Mirrors of Tullarn: Previews
Die Knights of Dice stellen ein neues Miniaturenprojekt vor.
Mirrors of Tullarn is a new range of 28mm fantasy-esque miniatures coming to Kickstarter soon. We have 4 unique factions that would suit loads of various games on the market at the moment.
The Lahari are a sea-faring and costal dwelling nation. They are excellent traders and as such enjoy a lavish lifestyle full of opulance and fineary.
We’re looking forward to being able to get this figures onto the market and seeing how people use them in their games
Scott said not to upload this picture, get ‚proper‘ shots first he said … ‚best foot forward‘ sort of stuff! But our miniatures are back from the painters and I’m super excited!!!
So, with this terrible ‚phone photo‘ done its time to break out the big camera and start snapping pictures for the Kickstarter.
For the first time since I started this malarky, I actually need your help! I got carried away having sculpts made and forgot about production costs. 🙂
We’ve been hinting at these figures for a while now, and with these in our hands we can finally put the finishing touches on our KS campaign which we hope to launch shortly.
Prepare for a bombardment of images as we prepare the final few things!
Quelle: Knights of Dice bei Facebook
Vom Design her schon schick, aber die Gesichter passen (freundlich ausgedrückt)eher nur zu Oldhammer Sachen. Für mich ist das nicht unbedingt was schlechtes, aber für nen KS etwas mau. Mal schauen. Backen werde ich nicht, aber vllt. später mal regulär besorgen.