicht leider zu früh, aber das ist angeblich irgendwelchen Lizenzgeschichten geschuldet.
    Bisher habe ich nicht einmal einen Platz im Regal für Season 1 gefunden, was mich aber nicht davon abhalten wird, auch das neue Zeug zu ordern. Ist zwar eine Menge Geld, die man da loswird – wie man liest wieder um die 300 Dollar – aber man kriegt auch eine Menge dafür.

  • Ich muss sagen, dass mir das Spiel gut gefällt ich aber die Minis von Knight Models vorziehe. Die sind für mich als Maler einfach interessanter. Vom Spiel her finde ich aber, dass das Brettspiel das Batman Feeling besser rüber bringt als der Skirmisher von Knight Models. Eine Handvoll Helden die sich einer Übermacht von Gängstern und einem Oberbösewicht stellt, passt einfach besser. Obwohl ich auch den Skirmisher ganz gerne mag. Wie gesagt sind die Minis kompatibel, aber alles zweimal kaufen? Für den Brettspiel KS hätte ich mir etwas weniger Minis und dafür mehr Spielinhalte gewünscht. Vor allem auch ein paar Szenarien für 5 Spieler.

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